@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil Constantia;}}
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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa150\sl0\slmult0\cf1\f0\fs24 # Notes\par
* These could be mission areas like in Guild Wars, so exploration is limited. If player wants to go wrong way, he can just scrape the back door or go forward. \par
* Areas have party limit? Only so many available at a time?\par
* Delphine is quiet due to being slightly uncomfortable with English.\par
* Darkness is actually dark so lights and nightvision are needed\par
## The Mall is Haunted\par
It's very late. Cassia was just getting ready to go to bed. There's a knock at the door. The player answers. Blythe stands confidently in the entrance.\par
Cassia: "Uh, hey, Blythe. What are you up to...?"\par
Blythe: It's Halloween Eve! I already explained this. We have a sleepover at the mall and see who gets scared and leaves first. It's just so awesome you came when you did so you can go with us. Hurry up and change. I can't wait to see the look on your face.\par
Cassia: You were serious? It's so late...\par
Blythe: That's the point. It's not scary if it's not late. Oh come on. You chickening out? \par
Ren walks up. \par
Cassia: Ren, you, too?\par
Ren: I guess I have to.\par
>I'm not going\par
Blythe: Don't be a killjoy. Your teen years are your time to rebel. Once you're older, you won't feel like it anymore.\par
Ren: I think you should once, Cassia.\par
>Why should I?\par
Ren: I think you should go. The mall is haunted and most people don't even know. You should see it for yourself at least once.\par
Blythe: Don't make me drag you over there.\par
>Isn't it trespassing?\par
Blythe: Are you actually scared to break the law here? You realize my dad is the sheriff and the force is just glorified mall cops, right? If you get caught once or twice, they'll just tell your parents to ground you. There's no one on duty today anyways because Mr. Policeman is having family drama or whatever at home. That's what you're afraid of.\par
>There's no way it's haunted\par
Ren: It seriously is.\par
>Who else is going?\par
Us, Delphine, and Angel.\par
>Okay, I am going\par
Ren: (Slightly concerned)\par
Blythe: Alright! You're awesome, you know that? You're going to be so scared you'll run right back here anyways.\par
Blythe leads Ren and Cassia to the mall's back entrance.\par
Blythe: "Don't worry about it, I switched the security footage. I know my dad's password." She unlocks the door. "I also copied his key. Wait. Cassia, you don't know unlock magic, do you? That could have been cool. Oh well, let's go in. And be quiet."\par
Cassia and Ren go inside after Blythe. \par
"Hey, guys," Angel whispers in the darkness.\par
"Hey," Blythe replies. "I brought Cassia and Ren. You ready?"\par
Delphine flips a flashlight on and hands some out to everyone.\par
"Thanks," Ren says.\par
Angel: It's Cassia's first time, so she's the leader. Go ahead and explore. We'll follow you.\par
Ren: Be careful, though. Go slow.\par
Everybody joins the player's party. They follow behind and have AI behavior when party attacked. They are on guard.\par
The room is dark, but the flashlights illuminate the area around them. They can also use light magic. They entered through a back security office with a desk, lots of notes, some monitors, and a chair. It's crowded.\par
The door leads out into the back hallway, which connects to the shipping & packaging bay, another office, a supply closet, a nice bathroom. The way to the mall is marked and obvious. The closer you get to the mall, the clearer you can hear monsters. When the player uses the door to exit into the mall, the party stops her to chat.\par
Ren: You hear that, don't you? You ready to see what we were talking about?\par
Delphine: Those are monsters unlike the forest creatures. \par
>Is it safe?\par
Angel: No...probably not. No one has ever gotten hurt, though. Sometimes we do have to fight, though. Are you ready?\par
>Let's go\par
>I changed my mind!\par
Blythe bursts throught the door. "Then I'll be leader next!"\par
The mall is as it usually is, but dark. Monsters are heard. Everyone crowds around the door, peering out. The player can walk out when ready.\par
Delphine: Guys, something isn't right.\par
Ren: They're huge...\par
Cassia and the party have to fight their way out. This gives the player experience managing a party for the first time. Delphine flashes a light by chance onto the pit. They escape outside.\par
Blythe: I had no idea it would be like that! I am so sorry!\par
Delphine: Those were not the monsters from before. These are worse.\par
Angel: Is everyone alright?\par
