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Story/Blessfrey/Dungeon Girls - November.rtf

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\pard\sa150\sl0\slmult0\cf1\f0\fs24 # Notes\par
Is each part fun, exciting, funny, weird, memeworthy? Would you WebM any part of this? \par
Teach mechanics. Teach basics, teach new ways mechanics can be used. Use skill to attack? You can also use skill to make or change. Build increasingly complex puzzles solvable by the skills of your primary, secondary, and your companions.\par
Is game replayable? Too much to drag through? Once the puzzle is solved one time, are you done? How is each experience new and variable?\par
How long does it take to get into the game? Can you hop in and out or do you need lots of time for a single simple playthrough?\par
If you leave for years, if it hard to get back up to speed? Use a quick reference on phone, maybe even a phone app game that's a practice tutorial, like an rpg or workout video.\par
What themes do I want to convey? What am I building with every word?\par
* Social life\par
* Teen romance\par
* Rebellion\par
* Keeping secrets from adults\par
* Secret world shared with those in the inner circle\par
* Religion \par
* The Confederacy is facism and the United States is communist.\par
* Getting stronger\par
* Getting wealthy\par
* Growing in power (maybe not be just a high schooler anymore? Maybe be challenged by adults?)\par
* Wanting to be part of something bigger (maybe dungeon delving is wrong. Maybe they regret it and have to question their illegitimate motives. Even if it ultimately saved Rune.)\par
* Homemaking (start out with a trashy house and deadbeat uncle, end with a relationship, better uncle who undergoes character development, you clean house, he cleans house, you have someone new living with you to form a real family. Maybe even his wife comes back or he gets married.)\par
* Teamwork and friendship\par
* Trusting each other\par
* Cute girls doing cute things\par
* Interesting guys\par
* Cool older sister, Angel\par
* Each romance option represents something to be inspired to be better in? Night's practical skills, Aries's combat, Ren's academics, Angel's social popularity, Chloe's lore, Delphine's animal knowledge and environmentalism, hot math teacher's math, * Milo's sports\par
* What if the dungeon represents something?\par
* Opening time is late afternoon, dusk, night.\par
* Group text chat has channels - info, schedule, social\par
* Group chat has polls, pictures, text, text colors, text fonts, avatars, backgrounds. Take inspo from Japanese 101 where they uploaded relevant funny pictures like from Ogaki sensei's Instagram or silly class slides. The group and channel names can be changed at any time. Channels can be added or removed at any time.\par
* The group chat app stresses its security and asymmetrical synchronization or whatever security. Messages are encrypted.\par
* Uncle is a racist confederate stereotype. He makes Delphine uncomfortable and tells the player to stay away from her. If told she's French, he is torn since the French did defeat the Northern Aggressors. He's been in Mall Town since the beginning and doesn't want to move, even though he hates the new mayor and scene.\par
* The confederates are influenced by Nazi German culture (NASA), French, English, United States, and sometimes Spanish culture.\par
* Teaching Rune how to read and write - maybe you can teach him ridiculous things that later influence his texting behavior. He sends "Lol :)" when someone's grandma dies, etc. That would be a way to make teaching him fun. He's like your own chat box AI Tay you can program and teach at will.\par
* Exploring the dungeon - like Persona 3 where everyone waits outside, you can return often, and switch out your small party from those there with ease. If sick or busy, they won't be there, but otherwise, everyone waits there. There is one who is an informant and does not ever go with you unless it's a crazy weird mission. OR like Guild Wars, where you can only change from the main hub points and can choose freely from your given selection of teammates. The difficulty of the zone influences the max party cap number. OR like Dot Hack, where you have to email everyone individually to invite them off a contact list. They'll be right there, sorry too busy, or be totally unreachable. They arrive and get ready to go.\par
* Instead of a beach, the map has a lake.\par
* The main character is more memorable for the player and the gaming community as a whole when they have a ridiculous personality or couple of sets of personalities. Very blank, generalized characters like the Champion of Cyrodiil, the Neverine, or Guild War's Chosen One are good for extremely open roleplay or straight-up games without a lot of focus on immersion and story but tons on gameplay or puzzle games like Legend of Grimrock II, but Dungeon Girls makes less sense with that. The RuneScape 2 player character and to a lesser and less in-touch degree, the AdventureQuest franchise protagonists, has a funny sense of humor and takes on generalized characteristics of the general playerbase (kills needlessly and without reason or with silly reason, lots banks full of cool items, likes to play funny roles to scary townsfolk, walks into random houses as "adventuring" to the utter confusion of normal residents, assumes everyone has a quest, doesn't care even a little about Hell levels of dangeous, has traveled the world extensively building massive support networks when most people stay in a single town forever, etc.) Persona 5's Ren can be clueless and dopey and forgetful, bragadocious and exaggeratory about his false charges even using it to intimidate people who think he's like a murderer or something, or probably something else. Sophie is an atheist, lazy, annoying, and immature. The Kalach-cha can be like an NPC and obsessed with payment, routinely demanding it and more from those who are thankful for a difficult quest or are so sympathetic that it's absolutely beyond professional and just jerkish to make the guy pay. Geralt can be pretty pol redpilled, saying "You have to go back" to pathetic needy migrants, being homophobic and uncomfortable around trannies and gays (even though his friend is flamboyant and apparently bi for a trap). The player character for each clan has a distinct personality, dialogue, and even font. Malkavians in particular are remembered a bit in meme culture. That would be a ton of work for a more open-ended game. A lot of people play Nancy Drew games for Nancy, who is a relateable girl with a cute, dutiful boyfriend, silly but well-meaning friends, and a lot of snark and carried-over memories from previous games like that intern, Sonny. The Cat Lady's Susan was a horrible person, depressed, mean-spirited, and argumentary, which is kind of funny. Persona 4's Seta Souji is so chill, like nothing can ruffle his feathers or catch him off guard. \par
* What kind of personality suits the leader of a girl squad with some cute guys? How is it easily rewritten for a male playable character?\par
* Side quests early on.\par
* Player can solo, bring just a few, or have a full party.\par
* The mayor wants to take over the confederacy, and the government is aware and watches him with suspicion. Everyone, the Mayor, the player character, the few in town who are in on it, think they are keeping a secret. The government knew all along and view them as useful fools and guinea pigs, testing out the dungeon and trailblazing to clear out the danger. They are deciding what to do, but they will probably swoop in and take the final level to take the wish. They may consider teaming up with a side.\par
* Maybe mayor is paranoid about who knows and his crazy government conspiracy is true - Big Brother knows.\par
* Slavery was never abolished, but it's a quiant relic of the pre-Industrial Revolution world. Maybe there are industries still better suited to slaves, so there are still a few slave owners.\par
White men are against slavery because they drive down wages and take away jobs.\par
* The first dungeon dead ends, connecting with nothing. There are compelling reasons to explore it instead of the real dungeon because it's good for leveling up, trying out team build strategies, and you find a special weapon and diary at the end with signs of your mayor's exploration methods, knowledge of the red herring enemy. The first dungeon is straight-forward and quick the second time around with simple, fairly obvious strategies. Also some beasts are tameable, so it is good for getting first pets. It is sealed any day the week of the party\rquote s exploration completion, determined by opening the diary and taking the sword or reaching the last level twice. Once closed, it is inaccessible. Maybe a dig skill or explosive barrel reopens it, but this will draw attention onto you.\par
* Some slimes wander the halls of the dungeon, oozing in and out of walls. They could be pop-ups\par
Blythe is a rogue. Charismatic, charming, dextrous, quick, able to open locks, get into secure areas, and conceal her group's presence. By her preference, she uses a sceptor and dagger, dagger and focus.\par
* Daggers are separately equippable, each able to be put in either hand without a "main hand or dominant hand, off-hand, etc" requirement. Double dagger skills require a dagger to be equipped in both hands to activate. Equipping a matching set usually gives a bonus to accuracy or something. Maybe a skill removes this requirement - double dagger attacks are always more accurately, even if your equipment does not match.\par
* These could be mission areas like in Guild Wars, so exploration is limited. If player wants to go wrong way, he can just scrape the back door or go forward.\par
* Areas have party limit? Only so many available at a time?\par
* Delphine is quiet due to being slightly uncomfortable with English.\par
* Darkness is actually dark so lights and nightvision are needed\par
\f1\bullet Flashlight is an off-hand equippable. It is functional, casting a persistent light area skill. It provides neglible stats.\par
\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Father is Mall owner's brother and his foil, trying to confound his wicked plans. He can't act directly and involving authorities would be disastrous. He needs unconventional methods. When be first hears from Chloe that some of her classmates who are competent at self-defense are exploring the start of the trail, he lets it develop. He will provide aide to them and believes they can do it when neither he nor authorities could.\par
* The early stages of the mall dungeon are supply-chain-oriented. Slaves work the land, caring for plants, harvesting, mining, and manufacturing. Initially, the adventurers are shocked and disgusted that this is propping up the mall. "This is where the froyo comes from..." "Wow, people still have slaves. I mean, I know they did, but I had no idea there were slaves in our town..." Delphine is especially disgusted. "You Confederate savages," she spits. \par
* As a black person, Delphine feels a connection to the black slaves. \par
* Most people treat their slaves decently, maybe I need to research the Bible's rules for masters of slaves. But Mr. Klein does not treat his slaves fairly. He represents the worst, the gritty evil literally living under the cushy world of froyo and chocolate mochas. \par
* Research chocolate production and other evil slave-driven industries and fit them within the context of these resource-rich (maybe Africa-like) pits. American ones, like Sunkist's orange slaves from illegal immigrants. That summer reading book I had to read in college. Make it dark. Even the often-criticised and boogeymanned slave owners or complacent non-slave owneers of the Confederacy would judge our modern use of slavery.\par
* Maybe earth angels are slaves? Mr. Klein perverted their generosity and communism.\par
* Hardly anybody owns slaves anymore. Most people use machines after the Industrial Revolution.\par
\f1\bullet Write books with in-line pictures. Some are picture books, full of scribbles, photography, or illustration\par
Outline of the Dungeon:\f0 (outdated, but I'm keeping it for the word count. Chris Baty says we're not allowed to edit, right?)\f1\par
* First levels are like a basement. \par
* Then they are dark, empty, and earthy. \par
* They begin to look more used and civilized. \par
\f0 * The chasm is new, and the guy doesn't go to the dungeon at night, he usually works during the day, so he doesn't know about it or observe it closely. It doesn't look habited and it's earthy and natural. Eventually, it will connect with Mr. Klein's channel. There, they will see his slave supply chain and be confronted with slavery up close and personal. Other games, the slaves are NPCs who barely interact. It will be hard to portray them honestly, respectfully, and fairly without added drama or politics, but it would be interesting to talk to some slaves. Most would probably refuse to talk. Even breaking their chains, like Aladdin did for Morgiana, would stun them, and they would desperately hope to mend their chains. \par
* Some dungeon monster ideas: Desperate slaves, guards, gargoyles, goblins, hobgoblins, gnomes, feral earth angels, rock crabs, snakes, earthworms, spirits, guardians, goddess, warrior, champion, elder god, elf,...\par
* Orders of angels\par
* Reskin or palette swap enemies by theme - rock, earth, nature, flower, ore, iron, crystal.\par
* Not all earth angels are feral, just the ones close to Mr. Klein's capitalist distortion, desacrilization of nature, and unsustainable destruction of nature.\par
* The Indians guided white man through the first dungeon, Southern tall tale says. Indians respected the dungeons.\par
* Indians had slaves way before white colonists. (Indian Slavery Christina Snyder Subject: Early National History, Native American History Online Publication Date: Dec 2014 DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199329175.013.5 -\par
* Maybe only white people view slavery as a perculiar institution. Other peoples view freedom that way.\par
* Slavery was first abolished by the French Republic in 1794, but Napoleon revoked that decree in 1802. ... France re-abolished slavery in her colonies in 1848 with a general and unconditional emancipation. William Wilberforce's Slave Trade Act 1807 abolished the slave trade in the British Empire. (Wikipedia)\par
* French were the third largest slave traders, elevated to that rank by the staggering numbers of Africans delivered to Saint-Domingue (Haiti) in the late eighteenth century. \par
* Delphine comes from a country that traded Africans heavily\par
* Maybe introduce unique enemies at the top first to let people experience more original content first.\par
* Look at group chats for group chat, common typos, and speaking styles inspo\par
* Rune is an earth spirit guide boy or something mystical and elfish\par
Hotkey for pausing the game\par
Maybe initially Night works for the enemy, coerced into healing and ressurecting for free or else being threatened to lose his shop and suppliers. Night is partially paid in their exotic herbs. He heals indiscriminately, so he heals the player. He heavily suspects their involvement and must know. He also wants direct access to the herbs because the slaves are lousy with the rare delicate ones. When.he hears they are working against them, he is fearful.\par
Maybe rez items exist but are also rare.\par
can sit on chairs, benchs, rocks. Role play and glamour screenshot friendly.\par
On the way, teleporters and earth shrines will be discovered.\par
There is one of Klein's slave on the bottom floor.\par
You can reactivate the teleporter by finding a replacement earth angel with the right aspect and no current shrine to attend.\par
There are different skill bars:\par
\f1\bullet the skillbar for usable skills chosen by the player or resulting from gameplay\par
\bullet the effects bar for skills used on the player that are exerting an effect for a duration including enchants, hexes, environmental effects, potion effects, clothing effects, illness, poison, knockdown, etc\par
\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 the skill library for usable skills that are not currently usable but can be placed on the skillbar in certain areas\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 the skill chart for gathering (mining, woodcutting, fishing, harvesting, farming, hunting), processing (cooking, tailoring, crafting, alchemy, construction), and support skills (agility, thieving, speechcraft, sailing, lore, detect traps, eating). These skills are persistant, have infinite slots, have infinite levels, are gained through reaching level one (exposure), are leveled by reading skill books, doing the activity, listening to podcasts, watching others, browsing the web, going to class, meeting people, etc, and increase the amount of activities you can do with the skill as you are higher level. No cooking rat meat a hundred times to reach 99. You must gain experience through variety and experimentation. No grind, no following strict strategy guide, probably (pickpocket Lumby men to level 7, go to Varrock, pick Farmers to 10, go to Draynor, pick the seed stall to 50, etc.) Their primary goal is to encourage exploration. Do all the things.\par
Night hates resurrecting over and over again. It's wrong, it's dangerous, and he is always close to death and isn't over the very recent death of his grandparents.\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Lore helps with names. Recognize the Lesser Earth Angel, just that she's an Earth Angel, or generalize surface-level understanding, observation, and guessing: Beautiful Winged Woman, echoing last thing heard: Earth's Servant. Recognize spells: Raynar's 3rd Fire Bolt, Fire Projectile Spell, etc. Learn specific ones by reading, training, encountering spells, etc. Knowing X names or facts makes your character level whatever. Being level whatever allows level checks, so player will behave better in general, drawing upon her holistic knowledge.\par
