Skills fall into various groups. These groups are specific to the skill only, not its keywords. For example, a projectile skill launches a projectile, and the projectile will use a subskill on impact. This skill is not an attack, and the target will not aggro if it misses. The subskill is an attack, though.
Groups are always all lowercase, and all spaces and hyphens are replaced by an underscore.
- skill - applies to all skills
- armsman, disciple, tamer, brawler, chemist, hacker - their associated job
- fitness, divine_protection, dirty_fighting, social_engineering - their associated perk/attribute
- attack - whether this skill will aggro the target. Tends to be a damage skill, esp melee or ranged. Do not confuse with the keyword attack, though it will surely belong to an attack skill.
- medicine - inflicts positive keywords on friendly
- poison - inflicts negative keywords on enemy over time
- miracle - inflicts positive keywords on friendly
- blessing - inflicts positive keywords on friendly over time
- mark - inflict negative keywords on enemy