all weekly updates
-august 13, 2020
-I've kept a more or less consistent private development diary for blessfrey since 2018. Here are the bulleted highlights, broken into weekly portions. I mostly keep it for myself to track progress.
-Meaningful discussions on design + process are expanded in separate feature articles.
-As a note, Blessfrey's working name is Dungeon Girls, but there's other projects floating around in there. Also, names of people are usually changed for privacy.
-Weekly diary pages are below.
- echo fgets($post)."
- echo " ...
Keep Reading";
- echo "
-// Iterate over Diary Pages + Snip
-function convert_files($files) {
- rsort($files);
- foreach ($files as $file) {
- snip_post($file);
- }
-// Collect files
-function gather_files() {
- $files = array();
- foreach (glob("../weekly/*.*") as $file) {
- $files[] = $file;
- }
- return $files;
-// Flow - collect files + convert to snippets
-// it should be reverse order..newest first