from .geo import Geo from .geomesh import * from .bones import * import bpy.path import bpy import mathutils from collections import defaultdict from bpy_extras.io_utils import axis_conversion def convert_mesh(geo_model, mesh, obj, scale): if < (2, 80): # Be sure tessface & co are available! if not mesh.tessfaces and mesh.polygons: mesh.calc_tessface() else: # Be sure tessellated loop trianlges are available! if not mesh.loop_triangles and mesh.polygons: mesh.calc_loop_triangles() mesh_verts = mesh.vertices # save a lookup if < (2, 80): has_uv = bool(mesh.tessface_uv_textures) if has_uv: active_uv_layer = if not active_uv_layer: has_uv = False else: active_uv_layer = else: has_uv = bool(mesh.uv_layers) if has_uv: active_uv_layer = if not active_uv_layer: has_uv = False else: active_uv_layer = geomesh = GeoMesh() vertex_normals = defaultdict(list) for loop in mesh.loops: vertex_normals[loop.vertex_index].append(loop.normal) averaged_normals = { vertex_index: sum(normals, mathutils.Vector()) / len(normals) for vertex_index, normals in vertex_normals.items() } texture_name = "white.tga" if < (2, 80): faces = mesh.tessfaces print("len(mesh.tessfaces): %s" % len(faces)) print("mesh.tessfaces: %s" % repr(faces)) else: faces = mesh.loop_triangles for i, f in enumerate(faces): if has_uv: uv = active_uv_layer[i] if < (2, 80): texture_image = uv.image if texture_image is None: texture_name = "white.tga" else: texture_name = if texture_name == "": texture_name = bpy.path.display_name_from_filepath(texture_image.filepath) if texture_name == "": texture_name = "white.tga" else: mat = mesh.materials[f.material_index] if len(mat.texture_paint_images) <= 0: texture_name = else: texture_image = mat.texture_paint_images[0] texture_name = if texture_name == "": texture_name = bpy.path.display_name_from_filepath(texture_image.filepath) if texture_name == "": texture_name = "white.tga" if < (2, 80): uv = [uv.uv1, uv.uv2, uv.uv3, uv.uv4] else: print("uv.uv: %s" % uv.uv) uv = [active_uv_layer[l].uv[:] for l in (f.loops[0], f.loops[2], f.loops[1])] else: uv = [(0, 0)] * 4 texture_name = "white.tga" f_verts = f.vertices f_verts = (f_verts[0], f_verts[2], f_verts[1]) verts = [] norms = [] groups = [] geoverts = [] for i, v_index in enumerate(f_verts): v = mesh_verts[v_index] verts.append(([0],[2],[1])) norm = averaged_normals[v_index] norms.append((-norm[0], norm[2], -norm[1])) weights = [] for weight in v.groups: group = obj.vertex_groups[] w = [, weight.weight] weights.append(w) print("i: %s f_verts: %s uv: %s" % (i, repr(f_verts), repr(uv))) gv = GeoVertex(verts[-1], norms[-1], uv[i], weights) geoverts.append(gv) geomesh.addFace(geoverts, texture_name) print("face: vertices: %s uvs: %s norms: %s groups: %s" % (verts, uv, norms, weights)) #todo: optimize face order for bone association geomesh.dump() geo_model.loadFromGeoMesh(geomesh) pass def save(operator, context, scale = 1.0, filepath = "", global_matrix = None, use_mesh_modifiers = True): print(" %s" % (filepath, )) geo = Geo() geo.getTextureIndex("white.tga") #geo.getTextureIndex("white") body_name = bpy.path.display_name_from_filepath(filepath) geo.setName(body_name) #print("AXIS_ROTATION") #axis_rotation = axis_conversion('-Y', 'Z', 'Z', 'Y') #print("%s" % (axis_rotation, )) #print("AXIS_ROTATION") #axis_rotation = axis_conversion('Y', 'Z', '-Z', 'Y') #print("%s" % (axis_rotation, )) #print("AXIS_ROTATION") axis_rotation = mathutils.Matrix([ [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, -1, 0], ]) #print("%s" % (axis_rotation, )) #print("AXIS_ROTATION") axis_rotation.resize_4x4() print("scale: %s" % (scale, )) for ob in context.selected_objects: print("Object: %s (%s)" % (, ob.type)) if ob.type != "MESH": continue ob.update_from_editmode() if global_matrix is None: from mathutils import Matrix global_matrix = Matrix() # get the modifiers if < (2, 80): mesh = ob.to_mesh(bpy.context.scene, use_mesh_modifiers, "PREVIEW") else: mesh = ob.to_mesh(preserve_all_data_layers = True) #translate_matrix = Matrix.Translation(-ob.location) translate_matrix = Matrix() #scale_matrix = Matrix.Scale(1 / 0.30480000376701355, 4) obj_matrix = ob.matrix_world print(obj_matrix) obj_scale = obj_matrix.to_scale()[0] #assume scaling is uniform on all axis print("obj_scale: %s final_scale: %s" % (obj_scale, obj_scale * scale)) print(obj_scale * scale) scale_matrix = Matrix.Scale(obj_scale * scale, 4) geo_model = geo.addModel(".", 1)[0]) convert_mesh(geo_model, mesh, ob, scale * obj_scale) if False: #flip bones for i in range(len(geo.models) - 1, -1, -1): name = geo.models[i].name.decode("utf-8") #if is not None: if True: print("Swapping left and right in: %s" % (name, )) model = geo.models[i] for j in range(len(model.weight_bones)): for k in range(len(model.weight_bones[j])): model.weight_bones[j][k] = BONES_SWAP[model.weight_bones[j][k]] data = geo.saveToData() fh = open(filepath, "wb") fh.write(data) fh.close() return {'FINISHED'}