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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Sometimes we use clothes like tools for practical needs, but we usually use them as a form of communication to express our identity as we learn about ourselves, meet new people, and change roles in society. "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="David's journey from shepherd boy to king is one of the most complete and detailed in Scripture, accentuated by iconic costume changes. His favorite accessory is yet another piece of apparel - the ephod of the priests, which he uses as a channel for inquiring God's will."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Even though David's life is told through clothes, it is David's heart that always stands out. His story opens with an conversation between the Lord and Kingmaker Samuel about which son of Jesse will become the anointed one. Samuel is impressed by Eliab, but the Lord tells him his princely appearance conceals the wrong heart for the kingdom. In David, He finds a man after His heart, who will do all His will. (Acts 13:22) "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="At the end of Revelation, Jesus expresses His glory and victory over sin through His clothes and grants His Bride to clothe herself in fine linen. "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="TrashHand Regular" FONTSIZE="14" CH="Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates. "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="TrashHand Regular" FONTSIZE="14" CH="Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="s you read The Fall, try to relate to Adam and Eve. Imagine the unfettered peace they once had before God and each other, the shock to their eyes after eating the fruit, the techniques they used to sew leaves, and the musings they must have shared as they worked. "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Why did we not need clothes in our original state? What did Adam and Eve see with their newly opened eyes?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Who made the first clothes? What did God say before giving them new ones?"/>
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<para PARENT="Interior Paragraph" ALIGN="3"/>
<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH=""And the Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them." Where did the skins come from? What did Adam and Eve witness as He made them new clothes?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="There is archaeological evidence for the common fig (Ficus carica) growing in the Jordan Valley as early as 9400 B.C."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Indigenous peoples braid and weave leaves with vines for clothing. Did the first fig leaf loincloth use a similar technique?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Figs appear all throughout Scripture. Jotham delivered a fig tree parable against Abimelech (Judges 9). One of Jeremiah's visions was of two baskets of figs (Jeremiah 24). It was a fig tree that Jesus cursed (Matthew 21:18-22; Mark 11:12-26), and He told two fig tree parables (Luke 13:6-9; 21:29-33)."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="lothes may seem like a frivolous focus for a Bible study, but they are right there at the beginning of the Bible as one of the first and most visceral symbols of redemption (Genesis 3:7) and are one of the last symbols of our righteousness through Jesus (Revelation 22:14). "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="s you read The Fall, try to relate to Adam and Eve. Imagine the unfettered peace they once had before God and each other, the shock to their eyes after eating the fruit, the techniques they used to sew leaves, and the musings they must have shared as they worked. "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Why did we not need clothes in our original state? What did Adam and Eve see with their newly opened eyes?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Who made the first clothes? What did God say before giving them new ones?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH=""And the Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them." Where did the skins come from? What did Adam and Eve witness as He made them new clothes?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="There is archaeological evidence for the common fig (Ficus carica) growing in the Jordan Valley as early as 9400 B.C."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Indigenous peoples braid and weave leaves with vines for clothing. Did the first fig leaf loincloth use a similar technique?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Figs appear all throughout Scripture. Jotham delivered a fig tree parable against Abimelech (Judges 9). One of Jeremiah's visions was of two baskets of figs (Jeremiah 24). It was a fig tree that Jesus cursed (Matthew 21:18-22; Mark 11:12-26), and He told two fig tree parables (Luke 13:6-9; 21:29-33)."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Who made the first clothes? What did God say before giving them new ones?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH=""And the Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them." Where did the skins come from? What did Adam and Eve witness as He made them new clothes?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Indigenous peoples braid and weave leaves with vines for clothing. Did the first fig leaf loincloth use a similar technique?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Who made the first clothes? What did God say before giving them new ones?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH=""And the Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them." Where did the skins come from? What did Adam and Eve witness as He made them new clothes?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Indigenous peoples braid and weave leaves with vines for clothing. Did the first fig leaf loincloth use a similar technique?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Figs appear all throughout Scripture. Jotham delivered a fig tree parable against Abimelech (Judges 9). One of Jeremiah's visions was of two baskets of figs (Jeremiah 24). It was a fig tree that Jesus cursed (Matthew 21:18-22; Mark 11:12-26), and He told two fig tree parables (Luke 13:6-9; 21:29-33)."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="lothes may seem like a frivolous focus for a Bible study, but they are right there at the beginning of the Bible as one of the first and most visceral symbols of redemption (Genesis 3:7) and are one of the last symbols of our righteousness through Jesus (Revelation 22:14). "/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Just tell me what Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Who made the first clothes? What did God say before giving them new ones?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="RIGHT Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="Abel's spilled blood cried out to God from the ground, and He appointed another seed instead of Abel - one whose spilled blood would become a new covenant."/>
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<ITEXT FONT="RIGHT Regular" FONTSIZE="16" CH="2. The unjust steward is managing wealth to chase financial security and fleeting reputation in this world. How can we learn to invest towards divine purposes and eternal rewards?"/>
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<ITEXT FONT="Purisa Regular" CH="As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. "/>
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