% rebase('frame.tpl')
<div class="content">
    My personal collection of inspiring concepts. Many are from nature, culture, mythology, literature, music, art, and beauty. Some are personal concepts. Some are from existing IPs. <br>
    <h1>Website To-Do</h1>
    <li>Write some diary entries</li>
    <li>Make sure their dates + filenames match</li>
    <li>Make sure their tags are formatted correctly</li>
    <li>Make sure their formatting is consistent</li>
    <li>make presskit page decent</li>
    <li>update art assets</li>
    <li>8/6 - blessfrey</li>
    <li>8/20 - pixel joy</li>
    <li>9/1 - DIARY</li>
    <li>9/3 - jam</li>
    <li>9/17 - coroutines</li>
    <li>10/1 - DIARY</li>
    <li>10/15 - making of blessfrey.me</li>
    <li>10/29 - Japanese</li>
    <li>11/1 - DIARY </li>
    <li>11/12 - skills + super methods</li>
    <li>11/26 - pretendOS</li>
    <li>12/1 - DIARY</li>
    <li>12/10 - AI diagram</li>
    <li>12/24 - AI code - https://twitter.com/lilchimchooree/status/1206399601881812994</li>
    <li>1/1- DIARY</li>
    <li>1/7 - inventory system diagram</li>
    <li>1/21 - Graphics</li>
    <li>2/4 - web design resources</li>
    <li>2/18 - GDC</li>
    <li>2/1 - DIARY</li>
    <li>3/1 - DIARY</li>
    <li>4/1 - DIARY</li>
    <h1>Try to Do...</h1>
    <h2>Weekly, Monthly</h2>
    <li>Keep monthly journal up to date</li>
    <li>Add an article every week or two</li>
    <li>Convert old infographics into articles</li>
    <li>Update Trello and share it</li>
    <li>Diary - Add snippet art assets</li>
    <li>Game - Add slideshow for story</li>
    <li>Graphics - Concept Art</li>
    <li>Graphics - Character Sheets</li>
    <li>Graphics - Screenshots, GIFs</li>
    <li>Graphics - Music</li>
    <li>Graphics - Trailer</li>
    <li>Just...better art and writing for everything...</li>
    <h1>Articles, Resources</h1>
    <li>https://love2dev.com/blog/customize-bulleted-list/ - cute CSS, use custom bullets</li>
    <li>https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/96569?hl=en - SEO, sponsored, user, and nofollow link parameters</li>
    <li>https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6062598?hl=en&ref_topic=6061961 - Google robots.txt tester</li>
    <li>add &lt;meta name=”robots” content=”noindex,nofollow”&gt; to pages to not index or follow links on that page</li>
    <h1>Lowest Sale Price</h1>
            <th>Regular Price</th>
            <th>Sale Price</th>
            <th>$12 on Primer Day</th>
            <th>Urban Decay</th>
            <th>Eyeshadow Primer Potion</th>
            <th>$21 on Black Friday</th>
            <th>Squalane + Zinc Sheer Mineral Sunscreen</th>
            <th>Sheer Zinc Face Dry Touch Sunscreen SPF 50</th>
            <th>Crystal Dynamics</th>
            <th>Legacy of Kain: Defiance</th>
            <th>Crystal Dynamics</th>
            <th>Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2</th>
            <th>THE OUTER WORLDS</th>
            <th>ASTRAL CHAIN</th>
            <th>Super Mario Odyssey</th>
            <th>Pokémon Mystery Dungeon™: Rescue Team DX </th>
    <div class="footer-row"> </div>