blessfrey graphic updates + mockups

december 24, 2020
#mockups #screenshots

I iterate over the graphics periodically, so I can practice without worrying about polish. Here's some screenshots of different styles I've tried. (Though April 23, 2019's is actually a mockup, that style did run in-engine for a few weeks.)

(image: Cassia and Bad Cat on the pink carpet tilemap)
August 15, 2018 - Early experimenting with Godot Engine. Collision was just added for sprites and walls. The buttons to the right are for switching between characters (who each have different skillbars).

(image: Angel in a periwinkle room full of Bad Cats)
January 13, 2019 - Videogame perspective is so different from perspective in illustration. Scale of characters vs environment is another quirk of games I had 0 experience with. I was vaguely going for an old Western RPG style with tall, somewhat realistic sprites with non-distinct faces. Something like Divine Divinity.

(image: Angel blasting a neighborhood coyote with fire)
April 23, 2019 - This is a mockup, but the game did look like this for a while. The fireball projectile didn't come until later, though. Here, I was trying to get a little more of a top-down view but not really. Instead of cats, Angel's fighting with a coyote. The government stopped removing coyotes from my old neighborhood, so they killed all the neighborhood cats except one and I saw him running away from a big coyote during a storm, so maybe he's gone now, too. It's just not right.

(image: Angel and Chloe in front of a slanted house)
May 25, 2019 - The slanted edition was so annoying. It's not isometric, it's just at an obscure angle because I drew these assets more for fun than to actually be practical. I do reuse the tree + bushes a lot, though. I also tried a more chibi sprite because they are soo common, might as well try it out.

(image: Lots of Angels and other characters at a shopping center)
June 29, 2019 - Trying a shopping center level now. It's reeally spaced apart. It's inspired by a real shopping center;;

(image: Angel and some slimes in a cavern)
July 25, 2020 - There's some missing in this gap, so I'll add in more pics if I find any. This is the first version of a cavern level for the blessfrey demo. It's inspired by local caves.

you're up to date.

Hope you enjoyed seeing the different art I've used for blessfrey over the years. Even if I never really polish anything, it's nice to iterate to get a sense of game art and blessfrey's personal style. Hopefully it ends up looking okay okay when I do start polishing. But until then, in the words of YandereDev, "All art is placeholder."