There is a cat living in the garden. The locals call her Poppy. She is the people's cat.\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 The levels in uncivilized caverns are separated by holes, gaps, cliff faces, etc. Maybe ladders. Very natural and rudimentary. Maybe can't continue some parts without Blink, rope ladder, warp, etc.\par
Aries needs to join alreasy. The recruitment quests are open and you can do them whenever or never do them. You can solo like Seta Souji, never letting anyone into his core team.\par
Aries takes inspiration from Mage and Taeyang. Maybe he us a little tsundere.\par
Cassia is an overwhelmed millenial with many lesser millenial tropes like no napkins, only paper towels, doesn't really like mayonnaise, uses liquid soap,\par
Cassia is cute and shy and awkward.\par
Recruitment changes if done after dating and hurt relationship "You left me out! I wasn't there all this time when you wrre in danger to protect you?"\par
Dating exes hurts relationship. Angel feels awkward if you date Aries but can get over it and support you as suxh a cute couple. You belong together!\par
sometimes phone batteries die during missions, especially long ones. buy extra battery packs to prevwnT tjis and always charge the phone\par
A really fun fight for me is the solitary fight. Cassia, used to commanding and strategizing a team build, must fight on her own merit. And if she is a healer or glass cannon, she must put together or force a makeshift combat build and equipment set or find a way to bolster her defenses. It leads to fun, desperate playstyles that otherwise would never see the light of day.\par
Rune and Dahlia are brother and sister, so Rune is also a teleportation angel. Maybe this gives him special abilities and conversation options. Maybe his romance arc is exciting.\par
Rune needs to be renamed to a flower name. Or whatever name earth angels get. Something earthy.\par
Rune's romance arc is scandelous since it is a mixed race relationship. Angel thinks it's true love, Blythe thinks it's spicy, and Night and Chloe think it's a bad idea.\par
Rune needs to be a bad guy as long as possible so it's a surprise when he's a recruitable NPC and even moreso when he is a romanceable NPC.\par
Earth angels do not call themselves earth angels. Find another way to refer to themselves. Maybe by appearance, nationality, job, ranking, etc.\par
Sibling earth angels do not always have the same job, but it's highly unusual since it's basically genetic. (I do not know if they mate.)\par
Research flower names\par
Make religious symbols for the shrines: ressurection (a cycle, renewal, used for lesser life uduslly), teleportafion (warp, transfer, travel. maybe symbolized by a pair of earth angEl wings)\par
Find local names. what do earth angels call resurrection and teleportation?\par
The religion of the earth angels is pantheistic\par
Research pantheism\par
Research if any winged animals live underground\par
The first time an earth ngel is shown, pan over artwork of a dynamic shot of her. If keeping flower names, Phlox's design is inspired by phlox flowers.\par
Earth angels are traditionally matriarchical, and men are growing in independEnce gradually. The women look down on men, though. Maybe Rune is suprised by earth's egalitarianism and returns to be a great men's rights activist in his homeworld\par
Delphine romance, she whispers French nothings for you\par
If one person learns a skill, it unlocks for everyone? if one person learns a skill, it unlocks at a standard skill trainer? Player buys skills for each person? A combination of these?\par
Rune speaks ye olde English, or at least colonial era stuff back when settlers were swarming over the countryside, encountering and studying and conquering all the land's peoples.\par
Study French\par
Study post-Civil War France and Paris\par
The earth angels have a spoken and written language unique to them. However, the written is starkly similar to some Indian tribe written language. It is unclear who influenced who or where their origins and peoples have mixed. It is never explicit in the game, unless a really nerdy lexiconical character examines it. \par
Maybe a puzzle or fight or stat check or skill check or something to find communicator.\par
Maybe a puzzle to use the communicator.\par
You have to unlock new teleport shrines by discovery.\par
Maybe Phlox's channel is a debtor community or prison planet, so it is almost unheard of to travel to it. They could have an Ico situation where the crime is being born with horns or something.\par
Force new builds and use of unusal skills to get to the next part of the game. Consider a skill before an item or stat or chat option or whatever.\par
Phlox's channel has many NPCs, most unwilling to talk until your reputation has risen enough. Slowly, merchants and repairmen become available. This should serve to educate how the faction, rank based main channel works.\par
Safe rooms have pacificsm, a healing regenerative effect, and allow noncombat skill use like transmutation and possibly healing\par
Party members learn new skills when gaining higher levels. Party members trigger new events to learn new skills when certain requirements or conditions are met or present. Party members can be taught new skills by experiencing certain events, buying them, being given skill tomes, training at the gym, going to summer school, going to preacher Alder's sermons, and so on.\par
Have preachers write the sermons\par
Take famous sermons like Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards and Spurgeon's sermons, etc.\par
Prince Lotus is more eloquent in English because he not only is well educated as a prince, but he was born into a royal family dependent and highly involved with the humans.\par
Dark skills are unavailable to Chloe. Maybe somethung can lift that limit, especially a "use any skull" skill but that may have ro exvlude elites\par
Rune cannot use light holy healing stuff.\par
The mall has a second-hand clothing shop. The girls complain that they usually get either store credit or almost nothing if they trade clothes in. The player can trade in old apparel, too, for Kohl's cash or whatever. They accept or don't accept almost at random, taking this girl's out-of-season, hole-ridden clothes, but rejecting this brand-new, still has the tags clothes.\par
The earth angels are fallen angels who worship Lucifer or Satan. Gave to look ot up.\par
The earth angels call themselves angels and they call their home the Abyss.\par
But if so, why is basically Hell, the Pit, Abyss, etc so rich in resources like apparently gold-paved Heaven?\par
Keeping the little devil boy in the church doesn\rquote t work out in a humorous way.\par
Chloe is uncomfortable with the devil boy and doesn\rquote t really know what to do with him. They have funny discussions with awkward tenseness. Rune doesn\rquote t like Chloe at all or Father. Cassia generally will take any help she can, espevially from a local with a better grasp on tje pulse of the culture. This is not true for Acolyte Cassia, but Rune still has to live with her. Very awkward scenes.\par
Another scene where uncle finds the devil boy living there in his house. Honestly, he doesn\rquote t mind but reveals hints that he knows about earth angels and has concerns about being caught with one. Cassia pretty much has been revealed as a dungeon crawler to her uncle, though.\par
On the final boss rush, there is either an abundance of changing out your team and build or sparse desert\par
Maybe there can be a Dance with Devils-style otome or something with Rune, Prince Lotus, and more.\par
The earth angels sealed the great evil because it was too powerful and they were turning to more commercial, modern, luxuriating efforts.\par
Earth angels have funny expressions and think human expressions are funny. They have a culture with heavy emphasis on the earth, tunneling, darkness, caves, soil, and rocks. \par
The main character is a beligerent atheist, like Sophie, because it's funny. Everyone kind of pities her but ignores her. Her mean insults roll off like off Teflon. Just like how the church lady still thinks Sophie is so precious and sweet.\par
Easter Eggs\par
Give everyone impossible phone numbers. Maybe too short, like back when area code wasn\rquote t necessary\par
Prince Lotus shares his anime tragic backstory early after meeting him.\par
The earth angels have their own name for their human overlords.\par
The chat app has custom emojis. I want either cute ones or classic ones from somewhere.\par
The chat app has polls, pictures, emojis, games, dice (/roll 3),\par
Prince Lotus is the youngest sibling.\par
The earth angels live in a matriachy. The head of state is the Queen.\par
Maybe the Mayor has his wife over the dictatorship as a puppet as an attempt to fit in better with the culture. The Queen would be more willing to be conquered by a woman than any man. \par
The people of the Confederate States call themselves Americans? Or find what is more historically accurate.\par
Research what being in jail is like, especially for holding.\par
Research confederate proson and judicial systems\par
Current Dungeon Layout:\par
\f1\bullet Shipping & Processing Plant\par
\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Quality Assurance\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Finishing\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Manufacturing\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Processing\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Slums\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Harvesting\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Plantations and Coal Mines\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Slums\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Offices\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Residential District\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Royal District\par
Former Dungeon Layout:\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Buffer colonies\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Wildlife\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Farms and Mines\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Business District\par
\f1\bullet \f2\ltrmark\f0 Residential District\par
\f1\bullet Royal Distict\par
\f0 When in the jail, if the player can escape, they can find the place where the skill effect spirit is who is enforcing the no skill use, maybe even no attack skill effect is being cast. If they remove or kill the spirit, the effect will run out. If that happens, the player can attack and use skills. If people in the prison realize this, there would probably be a riot that tramples everyone unless the player can escape quickly. \par
Have Thanksgiving holiday.\par
The Mayor promotes Black Friday in his Mall. The shopping app has a Black Friday sale, too, which is the lowest prices of the year. Or maybe it's not, to prove a point. \line On Black Friday, the Library has a cringey as all get out 100% off sale on books, movies, CDs, etc. Make it really preachy. Have \par
Use lots of Southern slang: "grab you one", "all get out", "give me some sugar",\par
* Edit this as an extra for my game. More extras seems like more care was put into my game. An art book, a story book (real, side, or alternative), comic book, maybe cards, I don't know. Provide in a variety of available formats, keeping open source friendly in mind.\par
* Steam extras. Badges, achievements, card drops, backgrounds, desirable emoticons for conversion in general (what would I LOVE and always use?), probably more things I don't know about.\par
# Systems\par
## Skills\par
* Skill Pool: Skills are a primary form of manipulating the world. There are several ways to classify them and acquire them. \par
Classifications: Skill, spell, hex, chant, shout, enchantment, trap, etc. Elite, common, PVP-only, PVE-only, etc. Acolyte, Tarot Mage, Soldier, Alchemist, etc. Environmental skills, item skills, etc.\par
Acquisition: Every class starts out with a couple of key skills. Gain more through quests, conversation, skill books, and exploration.\par
Maybe sometimes skills must be on your bar to meet some requirement (see in the dark, lockpick, understand a language, etc) and maybe sometimes skills must be in your effects menu (maybe have blindness, the flu, Healing Breeze enchantment, etc) so at least one guy in the party has to cast it on your, and maybe sometimes skills must be in your skill library (I'm looking for someone who knows at least a master-level fire spell, someone who knows at least one skill per profession, etc...)\par
* Skill Library holds all your skills you know\par
* Skillbar holds all your skills you can currently use with restrictions. 8 skills at a time, no duplicates, 1 elite skill.\par
* Skill Effects shows what skills are being applied to you currently.\par
## Lore\par
* Lore: Lore reflects your knowledge of the world, its history, and its people. It is grainular but adds up to a number level. There are several ways to gain lore.\par
Lore is organized into a node tree. There are topics to master at lower levels (general topics) by having enough knowledge of the higher level (specialized topics). It's good to be well-rounded for actually applying your knowledge's sake, but it is also good to have a high number of lore nodes unlocked for a high lore stat. It may be visible, hidden, or partially visible. \par
The topics can be balanced by having less local things you gain just by knowing who your neighbors are and more nodes for academic and historical topics which require more investigation. You must explore and study to have a high lore stat.\par
Completing branches or trees gains titles. Knowing everything about combat would make you a Battlelord, but knowing everything about computers would make you Techsavvy.\par
General topics with specialized topics examples...\par
Combat>Fire Magic>Fire Ball\par
Combat>Martial Weapons>Blades>Swords>Short Sword\par
Local History>Who Lived Here Before the Mayor>Night's Grandparents\par
Local History>Mall>When the Mall was Built\par
Mall Town>Residents>Evanthe\par
World>Domestic Affairs>National Government>The President\par
World>International Affairs>National Government of the United States>The President\par
World>Confederate History>Wars>The War of Northern Aggression\par
Underworld>Abyss>Earth Angels>Earth Angel Language\par
## Grade in School\par
Your grade in school is tracked by your completion and performance in school-related and generally academic activities and is boosted by your lore. It is measured on a A (100-90) to F (64-negative infinity) scale. It affects your relationship with teachers and students, can earn you rewards (get a good reward for getting all As or top 10 on the summer school exam or whatever), and can cause penalties.\par
## Friendship\par
Friendship is measured on a scale for each character in the game, from stranger to acquaintance to friend to either cherished friend or boyfriend. Friendships are more realistic. You can't rush a friendship or speedrun it by giving 7000 friendship bracelets to a girl, being her maid of honor at her wedding, then never talk to her for 70 years, and still be best friends. You have to stay engaged and keep being nice or you lose your friends or grow distant. Boyfriend relationships are even more picky. They get jealous, they get lonely, they expect you to be there for them in their time of need. If you're not, they may fall for the girl who is.\par
Your options and actions determine where a relationship is heading to cherished friend or boyfriend, although you usually have a yes-or-no choice at some point to make it "official." Some boys are the type who don't let you be friends with other guys because it makes them a little jealous. Play it for hotness (I am so desired!)\par
Having multiple boyfriends causes jealousy and can knock relationship stats back if caught.\par
Ghosting on your boyfriend causes relationship points to slide.\par
Ghosting on friends causes friendships to because "distant friendships" or whatever like in The Sims 3.\par
There are multiple avenues for developing friendships. Talk to them once daily, give gifts a few times a week, remember their birthday, hang out with them, use them in your party, say the right things, do their quests, be friends with their friends (being friends with Chloe makes you closer to Ren, being friends with Delphine makes you closer to Evanthe), not being friends with people they don't like (being friends with Aries makes Angel upset), generally be the right person who interests them (have higher music or poetry lore mastery to passively be better friends with Ren), have a combatible MBTI personality or Zodiac sign or whatever, don't have a conflicting personality or sign, be in the same factions (also be a regular churchgoer for Chloe's friendship, also be have a gym membership for Aries), etc.\par
# Outline\par
Cassia can't stay with her family. \par
Her uncle is a final option, so he takes her. It's clear no one thinks he's capable, and the town he lives in is boring.\par
.:Act One:.\par
Cassia arrives in Montgomery National Airport.\par
Cassia's other uncle, her uncle's brother, meets her and has a brief chat.\par
The other uncle drives her from the airport to the town.\par
He stops on the way for food.\par
He arrives in town.\par
The Mayor and Angel greet her.\par
The Mayor gives a spiel about the town and himself and whatever. Talks to the uncle, too.\par
Angel shows Cassia around.\par
Cassia checks out her home and it's empty. Her uncle isn't even here to greet her.\par
