<h1>common tropes from media </h1>
december 10, 2020<br>
I like collecting common tropes from games I play. Maybe it can inspire some game beats? Here's a few of them listed with some games I've seen them in ~ <br>
If you're worried about spoilers, games mentioned are The Cat Lady, Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, Fire Emblem, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Half-Life, Mass Effect, Neverwinter Nights 2, Oblivion, Persona 4, Planescape: Torment, RuneScape 2
<li><b>amnesiac protagonist</b> - every game, especially MMOs. way overdone. </li>
<li><b>arena/tournament arc</b> - Fable, Oblivion </li>
<li><b>city building</b>Neverwinter Nights 2's Crossroad Keep, RuneScape's Miscellania + Etceteria</li>
<li><b>courtroom hearing (usually resolved with the loser pulling out the 'trial by combat' card)</b> - Guild Wars: Nightfall, Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter Nights 2, Mass Effect </li>
<li><b>elevator fight</b> - Half-Life, Metroid </li>
<li><b>fight yourself</b> - Guild Wars's Augury Rock, Mask of the Betrayer, Persona 4
<li><b>final boss is all previous bosses in one room</b> - Fire Emblem, Nightfall </li>
<li><b>infiltrate a fancy party</b> - Guild Wars 2's A Society Function, Mass Effect Kasumi DLC
<li><b>maze level</b> - Mask of the Betrayer's Skein, Planescape: Torment </li>
<li><b>minigame tournament</b> - The Witcher's Dice Poker, Eye of the North's Polymock </li>
<li><b>play as a side character</b> - The Cat Lady's cat, Mass Effect's Joker, </li>
<li><b>raise someone </b> - the original Kingmaker concept for Oblivion, The Witcher 2 </li>
<li><b>really long fetch quest</b> - Dreamfall's mulled wine </li>
<li><b>solo boss battle</b> - Guild Wars Augury Rock, Neverwinter Nights 2 </li>
<li><b>trapped for a level, especially without your stuff</b> Divine Divinity's Castle + Dungeon, Mask of the Betrayer's Planescape: Torment's Skein</li>