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<ITEXT FONT="Princess Sofia Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Remember : "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Bad Script Regular" FONTSIZE="12" CH="When we discuss these concepts, we apply them to the original text. The integrity of modern translations is an entirely different subject! "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Aquillia Bold" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Black" CH="The circular reasoning fallacy can't be applied to the Word of God. God is the ultimate authority and truth, so all other authorities derive their credibility from Him. Sooo...any attempt to prove the Bible through external sources will inevitably fall into circular reasoning."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Aquillia Bold" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Black" CH="This explanation will disappoint those with serious doubts about God, but human reasoning won't lead anyone to salvation anyway. "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Aquillia Bold" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Black" CH=" reveals Jesus as the Door. You go through Him, not through any other way. Apologetics, science, history, archaeology, and even the church is no substitute for a transformative encounter with our Savior."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Aquillia Bold" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Black" CH="Never lose sight of the spiritual power of God's word as you study the historical and culture context in which Scripture was revealed to God's people!"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Poiret One Regular" FONTSIZE="10" FCOLOR="White" CH="You believe the gospel; you believe that men are perishing for lack of it; therefore, I pray you, do not stop to consider, do not wait to deliberate any longer. The best way to spread the gospel is to spread the gospel. I believe "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Poiret One Regular" FONTSIZE="14" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH="the best way of defending the gospel is to spread the gospel"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Poiret One Regular" FONTSIZE="10" FCOLOR="White" CH=". I was addressing a number of students, the other day, upon the apologies for the gospel which are so numerous just now. A great many learned men are defending the gospel; no doubt it is a very proper and right thing to do, yet I always notice that, when there are most books of that kind, it is because the gospel itself is not being preached. Suppose a number of persons were to take it into their heads that they had to defend a lion, a full-grown king of beasts! There he is in the cage, and here come all the soldiers of the army to fight for him. Well, I should suggest to them, if they would not object, and feel that it was humbling to them, that they should kindly stand back, and open the door, and let the lion out! I believe that would be the best way of defending him, for he would take care of himself; and the best “apology” for the gospel is to let the gospel out. Never mind about defending Deuteronomy or the whole of the Pentateuch; preach Jesus Christ and him crucified. "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Poiret One Regular" FONTSIZE="10" FCOLOR="White" CH=", and see who will dare to approach him. The Lion of the tribe of Judah will soon drive away all his adversaries. "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Poiret One Regular" FONTSIZE="10" FCOLOR="White" CH="This was how Christ’ s first disciples worked, they preached Jesus Christ wherever they went; "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Splatch Regular" FONTSIZE="6" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH="In the Law and the Prophets, "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="12" CH="The Hebrew Bible (the Tanakh) was written by a succession of prophets. After the prophetic gift was withdrawn for a while, the books were collected and organized into libraries."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="12" CH="The "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Cyan" BGCOLOR="None" CH="Jewish synod of Jamnia (Yavne)"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="12" BGCOLOR="None" CH=" is often credited for officially canonizing the "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="12" BGCOLOR="None" CH=", but the details are not well-documented. It is believed to have taken place around 90 A.D., if at all, which is twenty years after the collapse of the Jewish system. All that remains are references to Yavnehite rabbinical discussions in the "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Cyan" BGCOLOR="None" CH="Mishnah"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="12" BGCOLOR="None" CH=" and "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="12" BGCOLOR="None" CH=". For example, Mishnah Yadayim 3:5 includes discussion on whether Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes are in"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="12" CH="deed holy scriptures."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="12" CH="However, the Tanakh does not need a single formal event to be valid. Rabbinical discussions on the inspiration of certain books and the Dead Sea Scrolls' diversity of religious writings, demonstrate the process of communal consensus over time."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Quick Love Regular" FONTSIZE="11" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH="?"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Daniel Black Regular" FONTSIZE="13" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH="The Bible may be the Word of God, but how do we know our 0ld Testament contains the correct scriptures? How did the Church approve the books of the New Testament? What is the Apocrypha? "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Daniel Black Regular" FONTSIZE="10" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH="?Are you uncomfortable with the human involvement in determining our canon? Jesus and the New Testament writers weren't! They fully trusted the Tanakh and extensively quoted it with authority."