Angel is frustrated but not surprised. She encourages Cassia to spend the night with her instead.\par
Cassia spends the night with Angel.\par
Angel and Cassia chat at night until Angel's mom hushes them.\par
Angel's mom wakes them up for Cassia's first day of school and Angel's last day of school. They go early for Cassia.\par
Angel leads Cassia to the school. They see friends on the way there, maybe.\par
The Mayor is waiting and takes Cassia into his office for an explanation. Angel goes ahead on to class.\par
The Mayor leads Cassia to her classroom.\par
The Mayor introduces her to the class.\par
The teacher introduces herself and encourages her to relax and explore.\par
Cassia explores the classroom and talks to the students and teacher. She can do worksheets to learn some skills, lore, or gain reputation points or good grade points or whatever.\par
Player says she's ready to kill the mayor with Prince Lotus\par
Player says she needs time to rest. Maybe Prince Lotus insists a final rest while he assembles everyone.\par
A romantic last night before the battle scene with your boyfriend or just a nervous walk with Angel and Cassia.\par
The party meets in the morning to go but gets intercepted by the police.\par
Rune teleports them to Prince Lotus.\par
The party splits to accomplish both objectives\par
The party kills the mayor and the royal family\par
The party explores the anarchic Abyss\par
Rune teleports them away to Cassia's house\par
The uncle comes in as the "someone's at the door!" jump scare.\par
The uncle chats and explains the situation.\par
The uncle promises to explain his involvement later. His involvement must be foreshadowed. He may even be an agent for the Confederate government. Maybe it should be open-ended a little for those cringey tumblr theories to advertise my game a little.\par
The Uncle talks to them\par
# Act 1\par
It's classic to think the rebel leader is your enemy over misunderstandings then to push aside differences once the true enemy is revealed. I think of the Shining Blade and the White Mantle in pursuit of the Chosen.\par
Not all earth angels are members of the Resistance. In fact, a lot of earth angels are indifferent or against them. Many are disillusioned, believing no good can come from the royal family, thinking it's a trick to round up dissenters or just a powertrip larp from a rich kid who will abandon any civillian who loses their livelihood and societal standing from siding with him. Others believe the society is fine as it is and there is no hope for better. The best hope for individuals is to appease the ruler as much as possible and be as good as a boy as possible. Rocking the boat and provoking them may lead to way worse conditions. Others have found positions of relative safety and security and comfort and cannot sacrifice this from the mass suspicion and scrutiny that would arise from earth angel rebellion. \par
Document progress. Include sketches, mockups, character portraits, finished art, music, story, etc.\par
Goals: Introduce setting. Exciting, interesting, and memorable opening with beautiful scenery and animations and compelling characters that put the player in the action quickly. The opening should only take a few minutes, not long at all. \par
## Opening\par
Fade in.\par
Scenes of railway cars and trains rush bleakly and drearily through the night. Rain is like a black sheet and clears to a weak drizzle in a gray mist, blurring the view of the dark clouds and night sky overhead and harsh beams of the streetlights reflecting crassly off windows. \par
Rain drops plop and streak the window. Behind, the player is slumped over, sleeping dreamlessly and shifting uncomfortably. She is sitting alone, and the train is visibly uncrowded, spotted with passengers. A big luggage bag takes up the seat next to her.\par
The camera draws nearer, and the player stirs moodlessly, gazing out the the window, her face never completely visible.\par
"I can never sleep on trains," the player thinks as the camera shifts out to far overhead, scenery barely visible through the drudge.\par
"Stopping, Station Auburn. Stopping, Station Auburn. Stopping, Station Auburn."\par
A lady comes by, asking for tickets. She reaches the player. Cassia reflexively holds out her ticket and receives her last punch. She doesn't receive it back. \par
"Close now," she thinks as she jumps up. She pulls her luggage out with her into the aisle. It annoys the other passengers, but she couldn't do anything about it anyways. \par
## Uncle Chet\par
She exits the train. The station is quaint. It looks developed and modern but appropriate for a smaller city.\par
She immediately is stopped by an old man.\par
"Cassia! That must be you."\line >No...wrong person.\par
"Ah, don't lay one like that on Uncle Chet. I watched you get born. I'd recognize my little girl anywhere."\par
>...Uncle Chet?\par
"Yes! It's me! I'm so glad to get to see you, even if it's just to drive you down to my brother's. Sorry we can't hang out longer, but I'll be heading on a trip myself tomorrow and have a meeting later today. I know the layover was miserable, but at least I'm completely free to pick you up. Originally, I was going to have my sister pick you up."\par
"Anyways, let's go. It's a short drive to Mall Town. You hungry? I can grab you something in the station."\par
Camera transitions to a car ride. The car is Confederate-made pickup truck. The rain is starting to clear up and dawn will break momentarily. The road's a little unbusy and comfortable to drive. It's a smooth drive. There are cotton fields, corn fields, and cows on either side. The farmland loops until the conversation draws to a close. Then Mall Town comes up.\par
## Car Ride\par
Goals: \par
* He should probably acknowledge why the player is moving abruptly at the end of the school year to a presumably worse town.\par
* This is a chance for the player to learn more about Cassia's backstory, family situation, the new town, and Uncle Chet\par
* Major questions: Why am I moving? What will the new town be like?\par
" you feeling about moving?"\par
"Yeah? I think you'll get over it once you make friends."\par
"Really? That's good to hear."\par
"I've been down to Mall Town every once in a while. For a place in the middle of nowhere, it's amazing, honestly. I don't know what's going on there, but that Mayor is an eccentric rich guy who just pours money into making it seem like a real city. It has a mall, a school, a gym, lots of the necessities. There's some good young people there, and people travel there from the actually bodunk towns for business or tourism all the time. It'll be alright. Maybe I should visit for your birthday. I'll have to see if I can get off work for that."\par
[if birthday is today] "...Well, not today, of course. \par
>Tell me about Uncle\par
"I guess you never got a chance to know him too well, since you were knee high to a grasshopper when he was around last time your mom visited him. He's been living in Mall Town since forever ago, before the guy came and bought up the town and established himself as major. He's alright. I mean, he's never around, and he's usually passed out somewhere, and he never cleans up. Sigh. I hope you'll be a good influence on him." (Maybe some family drama between them.)\par
>Why aren't you taking me in?\par
"I wish I could, girl, but my job has me flown out meeting clients all over the country. At the end of this week, I'll be in Wilmington. That's no way for a girl to go through school. I'll try to help you out anyways. I'll give you an allowance every two weeks, so look out for that. It should be enough to feed yourself and hang out with friends, if you're responsible. And I know my little princess is."\par
"Anyways, it looks like we're here! Now that you live closer to me, I'll finally get to see my little angel again. You have my number."\par
[if birthday within a week] "And don't think I forgot about your birthday. Here you go, girlie. You're 16 now. Time to learn some self-defense. I won't be here to watch out for you all the time, and I know that deadbeat brother of mine won't be either."\par
## Meet Town Greeters\par
* Robotic, all-business mayor. Serious and stilted to comedy.\par
* Uncle is a deadbeat.\par
They get out of the car. The mayor is there.\par
Uncle Chet: "Can you believe it? The caretaker isn't even here."\line Mayor: "Welcome, Cassia! Welcome to Mall Town. You'll have fun here.\par
The mayor holds out his hand to shake. \par
Mayor: "..." (professional expression)\par
Cassia: "..." (avoidant expression)\par
Mayor: "..." (uncomfortable expression)\par
>Shake hands\par
Mayor: "Well! You'll be making friends and learning and off doing great things before you know it. I've heard impressive things from your Uncle here. (if shook hands, professional expression. If not, uncomfortable expression)\par
Mayor: You should stop by more often.\par
Uncle Chet: "I'll try to, for my little girl. Well, I have to go. Promise me you'll behave."\par
The uncle hugs the player, gets in his car, and drives away.\par
## In the Town\par
Angel rushes over. \par
Angel: "Um...Are you Cassia?"\par
>Who are you?\par
Angel: Oh, so sorry! I'm Angel.\par
>Yes. \par
Mayor: "Good, good. Angel, you're up. Why d0n't you introduce Cassia around? I'll be in my office."\par
Mayor leaves.\par
Angel: You're here a lot earlier than we thought you'd be here. The whole town's been talking. I hope that doesn't embarrass you. Your bag looks heavy. I can help you with it.\par
>I don't need help.\par
Angel: No, you're so little and cute and probably have been lugging this thing around for days. Let me do it.\par
>Thank you\par
Angel: It's seriously no problem! \par
Angel easily lifts the bag and carries it along as you walk.\par
Angel: So you're Uncle's niece, huh? Let's head to his house, then.\par
Angel leads Cassia to her uncle's house. \par
Map updated: My Home\par
## My Home\par
She kn0cks. No response.\par
She knocks again.\par
Angel: Um, okay...oh!\par
Angel accidently opens the door.\par
Angel: "It's unlocked."\par
Cassia enters and Angel follows right after. It's dark. Angel turns on the light.\par
The room is a mess. There's crushed Beast cans everywhere, wrappers, pizza boxes, trashbags. All the doors are open. One room is completely empty.\par
Angel: "Oh! It's such a mess! No one seems to be home."\par
Angel leaves Cassia's luggage by the fireplace.\par
Angel: One of the rooms is empty. I bet that's yours. The rest is such a mess...If you ever get the itch to clean, I'll help you. I have lots of cleaning supplies you can borrow, too. \par
>Let's look around\par
Angel: I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that, but I guess a quick look's okay. It will be your home, too.\par
>Let's leave\par
Angel: Yeah, let's just get out of here.\par
Angel: Anyways, we were going to throw a welcoming party later today or tomorrow. Just my class, no adults or anything. We'll have a cookie cake. Oh my gosh, you're not vegan, are you?"\par
Angel: Okay, I'll just change the menu then. Good to know. You really are a city girl, aren't you?"\par
Angel: Hope you'll enjoy it, then! \par
Angel: Um...I don't think he's getting back...Did you want to sleep here or should I tell Mom I'm bringing over a friend.\par
>I'll stay here. Maybe he'll come back.\par
Angel: If you're sure. School's tomorrow at 6:30. It's not like we'll be doing anything, though, so you can just meet everybody. See ya!\par
>Can you please?\par
Angel: Yeah, totally. Give me a second.\par
Angel texts her mom. Screen transitions to Angel's house. \par
Angel's Mom: Hello! Oh, you sweet girl. If there aren't any problems, you can stay over here any night. I don't want you sleeping in a house all by yourself. It's late, though, and you have school tomorrow so go on ahead and get ready for bed.\par
Angel: It's just the last day, Mom.\par
Angel's Mom: They expect you there just the same. Go on. Night, dears.\par
Cassia goes to Angel's room with her. \par
Angel: Go ahead and change into your jammies. I'll be brushing my teeth. \par
Angel's mom brings a sleeping bag up. "Alright, you two. Fight over who gets the sleeping bag."\par
Angel and Cassia decide to share a bed. \par
Angel: "It's kind of fun having an impromptu sleepover like this. I hang out with Delphine and Blythe and Chloe a lot, but I haven't had a sleepover since I was ten. It's usually just Mom and me here."\par
>No father?\par
Angel: "I mean, I have a dad and my parents are still married and everything. Dad's deployed right now, though. He's in the army."\par
>No siblings?\par
Angel: ...No. No siblings.\par
Angel's mom's voice is heard through the door.\par
Angel's Mom: "What did I tell you girls? Sleep."\par
Angel: Sorry, Mom! (shocked face) (normal face) I guess we can talk later.\par
The girls sleep, little chat bubble z's form, and the screen fades to black.\par
Angel's Mom: It's time for school!\par
Angel: Okay, okay.\par
The girls change into their school uniforms and brush their teeth and pack their bags. \par
Angel: Later, Mom. Thanks for letting Cassia stay over.\par
Angel's Mom: Of course! Any time!\par
Angel: Well, let's go to school.\par
(If stayed at Uncle's)\par
Cassia goes to sleep on the bed.\par
Angel: Um, wake up. Um, sorry I came in. The door really should be locked. Well, I'll walk you to school.\par
Screen transitions to school.\par
## First Day of School\par
### Talk with the Principal\par
Mr. Eldridge: (neutral) \ldblquote Thank you for filling that out \f1\endash Miss/no-title [name]. My name is Mr. Eldridge. I\rquote m the principal of Mall K-12 School. I\rquote ve already been informed of your situation. \par
(neutral) \ldblquote How do you feel about moving here?\rdblquote\par
(Available on new playthroughs) >Can we get the speech over with?\par
(surprise) \ldblquote I\rquote m a busy man myself.\rdblquote (Skip to entering classroom)\par
>Can\rquote t wait to introduce myself!\par
(surprise) \ldblquote Really now? (proud) You won\rquote t believe the mall we have here. It\rquote s incredible for a city this size.\par
>I just want to go home.\par
(neutral) \ldblquote That\rquote s how I thought you must feel. I want to encourage you.\rdblquote\par
\ldblquote There\rquote s quite a few kids your age. I think you\rquote ll adjust quickly. (proud) Our Mall is the boast of the region \endash people travel from pretty far to hang out at our mall. You\rquote ll make lots of friends there, I guarantee it.\rdblquote\par
(neutral) This is your classroom. If you need anything, I\rquote ll make time for you. (serious) I\rquote m your principal. I care deeply about every since one of my students.\par
You enter the classroom with Mr. Eldridge. \par
### Class Begins\par
Miss Goldie: (surprised) \ldblquote Class, let\rquote s hear what Mr. Eldridge has to say now.\rdblquote\par
Mr. Eldridge: (proud) \ldblquote Miss Goldie, I am proud to introduce our newest student, Miss/no-title [name]. Why don\rquote t you say hello?\rdblquote\par
>Nice to meet you all.\par
(laughing) \ldblquote Love the enthusiasm!\rdblquote\par
>(smile awkwardly)\par
(if can\rquote t wait to introduce myself) - \ldblquote Where did that enthusiasm go!\rdblquote\par
(if want to go home) - \ldblquote That\rquote s a good effort, at least.\rdblquote\par
>(do nothing)\par
(if can\rquote t wait to introduce myself) - \ldblquote Where did that enthusiasm go!\rdblquote\par
(if want to go home) - \ldblquote She/He\rquote s a bit shy as you can see. Please make her/him feel welcome! Why don\rquote t you invite her/him to the mall after school? I\rquote ll ask the merchants to throw on a discount, how about that?\par
\ldblquote Well, I\rquote ll leave everything to you, Miss Goldie.\rdblquote\par
Miss Goldie: (flustered) Um, yes, sir. \par
Mr. Eldridge leaves the room.\par
Miss Goldie: (Neutral) \ldblquote Well, [name], it\rquote s the last day of school, so we were just having a free day. Go ahead and meet the new students. If you want some tutoring, come see me. I\rquote ll be at my desk, preparing end-of-the-year paperwork, but of course I have time for you so don\rquote t be shy. I\rquote m allowing smartphone usage today, too, so long as you keep the volume down.\rdblquote\par
### Explore the Classroom\par
You can walk around the room and talk to the students or try to leave the room. You can return to the classroom and continue.\par
#### Meet Miss Goldie\par
Miss Goldie is working on papers at her desk.\par
>Miss Goldie\par
Miss Goldie: (Neutral) I hope you\rquote ll like it here next year. I was their teacher for English, Literature, Scripture, Rhetoric, and Logic this year. I\rquote ll probably be your teacher for English, Literature, Scripture, and Japanese I next year. Do you want some practice work from this year or some prep work for next year?\par
>This year\par
\ldblquote Alright! I pulled some key workbook pages just in case the new student needed them.\par
(Item obtained: workbook tear-outs) \ldblquote Here. You can work on them when you feel like it. I can answer your questions or give you a lesson. If you don\rquote t get around to it today, I\rquote ll be around town all summer. You should prioritize making friends today, but I admire your diligence.\rdblquote\par
>Next year\par
(Item obtained: workbook tear-outs) \ldblquote Here. You can work on them when you feel like it. I can answer your questions or give you a lesson. If you don\rquote t get around to it today, I\rquote ll be around town all summer. You should prioritize making friends today, but I admire your diligence.\rdblquote\par
>Neither, just want to meet you.\par
\ldblquote I understand. I was born here, but I left for a long time while pursuing my teaching certifications. This was my first year actually teaching and I feel a little new around here, too.\rdblquote\par
Miss Goldie: \ldblquote Go make friends!\rdblquote\par
