<li><b><a href="/blessfrey-gdd/item">base item</a></b>: the core of data of an individual item. Floor items and inventory items contain a base item. </li>
<li><b><a href="/blessfrey-gdd/pathfinding">current_dot</a></b>: (variable, StateMachine.gd) the immediate point the entity is pathfinding to in order to ultimately reach the goal_target. </li>
<li><b><a href="/blessfrey-gdd/pathfinding">dot</a></b>: (variable, StateMachine.gd) a set of coordinates for a global position. </li>
<li><b><a href="/blessfrey-gdd/pathfinding">dots</a></b>: (variable, StateMachine.gd) the discreet path between points, esp. the entity and the goal target. </li>
<li><b><a href="/blessfrey-gdd/pathfinding">goal target</a></b>: (variable, MoveToDestination.gd) It is set when the entity decides to pathfind and nulled during clear_goal(). mobile.gd/path_to_object(goal_target) is called from MoveToDestination every Execute loop to reassess the path between entity and goal. </li>
<li><b><a href="/blessfrey-gdd/pathfinding">next</a></b>: (variable, StateMachine.gd) same as the goal_target. The current waypoint for the entity. </li>
<li><b><a href="/blessfrey-gdd/pathfinding">next_dot</a></b>: (variable, StateMachine.gd) the first item in the dots array that is not at the entity's global_position. </li>
<li><b><a href="/blessfrey-gdd/inspect">subject</a></b>: inspect menu has a subject; inspect options will affect it </li>
<li><b><a href="/blessfrey-gdd/pathfinding">track</a></b>: (variable, MoveToDestination.gd) If the AI is pathfinding to a point or object, track is true. Upon arrived(), it is false. It is checked in handle_moved_result(result, entity).</li>
<li><b><a href="/blessfrey-gdd/pathfinding">waypoints</a></b>: (variable, StateMachine.gd) the list of selected points the entity will be traveling to. Usually a patrol route. </li>