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Scripture itself as well as apocryphal books record statements about how the Tanakh was written, compiled, and revered over time. "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH=" refers to the "Book of the Covenant," "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH=" describes the loss and rediscovery of the Book of the Law by Hilkiah, and"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH=" Nehemiah 8-14 "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="describes when Ezra read the Book of the Law. In all cases, the books are regarded as holy scriptures, even if incomplete and not yet formally canonized. "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH=" 2 Kings 14:6; 17:37"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" FCOLOR="Black" CH=";"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" FCOLOR="Black" CH=";"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH=" "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH=" 2 Chronicles 17:9, 23:18, 30:5, 18, 31:3, "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH=" 35:26"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH=" begins a new section of sayings, showing that the book was developed over time. This section was copied by Hezekiah's scribes. "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH="Proverbs 1:1, 10:1, 30:1, "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH=" references Nehemiah and Judas Maccabeus's efforts to gather the scriptures into one place. Nehemiah founded a library, while Maccabeus recovered lost scriptures during Antiochus IV's persecution of the Jews and the Maccabean Revolt. In "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" FCOLOR="OrangePop" CH="2 Maccabees 2:1-3"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH=", the prophet Jeremiah is described as playing a role in ensuring the Babylonian exiles preserved the law."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH="The New Testament was written within half a century, within about 60 years after Jesus' crucifixion."/>
<ITEXT CH=" Mark was first at c. A.D. 60, and John was last at c. A.D. 90."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH="During the early church period, the litmus test for canonicity was approval by the apos"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" BGCOLOR="None" CH="tles, the authentic spokesmen of God. Churchs received the books, and an apostle certified them as inspired. Some areas were slow to accept the some books (the "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Daniel Black Regular" FONTSIZE="13" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH="?Why do we call them Testaments? "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Daniel Black Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH="While translating the Septuagint into the Vulgate, Jerome rendered Greek diatheke ("/>
<ITEXT FONT="URW Gothic Book" FONTSIZE="11" CH="διαθήκη"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Daniel Black Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH="), "covenant," as Latin"/>
<ITEXT FONT="RIGHT Regular" FONTSIZE="12" CH=" "/>
<ITEXT FONT="URW Gothic Book" FONTSIZE="9" CH="testamentum"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Daniel Black Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH=". By the late 2nd century, Christians were using the terms 0ld and New Testaments, with Tertullian being one of the first to adopt this term. When we say "Testament," we're actually referring to the covenants of God!"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Daniel Black Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH=" "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Daniel Black Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH="• Hebrews: "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Black" CH="Anonymous, not traceable to an apostle"/>
<para ALIGN="3" LINESPMode="1"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Daniel Black Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH="• James: "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Black" CH="Touchy doctrine about faith and works"/>
<para ALIGN="3" LINESPMode="1"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Daniel Black Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH="• 2 Peter: "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Black" CH="Stylistic differences from 1 Peter"/>
<para ALIGN="3" LINESPMode="1"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Daniel Black Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH="• 2 and 3 John: "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Black" CH="Short, uses "elder" instead of "apostle" like other books, uncertainty as to which John authored the letters"/>
<para ALIGN="3" LINESPMode="1"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Daniel Black Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH="• Jude: "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Black" CH="Explicit references to apocryphal books"/>
<para ALIGN="3" LINESPMode="1"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Daniel Black Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH="• Revelation: "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Satisfy Regular" FONTSIZE="13" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH="?"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Daniel Black Regular" FONTSIZE="13" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH=" How did the Church know the books were not written by imposters?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Daniel Black Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Black" CH="These were books that were "spoken against" in the early church: Hebrews, James, 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, Jude, and Revelation. Why? Well... "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Permanent Marker Regular" FONTSIZE="13" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH="?"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Daniel Black Regular" FONTSIZE="13" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH=" What role did the early councils play in the origin of the Bible and early Christianity?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Chewy Regular" FONTSIZE="11" CH="Outcome: Affirmed that Christ is "of the same substance" (homoousios) as the Father, leading to the formulation of the Nicene Creed."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Hashed Browns Regular" FONTSIZE="11" CH="First Council of Constantinople (A.D. 381)"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Hashed Browns Regular" FONTSIZE="11" CH="Key Issue: Addressed the Arian controversy further and the divinity of the Holy Spirit."/>