(After working worksheet) \ldblquote Oh, you have something you\rquote re stuck on? (Miss Goldie explains.)\par
(After learning Ren likes poetry) \ldblquote You\rquote re interested in poetry? I have a book you can borrow. (Item obtained: 9th Grade Poetry Book) Enjoy.\rdblquote\par
### Meet Chloe\par
Chloe is reading a book by herself.\par
Chloe: (neutral) \ldblquote Hey, it\rquote s nice to meet you. New people visit here all the time, but people moving here is unusual. You don\rquote t have to talk about it if it\rquote s private. I\rquote m just glad to meet someone new. \par
\ldblquote Chapel meets every Sunday. You should come visit.\rdblquote\par
>I\rquote ll think about it!\par
(happy) \ldblquote Cool. Really, visit whenever. I live at the chapel, so it would be nice to see you.\par
>I\rquote m not interested in church.\par
(If Acolyte) (concern) \ldblquote What? (neutral) Sorry, just...that\rquote s pretty weird to hear from an Acolyte.\rdblquote\par
\ldblquote Fair enough. i actually live at the chapel, so I would still like you to visit. Father Alder won\rquote t guilt you or anything, I promise. \par
Chloe: (happy) Come visit me at the chapel! It\rquote s not like the door is ever locked.\rdblquote\par
(If talked to Angel, Blythe, and Ren && girl) >Do you like Ren?\par
\ldblquote Oh, what Blythe said? She just wants to stir up drama. (She lowers her voice.) (flirty) Are you interested in him? Salty snacks are his favorite, especially chips. Brush up on your poetry and you may impress him.\rdblquote\par
### Invite to the Mall\par
Angel, Blythe, and Ren are chatting.\par
>talk to any of them\par
Blythe: (if girl) \ldblquote Hey, it\rquote s the new girl! I\rquote m Blythe, this is Angel, and this is Ren. Stay away from him, though, because he\rquote s Chloe\rquote s.\rdblquote\par
(if boy) \ldblquote Hey, it\rquote s the new boy! I\rquote m Blythe, this is Angel, and this is Ren. Stay away from Chloe because she is all his.\rdblquote\par
Chloe: (annoyed) \ldblquote Stop teasing me.\rdblquote\par
Angel: (neutral) \ldblquote Chloe\rquote s a woman of the cloth, so she can\rquote t really date.\rdblquote\par
Chloe: (annoyed) \ldblquote That\rquote s not true either.\rdblquote\par
Ren: (neutral) \ldblquote There aren\rquote t any rules about \lquote women of the cloth\rquote having relations. That\rquote s a popular belief that\rquote s basis is in the Cult.\rdblquote\par
Blythe: (flirty) \ldblquote You\rquote ve clearly researched the topic.\rdblquote\par
Ren: (irritated) \ldblquote Shut up, Blythe.\rdblquote\par
Angel: (concerned) \ldblquote Um, I think the new girl/boy is uncomfortable. Stop fighting, guys!\rdblquote\par
Blythe: \ldblquote You should go hang out at the mall with us tonight.\rdblquote\par
\f0 Angel: Yeah! I spent so much time planning, then I didn't even tell you. We're going to have a welcoming party at the foodcourt for you! Everybody's gonna come. It'll be way better than meeting in class.\par
Blythe: Well, yeah, of course I mean that. But like, we should hang out later.\f1\par
Ren: (concerned) \ldblquote ...\rdblquote\par
Angel: \ldblquote Really, you should. Don\rquote t worry about Blythe.\rdblquote\par
Blythe: \ldblquote Seriously, it would be fun!\rdblquote\par
Angel: \ldblquote Awesome. There\rquote s bubble tea and little pop-up shops today, since it\rquote s Friday. I\rquote ll treat you.\rdblquote\par
Blythe: (lowers voice) \ldblquote I meant tonight, Angel.\rdblquote\par
Angel: (concern) \ldblquote Oh. After dark? But what about the rumors?\rdblquote\par
>What are you talking about?\par
Angel: \ldblquote I mean, a janitor went missing during his night shift when I was a little girl. Some of the middleschool boys play around there at night and hear creepy noises. I walked a friend home late at night and saw weird lights in the windows on my way back...\rdblquote\par
Blythe: \ldblquote In other words, the mall is haunted. Let\rquote s pull a haunted mall sleepover. It would be your first big [town] experience!\rdblquote\par
>Let\rquote s do it.\par
Blythe: \ldblquote I bet you can\rquote t even make it until midnight.\rdblquote\par
>Why would I do that?\par
Blythe: \ldblquote Don\rquote t be such a kid. I\rquote m picking you up at 10.\rdblquote\par
Angel and Blythe continue chatting. Ren pulls out his smartphone and starts playing the Mall app.\par
### Meet Angel\par
Angel is chatting to Blythe.\par
Angel: \ldblquote Don\rquote t listen to Blythe.\f0 The party's still on\f1 . We\rquote ll have lots of fun.\rdblquote\par
### Meet Blythe\par
Blythe is chatting to Angel.\par
Blythe: \ldblquote This will be awesome! Don\rquote t chicken out like Angel.\rdblquote\par
## Meet Ren\par
Ren is playing the Mall App Game.\par
Ren: \ldblquote Don\rquote t listen to Blythe. She\rquote s just trying to stir up drama. Chloe\rquote s just my friend.\rdblquote\par
>What game are you playing?\par
\ldblquote Oh, Dungeon Girls! It\rquote s the app that the Mall promotes. If you\rquote re good at it, you can get discounts at the mall and special gifts. Not me, I\rquote m pretty bad at it. You should download it, though. Honestly, I\rquote m surprised you haven\rquote t heard of it yet.\rdblquote\par
>Is she available?\par
(lowers voice) (disinterested) \ldblquote You like her? Well, she\rquote s usually at the chapel, so you should go visit her.\rdblquote\par
(if you have poetry book) \ldblquote The poetry textbook? I have better books than that. I\rquote ll let you borrow some sometime.\rdblquote\par
## Worksheet\par
>Do worksheet\par
\ldblquote You work on the worksheet. You don\rquote t understand question #9.\rdblquote\par
>Do worksheet\par
\ldblquote You work on the worksheet.\rdblquote\par
## Leaving Class\par
>Try to leave before 2\par
Miss Goldie: \ldblquote You want to leave? I guess that\rquote s alright. Everyone else is probably having a free-day, too. I bet the other classrooms would like to meet you.\rdblquote\par
Player leaves room.\par
>Stay until 2\par
Miss Goldie: \ldblquote Class is over.\rdblquote\par
Player leaves room.\par
### Aries Scrimmage\par
Player runs into Aries in the hallway.\par
Aries: \ldblquote Hey, you\rquote re the new kid, aren\rquote t you! (sizes you up) Can you fight?\rdblquote\par
>I\rquote\f0 m not sure\'85\f1\par
\ldblquote That doesn\rquote t bode well for you. Spar me. \par
>Are you threatening me?\par
\ldblquote I\rquote m challenging you. I want to see what you\rquote re made of.\rdblquote\par
>Of course I can.\par
\ldblquote Spar me then.\rdblquote\par
\ldblquote I wasn\rquote t giving you an option!\par
Aries spars with you. He uses a very simple strategy to see through, but the player needs to use attacks and skills to win.\par
Aries: \ldblquote Not bad.\rdblquote\par
Aries: \ldblquote No good. You need to get stronger if you\rquote re staying here long.\ldblquote\par
Angel and Chloe run out to meet you.\par
Angel: \ldblquote Aries, you are the worst! (if girl) Fighting a girl like that! (if boy) Harassing [name] on his first day!\rdblquote\par
Aries: \ldblquote [name], give me a real fight next time.\rdblquote\par
Aries leaves.\par
Chloe: \ldblquote [name], are you okay? I\rquote ll heal you.\rdblquote\par
Chloe casts a full healing spell on the player character.\par
Angel: \ldblquote I can\rquote t believe him.\rdblquote\par
>I\rquote m fine, don\rquote t worry about it.\par
Angel: \ldblquote No, it is not fine! \par
>What\rquote s up with that guy?\par
Chloe: \ldblquote He takes his training really seriously.\rdblquote\par
(I\rquote m fine or What\rquote s up continues) Angel: \ldblquote Aries has no excuse attacking you like that! If he ever does that again, yell and I will pommel him. I am so serious.\rdblquote\par
Chloe: \ldblquote Just ignore him. Aren\rquote t you a [job]? You should train with [trainer], the [job] trainer at the gym. I go there on Tuesdays, so you can train with me if you want.\rdblquote\par
Angel: \ldblquote Aries goes on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so you can avoid him if you want.\rdblquote\par
>Do I have to train?\par
Chloe: \ldblquote You really should, though. [town] doesn\rquote t really have a police force or militia, but combat training is part of our school\rquote s core curriculum. We have to be able to take care of ourselves in this town.\rdblquote\par
Angel: \ldblquote Aries is a jerk, but he won\rquote t hurt you. You shouldn\rquote t go to the mall at night, though. There\rquote s creepy rumors about it.\rdblquote\par
Player leaves classroom.\par
Player bumps into Aries.\par
Hey, watch where you're going!\par
They back up and look at each other.\par
Oh, you're the new girl/guy. Hey, how about a sparring match? You can fight, can't you?\par
Angel runs over. \par
Angel: Aries, leave her alone!\par
Aries: Relax. I want to see if she can defend herself. \par
Aries: You want to spar?\par
>Are you threatening me? \par
Do you even know what sparring is!\par
If you don\rquote t spar with me, your first match will be a real fight. \par
>I\rquote ve never fought before...\par
Then you have to learn fast. \par
>Let\rquote s do it.\par
Battle initiates in the training room. \par
Aries wands and uses weak skills infrequently. \par
Player can wand with preequipped weapon and use small library of skills preloaded on skillbar.\par
Battle ends, and Player and Aries are standing together, while Angel and Chloe stand nearby.\par
>Fight without wanding\par
Your skill variety is worse than a kid\rquote s, and you don\rquote t even know how use your weapon.\par
>Fight without using skills\par
You can use your weapon, but you have to use skills in a real fight. \par
>Win with wanding and skills\par
You know the basics. Your skill variety is pathetic, and you have no strategy. \par
>Lose with wanding, skills and no potions\par
You\rquote re weak. Don\rquote t you have recovery potions? Why didn't you use them?\par
>Lose with wanding, skills, and potions.\par
You\rquote re weak! I wasn't trying to win, and you even used recovery potions. \par
Angel: Hey, you're being too hard on her! How have you never learned that you can't just fight girls like that!\par
Aries: Hey, Player. If you want a rematch, I usually hang out at the gym. I\rquote ll give you a real fight.\par
Aries walks out.\par
>if health low\par
Chloe: ...Don't worry, I'll heal you.\par
>if health high \par
Barely a scratch on you. Let me touch you up.\par
Chloe casts full healing on Player.\par
>if health critically low\par
That was reckless. Even if I\rquote m here, he could have misjudged when to stop. \par
Angel: A rematch? Who does he think he is, hurting Player like that on her first day!\par
Maybe I should give him a rematch, if you know what I mean.\par
>if health low or high\par
Chloe: You should be feeling better now. \par
Angel: The nerve of that guy! I have half a mind to give him that rematch myself.\par
>I want a rematch.\par
Angel: Really? You don't have to listen to that jerk. \par
>I need to get stronger.\par
Then train with us and forget him. \par
>I want to prove myself to him.\par
What is that even worth? You're letting him provoke you. \par
>I hate his guts. \par
Then forget him. I will seriously fight him for you if you want him taken down a notch.\par
Chloe: She may not look it, but Angel's one of the strongest fighters in town.\par
>I need to fight him myself. \par
Chloe: You need to train first. Aries was going really easy. Father Alder has a small skillbook library. You can visit the church and study with me.\par
Angel: I'll help you show him, too. Let's work out together. \par
>Let's move on.\par
Let's. \par
>I\rquote d like to see that. \par
Angel: It'll happen. \par
(Angel will invite Player to watch next time Aries is at the gym.)\par
Chloe: It's time to get out of here. I'm going back to the church to finish cleaning the fellowship hall. It can wait if you decide to study with me. \par
Angel: How can you spend the first day of summer cleaning and studying? I'm going to the beach! Wanna come?\par
>Go with Angel\par
Yes! Wait, you don't have a swimsuit, do you? Um, let's go shopping first.\par
Angel is added to party.\par
>Go with Chloe\par
Chloe: I'll text Father to let him know.\par
Chloe is added to party.\par
>Explore the school\par
Angel: Okay, catch you later! \par
Chloe: Bye! Visit any time. \par
## Meet Delphine\par
You leave the gym and run into Delphine.\par
Delphine: Hey, you're still here? I guess the school is kind of interesting if you've never been. I\rquote ll show you around.\par
>Where can we go?\par
X, y, and z. Most of those places are empty, but still open. If you go around to classrooms and the principal\rquote s office, you can meet some people.\par
>Take me to X.\par
>Who should I know?\par
>I\rquote m done exploring. \par
## Meet Mr. Eldridge\par
>Principal\rquote s Office\par
Mr. Eldridge is sitting at his desk, pretending to work.\par
>Mr. Eldridge\par
Mr. Eldridge: (proud) \ldblquote Well, if it isn\rquote t the newest student. I\rquote m the owner of the mall as well, so if you come visit me there, I\rquote ll give you a welcome coupon.\rdblquote\par
>You\rquote re the principal AND the mall owner?\par
(laughing) I am a powerful man!\par
Mr. Eldridge: \ldblquote The mall has a farmer\rquote s market on Tuesdays. You should check it out.\rdblquote\par
## Meet Class 2\par
>Knock on door - Class 2 \endash middleschoolers\par
Mr. Wilder: \ldblquote You\rquote re the new student, aren\rquote t you? Come on in. I teach math, mostly, but I\rquote m also the gym teacher. These are the 6th-8th graders.\rdblquote\par
### Meet Mr. Wilder\par
Mr. Wilder is checking his emails.\par
>Mr. Wilder\par
Mr. Wilder: \ldblquote What\rquote s your name? [Name], huh? I\rquote m Mr. Wilder. Nice to meet you. You\rquote re in 10th grade next year, I heard. Well, I guess what I teach you will depend on your math placement test next year.\rdblquote\par
>How should I prepare for next year?\par
\ldblquote Eager to test out of some classes? I hear ya. Well, I\rquote m more than happy to teach you over the summer. I have summer classes here that are free for anyone. Same classroom.\rdblquote\par
>You teach math and gym?\par
\ldblquote There\rquote s not a lot of staff for the school, so we try to be flexible.\rdblquote\par
\ldblquote Anyways, job-training is just as important as school. You\rquote re a [job], aren\rquote t you? Go see [trainer] if you can over the summer. It\rquote s important.\par
## Meet Class 3\par
>Knock on door - Class 3 \endash elementary schoolers\par
(Maybe Marin works here but lives with her husband in a different town.)\par
Mrs. Marin: \ldblquote Come in! Meet everyone.\rdblquote\par
## Meet Mrs. Marin\par
Mrs. Marin is tidying the cabinet.\par
>Mrs. Marin\par
Mrs. Marin: \ldblquote I teach most of the sciences, except Mr. Wilder teaches physics. If you\rquote ll be 10th grade next year, I\rquote ll be teaching you chemistry. Hope you\rquote ll be ready.\rdblquote\par
>How should I prepare?\par
\ldblquote Really? I\rquote ll spend most of my time in Village with my family, so I can\rquote t offer tutoring in person. This room should be unlocked all summer, so you can come read the textbook. You can\rquote t do the activities, obviously, but there are plenty of problems and vocabulary to study. Message me if you have questions, but I\rquote m sure you\rquote ll be fine next year. (contact obtained: Mrs. Marin)\par
##\f0 \f1 Meet Milo\par
Milo is looking out the window.\par
Milo: \ldblquote I\rquote ve never seen you before. You\rquote re the new person!\rdblquote\par
>That\rquote s right. Who are you?\par
Milo: \ldblquote Oh, I\rquote m Milo! I\rquote m a 5th grader. I\rquote m the top quarterback for towns. (if guy) You should play with us sometime. (if girl) You should watch me sometime.\rdblquote\f0\par
## Welcoming Party\par
Cassia goes to the mall food court. Angel and Delphine already reserved a table and are out dealing with the final preparations. Aries, Blythe, Chloe, Ren, and Night are there. Ren and Night are sitting next to each other, chatting. Aries is cutting in every once in a while. Blythe is bothering Chloe, and Chloe is nodding along. \par
Cassia approaches.\par
Chloe: "She's here."\par
Aries: "Hey!"\par
Blythe: "You sit next to me! And Angel, when she gets here."\par
Cassia sits with them.\par
Angel and Delphine arrive. Angel is carrying the cookie cake, Delphine has some plates and napkins.\par
Angel: "Just in time!"\par
Delphine: "You're Cassia! We met outside the gym. Hi!"\par
Angel and Delphine lay out the table spread. The cookie cake box is still closed.\par
Night: "Quiet, everyone! Introductions are in order."\par
Blythe: "We already met at school. It's just you who doesn't know here."\par
Night: Nonsense. These will be her official introductions. Cassia, this is Ren and Aries."\par
Ren nods and puts up an awkward hand. Aries nods confidently with a smile. \par
"Chloe and Blythe."\line Chloe smiles nervously. Blythe scowls.\par
Blythe: Night, seriously, we already talked and invited her to hang out."\par
"Angel and Delphine."\par
Angel smiles sweetly. Delphine nods.\par
"And I am Night!" \par
Night makes a sweeping gesture and bows.\par
Blythe: "If you're doubling down, at least dial it down a notch for today, Night. Seriously."\par
Night: "This is everybody who's of high school age in the town. I say age, of course, because I have already graduated college and worked an internship. Everyone else here is in your class. I go to school every once in a while when business is slow to tutor. You'll usually find me running the alchemy shop here in the mall. Please visit often."\par
Blythe: "...Why bother? Okay, I got a comment. Speaking of school, you're transferring really late. The school year's practically over. Of course, then summer school will start. You'll probably have to take it or something. If you do, we'll get to be good buddies, hah hah...I'm always in there."\par
