% for i in [["cast","blessfrey-cast"],["credits","blessfrey-credits"],["game mechanics","blessfrey-mechanics"],["IDs","blessfrey-ids"],["jobs","blessfrey-jobs"],["keywords","blessfrey-keywords"],["milestones","blessfrey-milestones"],["setting","blessfrey-setting"],["skills","blessfrey-skills"],["story","blessfrey-story"],["style guide","style-guide"],["terms","blessfrey-terms"],["vibe","blessfrey-vibe"],["website","website"]]:
% for i in [["cast","blessfrey-cast"],["credits","blessfrey-credits"],["game mechanics","blessfrey-mechanics"],["IDs","blessfrey-ids"],["jobs","blessfrey-jobs"],["keywords","blessfrey-keywords"],["Mercur","blessfrey-Mercur"],["milestones","blessfrey-milestones"],["setting","blessfrey-setting"],["skills","blessfrey-skills"],["story","blessfrey-story"],["style guide","style-guide"],["terms","blessfrey-terms"],["vibe","blessfrey-vibe"],["website","website"]]:
<li>wo - unsorted words, includes game title </li>
<h3>entity ID </h3>
<p>IDs apply to a few other things, but it's virtually only for entities. They are 6-character hexadecimal strings (favoring numbers). I like that they correspond to color hex codes, so I can find out everyone's secret color. Generally, a category's earliest and most representative entities are the purest in hue. <br></p>
<h3>base ID </h3>
<p>Base IDs apply to a few other things, but it's virtually only for entities. They identify a specific type of entity, not a particular instance of that entity. They are 6-character hexadecimal strings (favoring numbers). I like that they correspond to color hex codes, so I can find out everyone's secret color. Generally, a category's earliest and most representative entities are the purest in hue. <br></p>
<p>The first three digits represent categorization, while the last increment by one for each member within that group. Commons start at 000 and increment numerically, while elites and bosses start at aaa and increment alphabetically. <br></p>
@ -253,5 +253,9 @@
<h3>ref ID </h3>
<p>Every entity with the base.gd script has a ref ID. It identifies a specific instance of an entity. The MessageBus assigns them sequentially as integers starting at 0 during the <span class="code">_ready</div> stage of each entity. The earlier the ref ID, the older the entity. <br></p>