
162 lines
5.8 KiB

% rebase('frame.tpl')
% import re
<div class="dir-row"> </div>
<div class="diary-dir top">
% max_pages = int((total - 1) / limit)
# page never below 0
if page <= 0:
page = 0
# page never over maximum
if page > max_pages:
page = max_pages
% # << is always active link pointing to 0
<a href=/diary/0 rel="nofollow">&lt;&lt;</a>
% # < points to 0 if page 0 or below
% if page <= 0:
<a href=/diary/0 rel="nofollow">&lt;</a>
% # < points to previous page otherwise
% else:
<a href=/diary/{{page - 1}} rel="nofollow">&lt;</a>
% end
% # fill out number cluster to the left when page is high
% if max_pages > cluster and page > max_pages - cluster:
% for j in range(cluster - max_pages + page):
<a href=/diary/{{max_pages - cluster * 2 + j}} rel="nofollow">{{max_pages - cluster * 2 + j}}</a>
% end
% end
% # form cluster of number links around page
% for i in range(max(0,page - cluster), min(max_pages + 1,page + cluster + 1)):
% # bold current page number
% if i == page:
% # form neighboring numbers into links
% else:
<a href=/diary/{{i}} rel="nofollow">{{i}}</a>
% end
% end
% # fill out number cluster to the right when page is low
% if page <= cluster - 1 and max_pages > page + cluster:
% for j in range(cluster - page):
<a href=/diary/{{page + j + cluster + 1}} rel="nofollow">{{page + j + cluster + 1}}</a>
% end
% end
% # > points to max if page is at or above maximum
% if page >= max_pages:
<a href=/diary/{{max_pages}} rel="nofollow">&gt;</a>
% # > point to next page otherwise
% else:
<a href=/diary/{{page + 1}} rel="nofollow">&gt;</a>
% end
% # >> is always active link to maximum page
<a href=/diary/{{max_pages}} rel="nofollow">&gt;&gt;</a>
<!--left column-->
<div class="diary-pages">
% for s in snippets[page * limit:page * limit + limit]:
<div class="snippet">
<div class="snippet-title">
<a href={{s[3]}} rel="nofollow"><h1>{{!s[0]}}</h1></a>
<div class="snippet-content">
<div class="snippet-info">
• <a class="social-link social-twitter"
• <a class="social-link social-fb"
% message = "Hey,+check+out+this+post:+" + s[1] + ".,+" + s[3]
% message = message.replace('+','\+')
% message = re.sub('\s+?','+', message)
% message = message.replace('\\','')
% message = re.sub('<.*?>','', message)
• <a class="social-link social-email" href='mailto:?body={{message}}'>email</a></b>
<div class="snippet-link">
<a href={{s[3]}} rel="nofollow"><b>read more</b></a>
% end
<div class="diary-dir bottom">
% max_pages = int((total - 1) / limit)
# page never below 0
if page <= 0:
page = 0
# page never over maximum
if page > max_pages:
page = max_pages
% # << is always active link pointing to 0
<a href=/diary/0 rel="nofollow">&lt;&lt;</a>
% # < points to 0 if page 0 or below
% if page <= 0:
<a href=/diary/0 rel="nofollow">&lt;</a>
% # < points to previous page otherwise
% else:
<a href=/diary/{{page - 1}} rel="nofollow">&lt;</a>
% end
% # fill out number cluster to the left when page is high
% if max_pages > cluster and page > max_pages - cluster:
% for j in range(cluster - max_pages + page):
<a href=/diary/{{max_pages - cluster * 2 + j}}
rel="nofollow">{{max_pages - cluster * 2 + j}}</a>
% end
% end
% # form cluster of number links around page
% for i in range(max(0,page - cluster), min(max_pages + 1,page + cluster + 1)):
% # bold current page number
% if i == page:
% # form neighboring numbers into links
% else:
<a href=/diary/{{i}} rel="nofollow">{{i}}</a>
% end
% end
% # fill out number cluster to the right when page is low
% if page <= cluster - 1 and max_pages > page + cluster:
% for j in range(cluster - page):
<a href=/diary/{{page + j + cluster + 1}}
rel="nofollow">{{page + j + cluster + 1}}</a>
% end
% end
% # > points to max if page is at or above maximum
% if page >= max_pages:
<a href=/diary/{{max_pages}} rel="nofollow">&gt;</a>
% # > point to next page otherwise
% else:
<a href=/diary/{{page + 1}} rel="nofollow">&gt;</a>
% end
% # >> is always active link to maximum page
<a href=/diary/{{max_pages}} rel="nofollow">&gt;&gt;</a>
% include diary-boxes.tpl