Ren: "I don't know. The only transfer student we've had is Night, and he doesn't really count. How were your grades?\par
Angel: "Oh my gosh! You can't just ask embarrassing questions like that!"\par
>Pretty good\par
Angel: You're smart? Wow. Maybe you can help me, then."\par
Ren: Um, the school probably got an academic transcript or something then. I'm sure you'll get summer school optionally, then.\par
Ren: Um, the school probably got an academic transcript or something then. Maybe you won't have to take it, then.\par
>Not so good\par
Ren: Um, the school probably got an academic transcript or something then. You might have to take it with Blythe.\par
>Don't answer\par
Angel: "If any questions get personal, don't answer them. We're just so curious about you, you know? It's exciting to have a new girl our age here. We've all known each other since we were little, and it's the same with a lot of the travelers from other towns."\par
Night: Enough introductions. Now, Angel, unbox!\par
Angel obediently stands up and lifts open the box, revealing a cookie cake. It says "Happy."\par
Aries raises an eyebrow. Aries: "Happy?"\par
Delphine: "It cost more to personalize it."\par
Chloe and Ren start laughing.\par
Blythe: Oh my gosh, seriously? I could have pitched in, you know! \par
Angel: "I think it suits the occasion."\par
Delphine: "Cassia gets the first slice, of course."\par
Angel and Delphine start making sloppy, slanty cuts. Night jumps up. \par
Night: No, no! Let me! Okay."\par
Night studies the cake. \par
Night: "X guests, X slices, so each cut must be at a X/360 angle, and --"\par
Aries jumps up next. "Just cut the stupid thing. It's not that hard!" Aries grabs the knife and efficiently cuts and places the slice on a plate and sets it in front of Cassia. "Here you go."\par
Aries serves everyone efficiently while Angel, Delphine, and Night sit down, flustered.\par
Night: "Now that Aries has so efficiently served us, let's eat."\par
The player can talk freely.\par
## Aries at the Gym\par
Oh, Player. What you up to?\par
Aries: Really? I hope you're ready.\par
Battle starts between Aries and Player in the padded gym room.\par
Aries fights normally with weapon and skills but at a similar level to player.\par
>Lose both fights\par
You don't even try. There's a gym, a library, summer school, and skill trainers that make it easy. You can even learn stuff on your phone. There's no excuse. \par
If you ever get real, fight me again. \par
>Lose just this fight\par
I went easy on you before, but complacency sickens me. \par
>Finally win\par
I wasn't going easy that time. That was all you. Just needed the motivation, huh? \par
>Win both times\par
So it wasn't because I went easy on you. You're pretty good. Hope you didn't come here just to fight me. It'd be nice to see you around more often.\par
## There's a Dungeon in the Mall\par
\f1 Goals: \par
\f0 * \f1 Show that the mall has monsters inside at night\par
* Search for where monsters are coming from and find the opening that leads to the first level of the pit\par
* \f0 Introduce the \f1 all cops are the local police force joke\par
\f0 Blythe is an Agent, a subclass of Ranger. Her default path is stealth, trap detection, door unlocking, sleight of hand, pickpocketing, and smooth talking. She is fast, highly mobile, and offers basic offense with crippling caltrops, blindness, poison darts, and other conditions. She can be changed to focus more on dual wielding weapon offense.\f1\par
\f0 Angel is a Fighter. Her default path is bladed weapon mastery, heavy armor, offense. She causes bleeding, deep wound, and flurries with short swords or stunning and dazing and knockdown with two-handed swords. She is slow, heavy, and powerful with high defense, offense, and vitality. She can endure anything and tank well. \par
She can be changed to focus more on the axe, the hammer, shields, and DPS playstyles.\par
Ren is a Mage. His default path is offensive elemental magic, especially water magic. He has plenty of wards, healing, and support magic. He can be changed to be more practical with teleporting, telekinesis, polymorph, etc. He can be changed to specialize in a different element, but as an Aquarius, it's less effective. He can be more of an alchemist, like Night.\f1\par
\f0 Delphine is a Ranger. Her default path revolves around reading the wind, using bows, and living off the land and surviving the elements. If you catch a pet, you can encourage her to pursue pet mastery skills. You can push her to be more like an Agent like Blythe.\f1\par
Go to the Mall at night any night the first week\par
Blythe: (thrilled) \ldblquote You came! Oh my gosh, awesome. This is going to be so cool.\rdblquote\par
>Let\rquote s go.\par
\ldblquote That\rquote s what I like to hear!\rdblquote\par
Blythe starts walking to the back of the building.\par
>So we\rquote re breaking in?\par
\ldblquote It\rquote s not a big deal. My dad\rquote s the mall sheriff, so it\rquote s not like he\rquote ll be hard on us if we\rquote re caught. I know the shifts, though, and no one\rquote s watching the mall today. Crazy, right? Apparently [policeman] is having some family drama.\f0 It's not like anyone breaks in anyways. Wait. Except me, I guess.\f1\rdblquote\par
Blythe starts walking to the back of the building.\par
Blythe pulls out a key and unlocks the back door.\par
\ldblquote\f0 Can you use unlock magic? I did that kind of reflexively, but if you can use a spell that would have been pretty cool. \f1 I copied a key to a back door. For a sheriff, my dad\rquote s security is pretty bad, huh!\rdblquote\par
Blythe goes inside.\par
>Go inside\par
The mall is the same as in the day-time, but dark.\par
Blythe: \ldblquote We\rquote re in! Want to explore or camp out? I\rquote ll follow you.\rdblquote\par
Blythe follows player.\par
It's very late. Cassia was just getting ready to go to bed. There's a knock at the door. The player answers. Blythe stands confidently in the entrance.\par
Cassia: "Uh, hey, Blythe. What are you up to...?"\par
Blythe: It's Halloween Eve! I already explained this. We have a sleepover at the mall and see who gets scared and leaves first. It's just so awesome you came when you did so you can go with us. Hurry up and change. I can't wait to see the look on your face.\par
Cassia: You were serious? It's so late...\par
Blythe: That's the point. It's not scary if it's not late. Oh come on. You chickening out?\par
Ren walks up.\par
Cassia: Ren, you, too?\par
Ren: I guess I have to.\par
>I'm not going\par
Blythe: Don't be a killjoy. Your teen years are your time to rebel. Once you're older, you won't feel like it anymore.\par
Ren: I think you should once, Cassia.\par
>Why should I?\par
Ren: I think you should go. The mall is haunted and most people don't even know. You should see it for yourself at least once.\par
Blythe: Don't make me drag you over there.\par
>Isn't it trespassing?\par
Blythe: Are you actually scared to break the law here? You realize my dad is the sheriff and the force is just glorified mall cops, right? If you get caught once or twice, they'll just tell your parents to ground you. There's no one on duty today anyways because Mr. Policeman is having family drama or whatever at home. That's what you're afraid of.\par
>There's no way it's haunted\par
Ren: It seriously is.\par
>Who else is going?\par
Us, Delphine, and Angel.\par
>Okay, I am going\par
Ren: (Slightly concerned)\par
Blythe: Alright! You're awesome, you know that? You're going to be so scared you'll run right back here anyways.\par
Blythe leads Ren and Cassia to the mall's back entrance.\par
Blythe: "Don't worry about it, I switched the security footage. I know my dad's password." She unlocks the door. "I also copied his key. Wait. Cassia, you don't know unlock magic, do you? That could have been cool. Oh well, let's go in. And be quiet."\par
Cassia and Ren go inside after Blythe.\par
"Hey, guys," Angel whispers in the darkness.\par
"Hey," Blythe replies. "I brought Cassia and Ren. You ready?"\par
Delphine flips a flashlight on and hands some out to everyone.\par
"Thanks," Ren says.\par
Angel: It's Cassia's first time, so she's the leader. Go ahead and explore. We'll follow you.\par
Ren: Be careful, though. Go slow.\par
Everybody joins the player's party. They follow behind and have AI behavior when party attacked. They are on guard.\par
The room is dark, but the flashlights illuminate the area around them. They can also use light magic. They entered through a back security office with a desk, lots of notes, some monitors, and a chair. It's crowded.\par
The door leads out into the back hallway, which connects to the shipping & packaging bay, another office, a supply closet, a nice bathroom. The way to the mall is marked and obvious. The closer you get to the mall, the clearer you can hear monsters. When the player uses the door to exit into the mall, the party stops her to chat.\par
Ren: You hear that, don't you? You ready to see what we were talking about?\par
Delphine: Those are monsters unlike the forest creatures.\par
>Is it safe?\par
Angel: No...probably not. No one has ever gotten hurt, though. Sometimes we do have to fight, though. Are you ready?\par
>Let's go\par
>I changed my mind!\par
Blythe bursts throught the door. "Then I'll be leader next!"\par
The mall is as it usually is, but dark. Monsters are heard. Everyone crowds around the door, peering out. The player can walk out when ready.\par
Delphine: Guys, something isn't right.\par
Ren: They're huge...\par
Cassia and the party have to fight their way out. This gives the player experience managing a party for the first time. Delphine flashes a light by chance onto the pit. They escape outside.\par
Blythe: I had no idea it would be like that! I am so sorry!\par
Delphine: Those were not the monsters from before. These are worse.\par
Angel: Is everyone alright?\par
Ren: Yeah, I think so. Um, usually, the mall is full of these tiny slimes. I mean, they attack you, but it's mostly just gross. Honestly, they're really cute, like puppy kisses. Those were serious monsters, though. If they get out, then the town would be at risk.\par
Delphine: I was seeing a hole where they were coming from. It was never there before.\par
Ren: A hole? Like a door or a pit or what?\par
Delphine: Like a chasm. or pit.\par
Blythe: What are you talking about? There's nothing like that in the mall. Could the floor really collapse like that and have no one notice.\par
Angel: I'm glad Mr. Policeman isn't here today...He would have gotten hurt, huh?\par
Ren: Yeah...\par
Angel: What do we do about it?\par
Blythe: Yeah, my dad wouldn't be a lot of help...Honestly, your dad would be better for this, Angel. And honestly, I can't admit to knowing about this stuff. Can you imagine how freaked out and concerned my dad would be? All of your parents, honestly.\par
Angel: It would help the police prepare a response, though.\par
Blythe: Are you serious? Your mom would be the most freaked out in town. And I'm not going to choose a scapegoat out of you guys. If Night was here, I'd be down on pinning it on him and his weird experiments. But he doesn't even know about this stuff and would never cooperate anyways. "His reputation! The childishness of it. You're not going to convince me of foolishness."\par
Ren: Your impression is actually pretty good. Sorry, um, Night's a good guy. I think he'd provide clandestine assistance if he was convinced of the necessity of it. And this is pretty severe.\par
Angel: Are we really going to deal with this ourselves just because we're afraid of adults?\par
>Obviously we must take matters into our own hands.\par
Angel: Okay. Well, I'll protect you no matter what.\par
Blythe: Of course! You're our guardian angel, of course.\par
Ren: Sasuga, Guardian Angel-chan.\par
Delphine: We can't take matters yet. We must prepare.\par
Blythe: You're right, but, like, how? We all buy weapons, we all buy gear? That's going to look so suspicious.\par
Delphine: We can order online.\par
Angel: Yeah, I mean, we're going into the next year of school and have been using the same gear since middle school. Yours in particular is really, Ren. If we go shopping as friends, I don't think anyone would put too much though into it.\par
Blythe: Maybe you're right. Well, let's arrange a time to shop together.\par
Angel: I guess I'll start a group text the day after tomorrow. For now, let's get back home without anyone noticing.\par
\f0 # Random Mini Stories Available During Act 2\par
## Trader from a Foreign Land - Don't Trust Him!\par
Cassia: Uhm, hey. I don't recognize you. Are you a traveling merchant?\par
Merchant: Well, yes, but I do make it out here a few times a year. I'll be here all week, but I probably won't be here again until the holidays.\par
Cassia: Oh, what do you sell, then?\par
Merchant: Magical rarities! Amazing luxuries and treasures at a price the locals can afford. Only they aren't so interested.\par
--Cassia: Well, I'm interested! --\par
Cassia: Who secures these luxuries for you?\par
Merchant: My sources are very good, but they are secret. I'm sure you can understand that.\par
Cassia: I suppose. Tell me what you are offering!\par
Merchant: First, a classic!\par
## Getting a Cute Pet Instead of an Abyssal Beast\par
Cassia has the Charm Animal skill and gets an idea to test it on the cat that wanders the garden.\par
Cassia uses Charm Animal on the garden cat.\par
Cassia charmed garden cat!\par
Cassia can't rename the cat.\par
People start commenting that they haven't seen Poppy in the garden for a while.\par
When Cassia brings her into the dungeon, she's weak and has to be revived a lot. Maybe she has a special skill to make it worth it as more than a joke or roleplaying.\par
When brought during a dungeon crawl mission, the team comments on it.\par
Chloe: that Poppy?\par
Angel: What? Why is Poppy here?\par
Cassia: I charmed her. She's a member of the team now!\par
Delphine: She's a little kitty. She can't be a member of the team. She's just another precious little thing to protect, not a battle unit.\par
Angel: This makes me feel uncomfortable...\par
Aries: I will have to agree - it's a bad idea.\par
## Trading in Clothing at the Second Hand Clothing Store\par
It's like Platos' Closet and the wares change frequently. Rare stuff is available briefly Monday morning or whenever the truck arrives. Maybe you can even see the truck. Look up when TJ Maxx girls expect new things and match it to that time, whenever it is.\par
Store Assistant: Hey! What do you need?\par
Cassia: I'd like to trade in clothes.\par
Store Assistant: Okay! Let me see what you can trade in...\par
A window pops up with the clothes able to be traded in. Select the clothes and click "check offer."\par
Store Assistant: Just that? Okay...let me see....I can give you either $10 in-store credit or $8 in cash.\par
Cassia: Why don't you accept all my clothes?\par
Store Assistant: I have to follow a vague store policy where I am looking for on-trend, in-demand, correct colors, correct brands. and good condition!\par
Cassia: You sell clothes with holes! How is that better than my barely-worn clothing.\par
Store Assistant: We consider a variety of factors...\par
Cassia: That's all? That's barely worth more than just keeping them in case I need them later.\par
Store Assistant: That's all we can offer.\par
Cassia: That's like nothing.\par
Store Assistant: We calculate it based off of a variety of factors.\par
Cassia: Bah. Never mind, then. I might just donate them at this rate.\par
Store Assistant: If you change your mind, we'll be here!\par
Cassia: Yeah, later...\par
## Uncle\par
I need to decide what to do about the uncle or replace him with a friend of her family, like the uncle or Angel's mom or something. He needs a role in the corruptions, either evil overlord or underground rebel. He need to appear, in his full glory, at a weird unexpected time in the novel.\par
Up until that moment, he can be a pet project. Groom him upo, clean him up, get him a girlfriend, and watch his life improve through your feminine touch. Or watch him deteriorate and disappear.\par
## Father's Sermon\par
Father gives Southern sermons. Maybe fire and brimstone or cheesy personal anecdotes.\par
It's all about random acts of kindness.\par
Be a friend. Be a friendly person!\par
# Act 2\par
## The Day After Halloween\par
In the morning, Cassia receives a group text.\par
Angel: <<Happy Halloween, everyone! I'm tired of my old gear and want the real thing now. I told my mom, and she thinks I'm ready for real stuff, too. Does anyone want to go shopping with me?>>\par
Blythe: <<yes!!>>\par
Delphine: <<i'll go, too.>>\par
Ren: <<Yeah, I talked to my dad about getting new gear, too, and he said he's proud I'm taking initiative and becoming a young man.>>\par
Angel: <<oh gosh...>>\par
Blythe: <<lol>>\par
Ren: <<Yeah...He gave me more than enough, so I'll help cover you guys, too.>>\par
Delphine: <<Cassia? You're coming, too?>>\par
>Of course!\par
## Buying Equipment\par
Angel: Then meet us at the mall!\par
Angel, Blythe, Delphine, Ren, and Cassia meet at the mall.\par
Ren: First let's pool our money. Cassia, you're still the leader, right? You pick everything out for us.\par
Angel: Cassia hasn't shopped for weapons yet, so let me explain. There are a couple of blacksmiths in the region, as well as traveling merchants who bring in foreign weapons. If the options aren't looking so good, you can describe what you're looking for to Auric, and he'll try to find something. Otherwise, we'll have to look online, which is less fun.\par
Ren: It doesn't matter either way. We just need better gear.\par
Angel: Yeah. Let's go.\par
Angel leads everyone to the combat gear shop.\par
Auric: Hey, kids. Getting ready for summer school?\par
Ren: Pretty much.\par
