{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil Constantia;}} {\colortbl ;\red46\green46\blue46;} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa150\sl0\slmult0\cf1\f0\fs24 I am a normal boy in very abnormal surroundings. As a person, I can be summed up in a word: average. I am of average height, weight, academic record, ability. I have bland brown hair and eyes. I do not dress to distinguish myself from a crowd. I have no supernatural abilities or unnatural pigmentations. \par \tab In any other setting, I would be the least interesting character you could meet. In Dymn, however, I am nonthreatening, warm, and human. It seems everyone has their own dark secrets locked away in a chest. Something like magma that could cause some people to erupt without prediction or reason. To be perfectly honest, I\rquote m terrified of everyone I\rquote ve ever met. It\rquote s too hard to tell what sort of person they might be underneath. They\rquote re all hiding dark secrets, and some are dangerous. \par \tab My family is also uninteresting. I have a mom and a dad, and they\rquote re still together. It\rquote s not a great family, but it\rquote s not a horrible family. They are quiet and spend a lot of time reading. \par \tab One day, I went to school and met a new student. She was dark, small, and not very talkative. She seemed irritated.\par To the point of helplessness.\par The little bright boy stood looking down upon the ruined person, his face shadowed. He looked queer, the brilliant young man. He was polite and bashful. Now he was standing in a sort of drunkenness over this completely helpless individual. He drank her energy until she had none. He felt confidence growing in him. He felt her life-force slipping. She was dying, and he would do nothing to save her. She could not even look up to meet his eyes with her powerless misery. \par \tab She had known and trusted him in life. He had loved her. Now, at the end of her life, he stood the powerful one who made the rules. He was the big one.\par He did not save her. She was dead.\par \par }