Ren: Yeah, I think so. Um, usually, the mall is full of these tiny slimes. I mean, they attack you, but it's mostly just gross. Honestly, they're really cute, like puppy kisses. Those were serious monsters, though. If they get out, then the town would be at risk.\par
Delphine: I was seeing a hole where they were coming from. It was never there before.\par
Ren: A hole? Like a door or a pit or what?\par
Delphine: Like a chasm. or pit.\par
Blythe: What are you talking about? There's nothing like that in the mall. Could the floor really collapse like that and have no one notice.\par
Angel: I'm glad Mr. Policeman isn't here today...He would have gotten hurt, huh?\par
Ren: Yeah...\par
Angel: What do we do about it?\par
Blythe: Yeah, my dad wouldn't be a lot of help...Honestly, your dad would be better for this, Angel. And honestly, I can't admit to knowing about this stuff. Can you imagine how freaked out and concerned my dad would be? All of your parents, honestly.\par
Angel: It would help the police prepare a response, though.\par
Blythe: Are you serious? Your mom would be the most freaked out in town. And I'm not going to choose a scapegoat out of you guys. If Night was here, I'd be down on pinning it on him and his weird experiments. But he doesn't even know about this stuff and would never cooperate anyways. "His reputation! The childishness of it. You're not going to convince me of foolishness."\par
Ren: Your impression is actually pretty good. Sorry, um, Night's a good guy. I think he'd provide clandestine assistance if he was convinced of the necessity of it. And this is pretty severe.\par
Angel: Are we really going to deal with this ourselves just because we're afraid of adults?\par
>Obviously we must take matters into our own hands.\par
Angel: Okay. Well, I'll protect you no matter what. \par
Blythe: Of course! You're our guardian angel, of course.\par
Ren: Sasuga, Guardian Angel-chan.\par
Delphine: We can't take matters yet. We must prepare.\par
Blythe: You're right, but, like, how? We all buy weapons, we all buy gear? That's going to look so suspicious.\par
Delphine: We can order online.\par
Angel: Yeah, I mean, we're going into the next year of school and have been using the same gear since middle school. Yours in particular is really, Ren. If we go shopping as friends, I don't think anyone would put too much though into it.\par
Blythe: Maybe you're right. Well, let's arrange a time to shop together.\par
Angel: I guess I'll start a group text the day after tomorrow. For now, let's get back home without anyone noticing. \par
## Halloween\par
## The Day After Halloween\par
In the morning, Cassia receives a group text. \par
Angel: <<Happy Halloween, everyone! I'm tired of my old gear and want the real thing now. I told my mom, and she thinks I'm ready for real stuff, too. Does anyone want to go shopping with me?>>\par
Blythe: <<yes!!>>\par
Delphine: <<i'll go, too.>>\par
Ren: <<Yeah, I talked to my dad about getting new gear, too, and he said he's proud I'm taking initiative and becoming a young man.>>\par
Angel: <<oh gosh...>>\par
Blythe: <<lol>>\par
Ren: <<Yeah...He gave me more than enough, so I'll help cover you guys, too.>>\par
Delphine: <<Cassia? You're coming, too?>>\par
>Of course!\par
Angel: Then meet us at the mall!\par
Angel, Blythe, Delphine, Ren, and Cassia meet at the mall. \par
Ren: First let's pool our money. Cassia, you're still the leader, right? You pick everything out for us. \par
Angel: Cassia hasn't shopped for weapons yet, so let me explain. There are a couple of blacksmiths in the region, as well as traveling merchants who bring in foreign weapons. If the options aren't looking so good, you can describe what you're looking for to Auric, and he'll try to find something. Otherwise, we'll have to look online, which is less fun.\par
Ren: It doesn't matter either way. We just need better gear.\par
Angel: Yeah. Let's go.\par
Angel leads everyone to the combat gear shop.\par
Auric: Hey, kids. Getting ready for summer school?\par
Ren: Pretty much.\par
Auric: I'm used to seeing the police and travelers suiting up here. It's good to see the next generation taking interest in defense. You're all high schoolers now, huh?\par
Angel: That's right!\par
Auric: Well, I can sell you more training gear if your old stuff's wearing down. I think you're getting old enough that you should be using the real stuff, though.\par
Blythe: Really?\par
Auric: Of course. You know, I was using sharpened swords when I was a toddler, but you can't do that anymore in today's society. High school is more than responsible enough. Tell me what you need and I'll show you my best.\par
Screen transitions to Auric and the merchant panel. By default, the selected panel is the weapon that corresponds to the character's primary class.\par
If you switch to a \par
## Shop\par
## Meet Rune\par