Auric: I'm used to seeing the police and travelers suiting up here. It's good to see the next generation taking interest in defense. You're all high schoolers now, huh?\par
Angel: That's right!\par
Auric: Well, I can sell you more training gear if your old stuff's wearing down. I think you're getting old enough that you should be using the real stuff, though.\par
Blythe: Really?\par
Auric: Of course. You know, I was using sharpened swords when I was a toddler, but you can't do that anymore in today's society. High school is more than responsible enough. Tell me what you need and I'll show you my best.\par
Screen transitions to Auric and the merchant panel. By default, the selected panel is the weapon that corresponds to the character's primary class.\par
Should friends pick out their starter weapon? It is fun to steal their money, though.\par
if you pick a different option from your primary weapon,\par
Auric: You want a sword? That would interesting to see how you plan to augment it with your primary job. (Maybe too long, maybe only first time)\par
Auric: A spear? Are you just looking for that physical damage?\par
Auric: A wand? Don't be afraid to get up and personal. You're a warrior!\par
Auric: If you're getting a wand, don't forget the focus.\par
You can also buy armor.\par
Auric: Now you want armor to match the weapons, huh? Well, I do have training gear that provides some protection, but I don't have armor to fit Milo.\par
Auric: Alright, kids. Respect your weapons. That's live steel powerful enough to take a man's life.\par
Angel: Thank you so much, Auric!\par
Ren: Yeah, thank you!\par
Angel: So...what did you get everyone? You're the leader, equip us!\par
Angel: A...wand? What are you planning?\par
Angel: I have a real sword now!\par
Blythe: Uh...are you expecting me to get close enough to a monster to hit them with this?\par
If you gift non party members, they will equip your gift weapon so long as it matches primary or secondary.\par
Gift Aries a sword: Aries: Oh, this this sharpened? I honestly have never something lethal like this. This must have cost a lot. Thank you. I'll train and make you proud.\par
Gift Aries a wand: Aries: Wow. It's impressive, but I am inept at using magic. I'm afraid it's just a stick to me. I really appreciate the thought, though.\par
Give Chloe a book: Thank you. It's so ornate and lovely. I'll cherish this.\par
Give Chloe a sword: ...A sword for me? It's beautifully crafted. Thank you, but this would only gather dust as a treasure. It would make me happier to see someone like Aries or Angel train with it.\par
Angel: This is so cool! I feel like training!\par
Ren: We should. We got it to really use, not admire.\par
Blythe: That's kind of freaking me out.\par
After first real battle against monsters.\par
Angel: This stuff really works.\par
Blythe: It used to take all of us to fit one slime and now even Ren can solo one.\par
Ren: ...I'm going to pretend you didn't say that.\par
Angel: Don't overextend! If we get hurt,...\par
Ren: Should we enlist Chloe?\par
Blythe: She's amazing at keeping secrets. I'm surprised you even let me near a secret like this.\par
Ren: But you kind of were the one who let /us/ in on the secret.\par
Blythe: ...I guess so. Huh.\par
Angel: I agree, but Chloe's too much of a rule follower. Not that that's bad or anything, but you know what I mean. Do you think you could convince her, Ren?\par
Ren: This has elevated from trespassing as a joke to protecting the town. It's a lot less about following the rules now.\par
Angel: If you think she'll come, the more the merrier. I don't think I could convince her, though.\par
Ren: Don't be so shy. She's more open-minded and forgiving than you think. She's friends with me, after all.\par
Blythe: True. \par
## Convincing Chloe\par
Chloe is an acolyte with default skill sets and skill progression following a traditional healing track with some protection and offense. If you change the direction of her progression, she will being learning either prot, offense, or avatar branches.\par
Ren: Hey, Chloe...\par
Chloe: What's up, Ren?\par
Ren: Well, it started out as just some weak, harmless slimes appearing in the mall at night. It was funny and weird. But a few days ago, I went and it was full of real monsters. Like, actual gargoyles hurling hexxes and punches.\par
Chloe: In the mall? (wide eyes)\par
Ren: Yeah! We had to fight our way out. They actually attacked us!\par
Chloe: Was anybody hurt?\par
Ren: No, not too bad. But can you believe that?\par
Chloe: If worse monsters are gathering, could they get out? Where are they coming from?\par
Ren: Delphine said she saw a pit that was never there before.\par
Chloe: Oh, they rise from the ground. Maybe the slimes oozed in through cracks, like bugs getting in the house in the winter. If a passage opened, then more worse may come up. Have we lived on top of a monster pit all along?\par
Ren: That makes a lot of sense if true. So the opening's growing? It could spread to the rest of the town.\par
Chloe: Are you telling me first?\par
Ren: ... We were afraid of telling anyone, know.\par
Chloe: You know Father would be more concerned about the safety of the town and would be willing to listen confidentially. He'd probably tell you to fess up to your parents and the mall oner, but he's more of an advice guy than a cop.\par
Ren: Well, you know the mall cops. They couldn't handle it. It's too...\par
Chloe: Oh, you want me to join in.\par
Ren: No, I just want--\par
Chloe: You're telling me you, Blythe, Delphine, and whoever goes down into this dangerous, dark pit at night without a healer or someone like Night who could produce healing salves on the way.\par
Ren: Well...\par
Chloe: You won't even tell anyone about it, so if something happens to you, it'll be as though you disappeared without a trace, leaving your families with no hope of closure.\par
Ren: Um...\par
Chloe: And instead, you bought weapons from Auric, saying it was for summer school. Summer school that you don't even attend.\par
Ren: How did you know?\par
Chloe: You got Auric trying to sell me all kinds of upgrades so I won't fall behind in my classes. He probably does the same to Aries and Angel.\par
Ren: Well, we wanted new weapons, too, but that's kind of awkward. But yeah, you are right.\par
Chloe: Eh, he does that anyways. It's nothing to worry about. How about a compromise? If I go as your healer, I'll tell Father everything about the situation except your names.\par
Ren: I don't think anyone would say no to that. Well, Cassia doesn't know him too well, so maybe she wouldn't understand.\par
Chloe: What preparations have you made? Weapons, armor, and?\par
Ren: We usually bring flashlights. I dunno.\par
Chloe: Hmm..I dunno, I never dungeon crawled before. We'll have to go slow, then.\par
Ren: You serious? You're coming?\par
Chloe: I don't want you to get hurt, but I don't really know a better solution anyways.\par
Ren: We're going on a real adventure together!\par
Chloe: Have to admit, it'd be pretty exciting. If we are in over our heads, we will have to get help.\par
## Chloe Asks Father for Help\par
Chloe and Father are in the backroom.\par
Chloe: Father...A friend told me something that's too big for me.\par
Father: You can tell me anything, Chloe.\par
Chloe: You know the classmates who dare each other to stay in the haunted mall at night?\par
Father: (concerned) Yes?\par
Chloe: Well, it was just slimes haunting the mall at first, but now they saw an opening from below and more dangerous monsters were there. My friend said they fought gargoyles.\par
Father: Gargoyles, they said? And they think they are coming from below? This isn't something the town is prepared to tackle. (troubled expression)\par
Chloe: They thought that. They want to go down and investigate the infestation themselves. They even bought new equipment. They don't have a healer and asked me to go with them.\par
Father: (thoughtful idea) They want to deal with it themselves? And who are they, exactly? Aries, Angel, and you are better fighters than you think, actually. You guys might be a great probe to look into the situation with. Discreet, apt, and responsible. You're a favored soul among healers, so you may even be able to learn the miracle of resurrection some day. \par
Chloe: What are you saying? You would support this sneaky roundabout behavior?\par
Father: I would take full responsibility for it and support you in any way I can, in fact. There are dark forces at work in this town and it looks like they are finally breaking the surface. It is no longer time to deny but to act.\par
Chloe: ...What are you saying?\par
Father: The mall was built there for a reason. I'll just tell you that for now. \par
Chloe: I don't know who is asking, exactly. My friend didn't say who else went.\par
Father: Indeed? Well, try to bring them together here. We'll speak quietly in the back room to avoid being overheard. I'll explain more once I've had time to think this over and lay my eyes on your team.\par
Chloe: Thank you, Father.\par
Father: Of course, Chloe. God is on your side, moreso where you go.\par
## Chloe Relays Info to Team\par
Cassia gets messages from the Dungeon Crawl text group.\par
<<Chloe is added to the group.>>\par
Ren: <<Hi all. I just added Chloe to the group.>>\par
Chloe: <<Hey, guys. Ren convinced me.>>\par
Delphine: <<Bonjour, Chloe!>>\par
Angel: <<Wow, way to go, Ren!>>\par
Blythe: <<Why am I not surprised?>>\par
Chloe: <<Yeah. The agreement between us was I'd join you all, but I would let Father know what's going on. I didn't say anybody's name, but he encouraged the idea, anways. >>\par
Chloe: <<Actually, he was hoping Angel was going. He says you're one of the best fighters in town.>>\par
Angel: <<Oh, he's so sweet! Yes, I'm all in.>>\par
Chloe: <<He said the same thing about Aries.>>\par
Delphine: <<lol queue the drama.>>\par
Blythe: <<Ugh. Would we even want to bring him? He's a little intense.>>\par
Angel: <<He mistreated Cassia, too.>>\par
Chloe: <<Well, he wanted to meet the team. He seemed to actually know something about what is going on.>>\par
Ren: <<Wait, really, Chloe?>>\par
Chloe: <<Yeah, it was weird. Anyways, obviously you guys can come over whenever. We'll go into the backroom and chat. When should we meet up at the church?>>\par
Angel: <<Does anybody have anything? I know you help your mom on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Delphine.>>\par
Delphine: <<I like to. I don't have to.>>\par
Ren: <<Whenever's okay with me.>>\par
Blythe: <<Yeah, let's go tomorrow morning.>>\par
Blythe puts up a poll: Let's meet around noon tomorrow. Y/N\par
Everyone puts up a Y.\par
Angel: We're decided. See you tomorrow, Chloe.\par
Delphine: Wonder what Father will say?\par
## Everybody meets Father\par
Chloe is sweeping the fellowship hall. Delphine comes first.\par
Delphine: Chloe, hi.\par
Chloe: Good morning, Delphine! Father's in the library, reading, I think, and I'm cleaning up.\par
Delphine: I don't come too early. Angel and Blythe and Ren and Cassia are coming right behind me.\par
Angel: Hey guys.\par
Ren: Hey, Chloe.\par
Blythe: Well, I'm here.\par
Chloe: Is that everyone?\par
Angel: Sure is!\par
Chloe: Alright. I'll close up the church so we can have privacy.\par
Chloe closes the front door and leaves a sign that only emergencies should enter, the Father is speaking privately. Then Chloe leads everyone to the backroom. It's full of books with a desk and a round table. There's no window. Father is seated at the head of the round table.\par
Father: Everyone, come sit. Chloe told me you all were coming. \par
Chloe sits next to Father, Ren sits next to Chloe, Angel sits next to Father, Blythe sits next to Angel, and Cassia sits next to Blythe. If player sits down first, they will sit down in the next available seat, working clockwise.\par
Father: Now Chloe gave me a twice-filtered account, so neither of us are up to speed. Cassia, why don't you tell me what you saw.\par
Cassia: Ren told me the mall is full of weak slimes at night, and Blythe invited me to see them because she wanted to see me scared. When I went, however, the back area was empty, but the main shopping area was full of these menacing, aggressive stone beasts. They attacked us with hexxes and stone fists and horns. We attacked our way out, but it was scary.\par
Father: Where were they coming from? Did you see?\par
Delphine: I saw a hole that went into the earth. But I went to the mall the next day and it was gone.\par
Father: You went in the daytime?\par
Delphine: Yes.\par
Father: So there's a hole that's opened up at night, allowing worse creatures out, but it's closed up or hidden during the day?\par
Delphine: I think so.\par
Father: That's about what Chloe told me. Now, kiddos, you've stumbled upon a serious plot that's been going on since the town was refounded. I told Chloe the mall was built there for a reason, and in fact, the whole town was bought up for that same reason. We're seated on top of a spiraling pit that descends into another world. Angels live down there, with all manners of holy monsters. There's a lot of power in this spot to tap into. Mr. Klein, the founder of your town, wants this power. Now, you all are worried about your parents taking away your smartphones or your teachers expelling you, but you've stumbled upon something more serious than a prank. If you get caught here, you will bring wrath upon this town. The army will come and purge us. You've been doing this for years now, so Chloe says, and I knew nothing of which of you were involved besides Ren so you know how to be discreet. Well, you need to be discreet if you want to continue. I believe you are the best hope.\par
Ren blushes.\par
Angel: So we shouldn't talk about it at school anymore...\par
Blythe: Yeah! Mr. Klein owns the place! Geez, what was I thinking?\par
Father: There are many pits like ours all over the world. They were once the homes to the earth angel societies, but most of them have fallen and become feral. But most pits are sealed through rock segmentation, erosion, earthquakes, and landslides. Inside, they are rich with all the resources needed for a comfortable society: precious metals, vegetation, even treasures. Not everything is so peachy, though. They are also full of feral angels and holy beasts. By chance, Mr. Klein found heard of a bodunk nowhere town that was formed on top of one long ago. No one was really aware of this information, and if they were, they probably wrote it off as some me-maw tall tale. By buying the land on top of and around it, he can claim ownership of the whole pit. No one can investigate it. He can supply his mall with the wealth of the pit, pool the money earned from tourism and townsfolk, and rise to power. And no one could challenge him because it's his property. He's started hiring mercenaries, those mall cops you see. It's coming slow, but he'll be building an army to defend it and reach its depths. At the bottom of these pits lie earth angels who will grant wishes. \par
Angel: We've been on top of this this whole time...?!\par
Blythe: I mean, that riches and fame and mythic reward is awesome and all, but what kind of beasts are we talking?\par
Father: Not much is known about these pits, but I would assume to be on guard and use excessive cautious at all times. Retreat when it's too much for you. But you'll have my girly with you, so you'll have less to worry about.\par
Cassia: But what should we do? What's our goal?\par
Father: Clear the dungeon, of course. You kids should have its treasure, not my wayward cousin. \par
Delphine: That is the kind of treasure to murder over.\par
Father: I believe you can defend yourself. But make friends and companions to bring along who can act discreetly. And I will bestow blessings and give you gifts as I can. The first of which is Chloe.\par
Blythe: So Chloe can go with us?\par
Father: Yes. Rely on her.\par
Angel: Thank you so much!\par
Delphine: Yeah, so great!\par
Ren: Do you have suggestions on how we should prepare?\par
Father: Yes, yes. \par
Father gives the party some advice on what to buy and how to go about exploring the unknown depths, sharing what his extremely limited knowledge of the space below. \par
Father: Well, my talk is over. Chloe, you closed up the church, didn't you?\par
Chloe: Of course\par
Father: Good girl. We shouldn't be closed too long. Now some of you kids can go and some can stay to break up the illusion of your group. Try not be too obviously the dungeon crawling team to everyone. Any operarional security methods you can employ will prove to be worth it at some point, I fear. Thank you for taking time to see me today.\par
Angel: Blythe, let's go out together. My mom wanted to see you.\par
Delphine: Uh, Chloe? I help you clean?\par
Chloe: If you don't mind. I am okay doing it alone. There are supplies in the closet. I mostly need to dust and sweep.\par
Ren to Cassia: Um, I want to read. The church has a pretty impressive collection of books. Father is a collector. Sometimes, even scholars travel for some of the rare out of print books in his collection. I don't know if you like reading, but there's novels, reference books, combat books, picture books, and of course religious writings. You might be interested, especially on the books that teach you how to fight.\par
Ren wanders over quietly to read books in the library.\par
Father returns to the main room with Angel and Blythe to open up the church and remove the sign.\par
Father: Good-bye, girls!\par
Angel and Blythe: Thank you!\par
## After-meeting Meeting\par
Cassia receives a text in the dungeon crawlers group text.\par
Ren: <<Uh, I learned a lot from that. I had no idea what was going on here and really have even less now.>>\par
Blythe: <<Yeah, that was crazy. Like seriously. WHAT?>>\par
Ren: <<Cassia, you're the leader. Whenever you want to explore the dungeon, just let us know and we'll show up. If anyone can't, they should leave a text here saying the times not to rely on them.>>\par