<para LINESPMode="1"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Hashed Browns Regular" FONTSIZE="11" CH="Outcome: Expanded the Nicene Creed to include the Holy Spirit, affirming the doctrine of the Trinity."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Fresh Fruit Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Council of Ephesus (A.D. "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Fresh Fruit Regular" FONTSIZE="11" CH="431"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Fresh Fruit Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH=")"/>
<para LINESPMode="1"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Fresh Fruit Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Key Issue: Addressed the Nestorian controversy, which separated Christ's divine and human natures."/>
<para LINESPMode="1"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Fresh Fruit Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Outcome: Affirmed that Mary is Theotokos ("God-bearer" or "Mother of God"), reinforcing the unity of Christ's divine and human natures."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Hobo Std Medium" FONTSIZE="11" CH=" Council of Chalcedon (A.D. 451)"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Hobo Std Medium" FONTSIZE="11" CH="Key Issue: Addressed the Monophysite controversy, which held that Christ had only one nature."/>
<para LINESPMode="1"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Hobo Std Medium" FONTSIZE="11" CH="Outcome: Defined the doctrine of the two natures of Christ (divine and human) in one person, known as the Chalcedonian Definition."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="12" CH="Second Council of Constantinople (A.D. 553)"/>
<para LINESPMode="1"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="12" CH="Key Issue: Addressed the "Three Chapters" controversy, which involved writings considered sympathetic to Nestorianism."/>
<para LINESPMode="1"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="12" CH="Outcome: Condemned the Three Chapters and reaffirmed the Chalcedonian Definition, further clarifying Christological issues."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Felt Regular" FONTSIZE="13" CH="Third Council of Constantinople (A.D. 680-681)"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Felt Regular" FONTSIZE="13" CH="Key Issue: Addressed the Monothelite controversy, which proposed that Christ had only one will (divine)."/>
<para LINESPMode="1"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Star Cartoon Regular" FONTSIZE="11" CH="Second Council of Nicaea (A.D. 787)"/>
<para LINESPMode="1"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Star Cartoon Regular" FONTSIZE="11" CH="Key Issue: Addressed the iconoclast controversy, which opposed the veneration of icons."/>
<para LINESPMode="1"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH="Bishop of Smyrna, a disciple of John the Apostle, and friend of St. Ignatius. His surviving writing is a"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Cyan" CH=" letter to the church of Philippians"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH=". "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Cyan" CH="Martyrdom of Polycarp"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH="An apologist who defended Christianity against pagan criticisms in "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Cyan" CH="First Apology"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH=" and "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Cyan" CH="Second Apology"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH=". The Martyrdom of Justin describes his Christian testimony and denunciation of Roman idols before Rusticus the prefect before being beheaded."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH="Bishop of Lyons; his major work, "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Cyan" CH="Against Heresies"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH=" combats "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Cyan" CH="Gnosticism"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH=" and provides a significant early defense of orthodox Christian beliefs. "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH="An apologist who coined terms like "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Cyan" CH="Trinity"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH=" and Testament. He wrote against heresies in the Church in "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Cyan" CH="Apology"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH=" and "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Cyan" CH="Against Marcion"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH="Theologian and biblical scholar known for his work on the "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Cyan" CH="Hexapla"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH=", "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Cyan" CH="On First Principles"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH=", and his extensive biblical commentaries. He made significant contributions to early Christian exegesis and theology. Eusebius has it that he castrated himself after reading "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Red" CH="Matthew 19:12"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH="."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH="Prominent defender of the Nicene Creed and opponent of Arianism. His works, including On the Incarnation, are crucial for understanding early Christian Christology and the development of the New Testament canon."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH="Bishop of Caesarea and one of the "/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" FCOLOR="Magenta" CH="Cappadocian Fathers"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH=". His writings on monasticism, liturgy, and theology, including On the Holy Spirit, are influential in Eastern Christian thought."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Delius Regular" FONTSIZE="9" CH="Brother of Basil the Great and a Cappadocian Father. His theological works, such as On the Trinity and Against Eunomius, contribute to the development of Christian doctrine, particularly concerning the Trinity."/>
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