Angel: <<That's a good idea. It will help us stay organized and prepared. Speaking of preparations, everyone get ready in your own way on your own time. If Father is concerned about security, we should be, too. Doing things as a big group may be risky. Big groups are more difficult to manage. Let's go in smaller groups when exploring the dungeon, too, if we ever end up with an operational team of like 10 or 15 people. That would start to get really obvious no matter how good we are at concealing ourselves..>> \par
Ren: <<Unless we learn some cool skills. Invisibility, super speed, forget, time travel, feather, silent footsteps, cameleon,...>>\par
Chloe: <<Wow, well, you're the caster. Start training, I guess.>>\par
Ren: <<Ugh. Effort. I guess it's time to finally start trying.>>\par
Delphine: <<Back to main topic. We are six now, and it seems to work out well for us so far. Let's try to bring six when we explore, even if we find more.>>\par
Cassia: <<Sounds good, Delphine!>>\par
Angel: <<Should we try recruiting more? And who?>>\par
Cassia: <<Our first major priority should be information gathering. We'll be doing that down in the dungeon, but maybe there's more to learn by snooping around. Anyone kn0w Mr. Klein well? Has anybody been in his house or offices?>>\par
Angel: <<His school office is pretty easy to get in to. He usually doesn't mind talking to students, so long as they aren't skipping class or something.>>\par
Ren: <<I don't know...>>\par
Cassia: <<Well, gather any information you can and share them here!>>\par
Delphine: <<Will do.>>\par
Ren: <<Yeah, totally.>>\par
Blythe: <<Oh, I'll share guard rotations. Any guard-free days are virtually no risk. I've tested this since I was 10, so I can vouch for its reliability. If any are having family drama or are taking off sick without replacements, I'll share those days as well.>>\par
Angel: <<You're a little agent, aren't you?>>\par
Chloe: <<You're not joking, are you? I guess that underlines how truly safe this town is, if being complacent with such a lax police force doesn't cost us anything.>>\par
Blythe: <<Honestly, most towns don't have better. It's just a fact most people will view their job as a source of reliable income and treat it unsanctimoniously. Even if that job is defending the lives and principles of their homeland.>>\par
Ren: <<Oh...>\par
Blythe: <<Uh, can we talk about this stuff here?>>\par
Cassia: <<Everything's encrypted and secure through this app. If we chat here, it should be safer than chatting in real life. Just don't give anyone your password or anything.>>\par
Ren: <<You know about that kind of stuff? I thought Heron was the only one who knew computer stuff.>>\par
## Heron is Brought Up in Group Chat\par
Cassia: <<Heron?>>\par
Angel: <<Oh my gosh, she wouldn't know him lol.>>\par
Blythe: <<Wow, lol, um. Ren, you just have to go and bring up Heron.>>\par
Cassia: <<...? Who are you talking about?>>\par
Ren: <<He's kind of a hikikomori. Do you watch anime?>>\par
Angel: <<He's really shy...>>\par
Blythe: <<He spends all his time in his room. Not an exaggeration. He is ALWAYS in there and acts so anxious when he leaves.>>\par
Cassia: <<Seriously?>>\par
Angel: <<He's a guy our age.>>\par
Blythe: <<I know what you're thinking, but he's not even a gross, overweight superhacker guy. He's honestly good-looking. It's a shame he doesn't get out and is such a loser.>>\par
Ren: <<You say that about everyone.>>\par
Blythe: <<But honestly.>>\par
Angel: <<I dunno...I guess choosing to live your life online is another choice.>>\par
Cassia: <<Does he live with his parents?>>\par
Blythe: <<No. His parents left town years ago, but he didn't want to move.>>\par
Angel: <<I remember that. Kinda weird to be honest.>>\par
Blythe: <<I think they send him an allowance, but he's there by himself.>>\par
Angel: <<I think he's her next-door neighbor, rolling on the floor laughing.>>\par
Ren: <<Oh gosh, he is, isn't he?>>\par
Blythe: <<You're not the type to introduce yourself to your neighbors, are you, Cassia? It's for the best, lol!>>\par
Cassia: <<I have got to meet this guy. Uh. Should I meet him?>>\par
Ren: <<Uh>>\par
Angel: <<You can try.>>\par
Delphine: <<Honestly, I have never heard of Heron.>>\par
Angel: <<Lol, wow...Yeah, he's pretty elusive.>>\par
Ren: <<Mall Town's best kept secret.>>\par
Delphine: <<But how does he go to school?>>\par
Ren: <<He doesn't. He does school online.>>\par
Delphine: <<That's pretty strange.>>\par
Ren: <<Yeah...It works for him, I guess.>>\par
## Meeting Heron\par
Player knocks on next-door neighbor\rquote s door. \par
Heron: "ONE MINUTE!"\par
Heron: ...\par
Heron: ...\par
Heron: ...\par
Heron: ...\par
Door opened by Heron. He's tall, lanky, very thin, elegant, and sleepy-looking. He has naturally droopy eyes. His hair is a little long and wavy.\par
Heron: "..oh! You're not who I expected! Uh...why did you knock?"\par
Cassia: It was by accident.\par
Heron: Oh okay. That actually happened to me once actually. Uh, but who are you? Are you visiting from a nearby town?\par
Cassia: I wanted to meet you.\par
Heron: Yeah, who are you? Are you visiting from a nearby town?\par
Cassia chooses to introduce herself.\par
Heron: So you\rquote ve lived here for [time spent playing]! I was surprised when Night came back, but you're completely new. I guess even a deadend town can grow.\par
Heron: Well, hi. I\rquote m Heron. I\rquote m a boring guy. I don\rquote t get out much and nothing\rquote s ever going on with me. I spend most of my time programming or playing games. So...there isn't much reason to visit me.\par
Cassia: I have a present\par
Heron: (likes or loves) This is my favorite! Angel must have told you I like these.\par
Heron: (neutral or worse) Oh, okay. Thanks.\par
Cassia: What games do you play?\par
Heron: Strategy games, mostly. \par
Cassia: You can program?\par
Heron: Oh yeah. It's easy. Anybody can program. You got a phone, go download a text editor. \par
\f2\ltrmark\f0 The player hears a ding.\par
Heron: \f2\ltrmark\f0 Oh, my ramen\rquote s ready. So, um. Bye...\par
Heron closes the door. \par
Angel and Ren were waiting nearby. They are smiling and on the verge of laughter. Cassia walks with them out of earshot.\par
Angel: Hehehe, strange one isn't he?\par
Ren: Wow, you talked for like a whole minute.\par
Cassia: You think we can get him down in the dungeon with us?\par
Angel and Ren laugh. \par
Angel: Oh, no, that is not very likely.\par
Ren: I mean, there are probably ways he could help, but fighting is so not one of them.\par
Angel: He's pretty, though, isn't he? Just like Blythe said. I'd be more worried with him in the dungeon than you when you first came here, pretty little city girl.\par
Ren: Yeah, I was worried about her, too. Blythe was forcing her, and I didn't agree, but I stuck around to watch her.\par
Cassia: Hey! I can defend myself.\par
Ren: I mean, we can see that now, but, you seem pretty delicate.\par
Angel: It's a compliment, really. You'll have an easy time getting a boyfriend when you want one. \par
Ren: Do guys not like you, Angel?\par
Angel: (shrugs resignedly with a sigh) Guys don't like girls taller than them. It's a fact.\par
Cassia: Do you like guys, Ren?\par
Angel: Whoa! Did you just ask if--\par
Ren: (blushing) Uhm...I mean, no.\par
Angel: (beet red) Wow, Cassio.\par
Ren: (more assertive) I broke up with Chloe last year. We were dating.\par
Cassio: (if playing as male) That's a shame...\par
Angel: (dying with huge eyes and a little horror) ...\par
Ren: (confused and taken aback) You aren't saying--? Uh, thanks. \par
Everyone bursts out laughing.\par
Cassio: just kidding\par
Ren: (still very much offended and concerned)\par
Angel: ...(suspicious and going to laugh again, on the verge of a second outbreak of laughter)\par
Ren: Well, then.\par
## Recruiting Heron\par
## Recruiting Milo\par
Milo is a lot younger, but his parents are so hands-off like they were with me that he could honestly get away with a lot worse than having a sweet, nearly platonic relationship with Cassia. He is \par
## Recruiting Mr. Wilder\par
Mr. Wilder's a little older than the high schoolers, but he's Gen X so not too far removed age-wise or culturally. Mr. Wilder is hot, he's interested in internet culture. He has an email circle of friends he shares stories and arguments with. Most of them are starting careers or families with babies. He has a Youtube channel and blog with moderate success he will never share with his students. He's a lonely guy who never had a girlfriend before, so he lacks experience. Honestly, even though he's the teacher, it's Cassia who will have to educate him how to love. His apartment and diet severely lacks the feminine touch. To start, Cassia needs to start taking care of him. Bringing him a nice box lunch or a pet cactus is a good start.\par
## Cassia Appreciates Blythe's Stealth Skills\par
Cassia: Why are /you/ our best stealth agent?\par
Blythe: Ha, I know, right! There's more to me than meets the eye. My daddy is the chief of police. I have snooped around his stuff since I was tiny, but I always was aware that I must conceal my tracks. I have gotten into just about everything and nobody knows a thing. I have practically been training my whole life. What do you think? Do you think I could be Blythe: International Super Spy of the Confederates? Infiltrating the communist utopia to the north?\par
Cassia: I don't know, but you have been doing a great job so far. Keep it up. Don\rquote t know what we would do without you.\par
Blythe: You are so sweet. I am pretty sure you hated my guts earlier when you first came here, but now I think you understand I just like to have fun.\par
## Invite to the Dungeon\par
Cassia: <<Tonight, let's go to the dungeon.>>\par
Delphine: <<Alright! I'm ready.>>\par
Angel: <<Oh good. I was bored today.>>\par
Blythe: <<Let's go!>>\par
Ren: <<I'll go, too.>>\par
Chloe: <<I'll do my best. This will be my first time, though, so allow me to take my time learning.>>\par
Blythe: <<Oh yeah, I forgot.>>\par
Ren: <<That's right, you haven't seen it yet. Well, we haven't actually been inside the chasm yet, but the mall is basically the same anyways. It's the monsters you'll need to learn about.>>\par
Chloe: <<Well, we'll see soon. Don't forget your equipment, everyone.>>\par
## Exploring the Dungeon\par
Goals: \par
* Compel the player to keep exploring deep into the dungeon\par
* Introduce antagonist\par
* Educate player about the dungeon\par
Everyone arrives late at the mall in groups. Angel and Ren take Chloe, and Blythe and Delphine go together.\par
Cassia: That's everyone. Anyone forget anything?\par
Everyone shakes their heads. Cassia takes the silence as confirmation everyone is ready to move forward.\par
Cassia: Alright, then. Blythe, let us in.\par
Blythe: Yup! Brought the key and everything. \par
Blythe unlocks the way in and everyone goes inside. Everybody proceeds to the door leading to the main shopping area, talking as they walk.\par
Ren: Alright, this is the back hall. It's safe here. The monsters are always concentrated in the center of the shopping area.\par
Chloe: Always?\par
Blythe: Yeah, every time.\par
Chloe: I wonder why.\par
Angel: Wow, never thought about it. Yeah, I don't know why, but that's always the case. They never chase us into that back hall, either, so it's not too scary to run away from them. At least, when we stay at the surface.\par
Delphine: We'll be going down tonight?\par
Cassia: Probably so. We'll see when we get in.\par
Ren: Here we are -- the door.\par
Chloe looks out at through the glass panes.\par
Chloe: (Shocked and scared) We have monsters like that inside our town? I see them. They are walking around a bit aimlessly, confused, like they shouldn't be up here. So they attack you guys aggressively?\par
Blythe: Yeah, they do. The second you walk through that door and they'll attack.\par
Chloe: But they don't come back here? Nor do they ever appear during the day?\par
Ren: We told you, never.\par
Chloe: Is it the light? That's the only area allowed to be dark. Maybe we should try turning the lights on.\par
Blythe: I know how to do that! \par
Blythe hops back to one of the offices, and some curious individuals follow to watch. She goes straight to the switch and naturally puts her hand on the correct one like a natural. Before flipping it, she says,\par
Blythe: This isn't stealthy, and we're supposed to be stealthy. I can turn on the main shopping area with this switch, but anyone walking out would be suspicious. It's not something we can get away with. \par
Ren: There are spells for that sort of thing, I'm sure. Maybe I will research that. Under the cover of an enchantment, we can probably do whatever we want in here.\par
Angel: You're amazing, Ren. If there's anyone who can do it, it's you.\par
Chloe: Uh, what about power outages? Do we know if the mall has ever been dark?\par
Everyone scratches their heads and takes a silent moment to think.\par
Chloe: I don't think so, either. Also, how long does it take for these monsters to appear and how? Do they teleport? Do they dig up from the ground? Do they climb out of the pit? Then how do they leave?\par
When, once again, no one has an answer, Cassia takes over.\par
Cassia: We will investigate and learn as much as we can.\par
Here, the player can choose to observe or move in and attack. They can learn that the monsters climb out of the pit after it gets dark enough, then they look around for food or threats. There could be some beasts like Enderman who warp in and out freely, are more magical, intelligent, and creepy. They are sensitive to light and dazzled or dazed by bright, sudden flashes of light. Lightning, light, and fire flare magic is especially effective. Darkness magic is ineffective. The skills that hurt them and the skills that they are immune or highly resistant to should both be available to force the player to use a strategy. The next group of enemies should require a contrasting strategy or one in a new direction to keep the player on his toes. When it gets too light, they crawl back into their hole. The mall is designed with extravisual light always on and supported by infallible generator systems to corale the monsters. That's the most effort Mr. Klein puts into it. Before, the pit opened, the slimes oozed through the ground up to the surface, inside the mall. They would sometimes wander into extravisible light, but not much. They are blind but still sensitive. It hurts them. \par
## You Died: Night Has to Heal You\par
If the party dies without hope of resurrection, then they will be reborn at the earth shrines by the neutral earth priestesses once those are encountered and allied with the party after an evaluation and challenge. This will come later. Otherwise, one of the survivors will drag everyone to Night by the cover of night. \par
Night: Oh-!\par
Night: Hello, it's Night. I am taking care of you. \par
Night: Please take it slow. You came to me dead, and I am preparing a resurrection poutrice. Very high level alchemy mastered by very few but a cinch for me! \par
Night: Okay, you seem to be in good health. Very fortunate for you to have an alchemist as talented as I in this trashy town! As for the poultrice, I recommend a long shower. \par
Cassia: I died?\par
Night: Yes. I don\rquote t know the details, but perhaps you can ask Angel. She was the one who brought you. \par
Cassia: Night, you can do that? You can raise the dead? Are you a necromancer?\par
Night: No, no, no, no... I am an alchemist. I don\rquote t communicate with lost spirits or use magic to bind them with a body. I research the effects of herbs prepared in different methods.\par
Night: Using a soultrapping incense and regenerative poultrice to treat death is not so different from using a humidifier and herbal honey tea to treat colds. \par
Night: There is nothing to worry about. I prevented your soul from leaving and regenerated your body. If you ever are risen by a necromancer, it's something you would immediately be aware of. Their methods are vile, dangerous, and existentially dreadful. Really, you didn't even die. Your body died, but your soul did not. \par
Cassia: That sounds really bad. Are there any downsides?\par
Night: Not really for you. Young, healthy bodies regenerate readily and recovery is usually complete and quick. \par
Night: Older bodies weakened by illness recover slowly and never regain full health. There\rquote s a point when it stops working at all. Thus are the current limitations. \par
Cassia: Amazing. \par
Night: Ha. You think that is amazing? I suppose it would be amazing to people who aren't as good as me. I suppose I am. Don\rquote t rely on me, though. The effects of resurrection have only been studied after one or two. Beyond that, I don\rquote t know what negative effects it has.\par
Cassia: How much do I owe you?\par
Night: Oh my, more than you can imagine. More than I could possibly charge anyone in this town. Except the mayor. \par
Night: It\rquote s free. I just hope holding you here and talking your ear off is enough punishment. Die again and I\rquote ll start charging you a high percentage of your savings, unless you strike it rich and can actually pay the proper amount. And if you do, I will charge you that.\par
Cassia: How exactly do you do it?\par
Night: Trade secret. If try to figure it out by analyzing the poultrice at home, though, tell me your conclusions before trying it. Minor mistakes can have extreme consequences, and I would prefer to check your work. But really, just appreciate I\rquote m here to care for everyone. \par
Night: Okay, well, now that you seem a lot better, may I ask the questions?\par
Cassia: Gulp. Okay. Here it comes...\par
Night: What were you doing? Not to scare you, but you came to me in ghastly condition. I must admit I have not seen a status effect quite like that, and want to monitor you for a time to make sure you respond to my treatment well and have a full recovery. This is something I expect to see in a medical mystery show or an international metropolitan hospital. What trouble did you run into here? Your energy was exhausted completely, too. You were struggling, fighting something?\par
Cassia: ...(startled)\par
Cassia: ...(guilty)\par
Night: The shop's locked up. No one knows you are here, unless Angel was less stealthy than she seemed to be acting. No one can hear you back here. I keep everything back here confidential, just like out checkups. Also, the more I understand the situation, the more I can help you. Your condition upon arrival is evidence enough that what you would tell me is unbelievable, so go ahead and try me.\par
Cassia: Where can I even begin?\par
Night: Don't make me guilt you into it. I am your doctor. Who more trustworthy can you find? If you can't tell anyone, you know that I've kept less important secrets for every patient I've had. Come on, Cassia.\par
Cassia: It's none of your business. \par
Night: Then I won't press further except to say, if you are implicating me in something by expecting me to heal you, it would be polite to inform me just what I am a part of. If you change your mind for any reason, I will have open ears and be able to better specialize and personalize my care. Otherwise, I will do the best I can to heal you, regardless of what is going on. As a physician, I am obligated to recommend staying absolutely far away from whatever fire you are playing with. Do not take your good health for granted. \par
If Cassia didn't explain the problem, she has a Death Virus Curse spell affecting her. It is like a permanent Death Penalty or something. It's not a medical thing, it's a curse and needs a special kind of curse-turning priest to dispel. Night can find herbs to remove it, but he will charge for that since they are coincidentally not very expensive. The treatment is easy to do at home, too. Just take the pills. \par
## You Died: Night to the Rescue for a Second Time\par
Night: Ah.\par
Night: Hello, it's Night. I am taking care of you. \par
Night: Please take it slow. You came to me dead, and I am preparing a resurrection poutrice. \par
Cassia: ...? (confused and hazy)\par
Night: Rest. I'm taking care of you.\line Night: It hurts, doesn't it? It's probably the same as last time. You died again and here you are, back with me. It hurts me, you know, to see a good girl like you in a state like that. If you don't get to me quickly enough, you won't be coming back to me, you know?\par
Cassia: Sorry...\par
Night: What could be so important you do this to yourself? Is this something close to town? You never leave, as far as I know. Is it something you brought from outside town? Is anybody else at risk?\par
Cassia: ...Under the mall, there's a pit. It's full of monsters. \par
Night: What kind of monsters?\par
Cassia: I'm not sure. I've never seen them before. They're like mythological beasts. Moving stone, hazy creatures, glittering clouds, animated ooze...\par
Night: And these are under the mall? In a pit?\par
Cassia: Yes...There's something deep under the mall. It's not like a basement or cave. It's so rich and beautiful and populated by fantastic creatures.\par
Night: I see...This is what I'm dealing with.\par
Cassia: Er--\par
Night: I believe you, of course. I am just troubled there's something like this. You've implicated me so much thus far, relying on my charity procedures. Now take me. Let me see for myself. Surely you would feel safer if I were closer and you didn't have to travel so far to find me. I may be a city boy, but I grew up right here. My academic combat background is solid, if not rusty. I can assist you.\par
Cassia: It's hard to argue with that. But it's too dangerous to go on a whim.\par
Night: What do you mean?\par
Casssia: (hushed) The mayor is behind this.\par
Night: You don't say? Your story sounds like the product of a rambling patient still high from the Scarlet Angelica, but the holes it fills are compelling. Why the intense interest in the town and the mall just before I was born? Why was this whole area guarded so strictly before the mall went up? Why the combat education in our school? Interesting explanation for everything. Please, I must see this.\par
Cassia: That's right...your grandparents were here before everything happened with the Mayor.\par
Night: They told me everything several times growing up. It's all stuck in my mind. So confusing. Everyone else here is new, so they just don't understand how bizarre the circumstances of refounding the town were. Well, except your uncle. He's been here since the beginning, too.\par
Cassia: Seriously? He has?\par
Night: Oh, I didn't realize he didn't tell you. Maybe I'm getting too personal. It's the truth, though. He's been here before the Mayor swooped in and bought everything. Do you promise you'll take me, though?\par
Cassia: Sure. Welcome aboard.\line ## You Died: Night to the Rescue a Third or Later Time\par
(randomly pick one)\par
Night: Finally.\par
Night: Hello, it's Night. I am taking care of you. \par
Night: Please take it slow. You came to me dead, and I am preparing a resurrection poutrice. \par
Night: This should be routine, no? \par
Cassia: Ohh...that never feels good.\par
Night: Yet you keep on doing this to yourself. If you won't keep yourself out of danger, at least train harder. I don't like seeing you hurt...\par
## You Died: Night to the Rescue a Third or Later Time\par
Night: Finally.\par
Night: Hello, it's Night. I am taking care of you. \par
Night: Please take it slow. You came to me dead, and I am preparing a resurrection poutrice. \par
Night: ...Anyways, hey again.\par
Cassia: Yeah, hey.\par
Night: I'm not very happy with you, you know? What if I couldn't bring you back? It's a matter of time.\par
Cassia: Yeah...I know.\par
Night: Sigh.\par
## You Died: Night to the Rescue a Third or Later Time\par
Night: Finally.\par
Night: Hello, it's Night. I am taking care of you. \par
Night: Please take it slow. You came to me dead, and I am preparing a resurrection poutrice. \par
Night: Again, huh?\par
Cassia: I know what you're going to say.\par
Night: Then why don't you take it to heart? Prevention is the best medicine. Please.\par
Cassia: Sigh.\par
## Night Joins the Team\par
Night is an alchemist, a subclass of Mage. He deals lots of conditions and healing, throwing bombs and healing salves everywhere, living off the land, combining what he finds and fighting experimentally and riskily and randomly, his abilities changing their results based on the area he is in. He can be taught to follow a more combat-oriented elemental mastery or academic one.\par
Cassia starts texting in the group chat. \par
Cassia: <<I'm adding Night, our official medic.>>\par
Blythe: <<Oh, no! Night's going to be in here?>>\par
Delphine: <<You told him?>>\par
Night: <<She didn't tell me everything, but she promised I could come see what is going on.>>\par
Angel: <<Honestly, that's a relief, Night.>>\par
Night: <<I told Cassia just that.>>\par
Blythe: <<We are really going with him?>>\par
Night: <<I've been extremely generous so far with my talents. The reality of your debt to me just isn't kicking in, it seems, but I'm a good guy and won't hold it against you.>>\par
Delphine: <<lol, how else could this have ended?>>\par
Ren: <<Night, welcome!>>\par
Night: <<Thank you, Ren.>>\par
Angel: <<Um, well, we meet behind the mall. Cassia chooses when we meet up.>>\par
Ren: <<If you have times you can't go or you learn something that would benefit the whole group, you can post it in our group chat, info or planning channel.>>\par
## Delphine Wants to Tame Abyssal Beasts\par
Cassia talks to Delphine privately, over text or in her room or player's room.\par
Cassia: Okay, here's a private place. This way, no one will hear or snoop in on our conversation. What did you want to talk about?\par
Delphine: I was wondering about these creatures beneath the earth, trying to learn more about them. In the end, they are just animals like elephants and bears, isn't it?\par
Cassia: You don't think they may be spirits or demigods or hellbeasts or something else?\par
Delphine: This is something I want to see for myself. I know a lot about animals, and even aggressive ones can be tamed and trained and domesticated and breed. Sometimes, they accept the instruction of a human master easily, and other times, there are special circumstances and equipment needed.\par
Cassia: You want to try that? It sounds dangerous. It would be a safer alternative just to clear the dungeon.\par
Delphine: Yes, we can do that if the beasts are too wild. But when we do, we lose a chance to learn and forgive.\par
Cassia: Do you need anything to try? I can help you.\par
Delphine: Oh, I am always pleased with your willingness to support me. Mall Town is better ever since you came here. Brighter, even. *!! Her answer will have to depend on research. What equipment is needed and what is the process?\par
Cassia: I'll do that for you.\par
Delphine: Thank you, Merci!\par
Cassia: I have a concern about this. Where exactly where you be keeping them? Domesticated and born in captivity or not, these are still the same beasts we are trying to keep out of the town. I don't feel comfortable with you bringing them outside.\par
Delphine: This is a good point. Perhaps we can build a barn in the dungeon.\par
Cassia: Would the Mayor notice? And how do we even do that? And where?\par
Delphine: Yes, our only boy is not so manly is he? Do you think anyone has experience? We need a strong structure. A fence or a moat or anything we can let them in or out of safely and give them some room. I do wonder where we can go without being trapped in the Mayor's spiderweb network. If the barn is a bad idea, I think there are other very good ideas to build. Camps, lights, storage, potties. Have you seen sign or him yet? It is presumably his many-year plan to explore this dungeon, since before I was born. Yet it looks like a cave. No lights, no camps, no stone path, nothing a self-important rich bastard, prick, and dandy like him must demand.\par
Cassia: You are right, but this is still the area that apparently opened up just recently. If he\rquote s been going down, he must already have had another entrance that he uses and still prefers. In fact, since Blythe always switches the footage at night and his nightguards are incompetent, he may not have opportunity to learn.\par
Delphine: You mean he may not know. I think he probably does and just sent a quick scouting party down nd didn't find enough of interest to care. Or he will be reacting later.\par
Cassia: If there is a second entrance, there may be more. We should find alternatives in case we lose this one.\par
Delphine: Oh, yes, this is essential!\par
Cassia: I guess it's likely we are either exploring a deadend that bored the Mayor's team or are soon going to find our entrance inaccessible.\par
Delphine: We must reach the bottom. These monsters are weaker and good for training. There is no reason not to continue before facing our real foe.\par
Cassia: Agreed. We both have a lot to think about and prepare for. See you later, Delphine.\par
Delphine: Au revoir.\par
Cassia receives a text message.\par
Delphine: I have been thinking... We should reach the botton of this pit as soon as possible. Since it's new, it must connect with another passage or dead-end. It\rquote s good training and we may find something, but it feels like Mr. Klein would want to close up passages that are almost public like this one, you know? Surely his passage is more private.\par
Ren: That makes sense.\par
Cassia: Should we set a deadline? Like this week?\par
Delphine: How can we? We have no idea how deep it is.\par
Night: Just think about what you are saying. Are you saying we cannot explore the unknown objectively? Our estimations will improve as we go. A week sounds like a manageable chunk of time to begin planning around.\par
Ren: Yeah, it sounds good. As deep as you can go in a week. Let's shoot for it.\par
Angel: I'll support you guys however you need me!\par
Cassia and her companions enter the dungeon. They explore. The top levels have sparse groups of scouting monsters with broad, territory-sweeping paths. More concentrated groups of monsters appear further down, with more functional roles identified: guards, casters, tanks, encouragers, healers, defenders, etc. Their paths are more dense or more wandering, still making sense of their area. They are lost parties, caught in a tidepool, so some random, disordered monsters are trying their best to form coherent parties.\par
As it is not an abyssal pit but very close to one, it has some ores and vegetation, foreshadowing the tropical wonder to come. The player can harvest rare (to their geographic region above ground) herbs and some small treasures. They can learn the mining skill, get a pickaxe, and mine.\par
The next discovery is the earth shrine.\par
## Discovering a Room of Pacificism\par
Cassia: This room looks safe. It's decensible, it's enclosed, and we can relax here. Why don't we tale a look at our skill sets here?\par
The safe room has a skill effect that promotes pacifism.\par
Maybe an Earth Angel of Pacifism is there. Maybe this foreshadows the presence of immensely powerful maguic inconceiuvable to humans like Ren!!!!\par
Speaking to her is voluntary.\par
Earth angel of pacifism:\par
Maybe angel is gone now but the spell cast by her is persistant.\par
Ren: No, it's more than that. Can't you feel it? Nobody can fight here. There is a room effect that prevents it.\par
Blythe that kind of makes me want to test it.\par
Night: No reason not to. I've seen that room spell. It's cast in prisons and courtrooms and government buildings in big cities with enough funding.\par
Ren: It's costly on the caster, though, and not glamorous. The funding is required just to attract anyone willing to do the job for more than a few hours. There are so many other better things to do with that level of spell mastery. I don't understand how it could be in place here without an enchanTment maintenance mage.\par
Night: So, the spell has to be maintained?\par
Ren: This one, yes, I know it. Otherwise, you would have to have such great magic reserves you can cast it once with a long duration or, possibly, stay in some central location and maintain several.\par
Cassia: It's a mystery, but we should take advantage of it while we can. We already know earth angels are masters of magic.\par
Night and Ren: Agreed!\par
## Discovering an Earth Shrine\par
The player walks up to it. Others follow. Chloe stays respectfully back.\par
Delphine: It's beautiful.\par
Night or Cassia: This was built by someone.\par
Chloe: This is a shrine. Don't you think?\par
Angel: Oh! Um, what should we do?\par
Chloe: I don't know their rules. I've never seen those symbols.\par
Ren: You're right, they are unusual.\par
If no Night, it ends there. Player has to stand on it for spirit to appear.\par
Night walks up to the shrine and stands on it. Chloe cringes.\par
A beautiful earth angel appears. Wings are draped like a cape of brown feathers, skin light gray and ashy, eyes bright spring green and full of life, she is covered in clover tiaras and anklets and pansy behind her ear. She is tall, slender, and elegant. Her golden brown hair sweeps to the floor.\par
Everyone is taken aback.\par
Cassia: Hello. Who are are you?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: I am Earth's servant. My aspect is Spring. As a blessing, I will resurrect your fallen.\par
Cassia: Thank you, greatly.\par
Everyone is almost silent with astoundment. Night is more levelheaded and his thirst for knowledge fuels his courage to speak to the supernatural.\par
Night: You can resurrect the dead?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: Yes. Spring is renewal for the flow of life. Anything can return if she so chooses.\par
Night: Is it dangerous for us?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: There is no risk. The natural laws of God can be played cyclically with no pain, no risk. You will be dead then alive.\par
Night: Gangrene? Decomposition?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: I know the concerns that ail you, young healer. You cannot truly heal because you cannot touch the forces of nature directly. This is no concern for me.\par
Chloe: What about the human's resurrection skill?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: Any human that can direct the flow of Nature will find powerful, limitless skills.\par
Delphine: So you'll resurrect us if we die? Under any circumstance? From anything? Wherever?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: This is my job.\par
Everyone feels more at ease, since she answers calmly and evenly. Night feels bruised.\par
Angel: Are there more of you?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: Yes. Earth shrines dot the earth, appearing along pits and anywhere the earth's servants dwell.\par
Cassia: Some of your people became monsters.\par
Lesser Earth Angel: They are driven mad by undue stress humans put on the earth. I know you are not among them, so I will treat you with respect. If the crazed angels attack you, please defend yourselves.\par
Cassia: Have they been here? The bad humans?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: Yes, they were last here this morning.\par
Blythe: Uh, really? Are they still here?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: I do not know. I hide my face from them.\par
The angel's message sets everyone on edge.\par
Cassia: Thank you again for your patience and wisdom.\par
The Lesser Earth Angel smiles and nods. "Until we meet again, children."\par
As they step away, the earth angel disappears.\par
Angel: You are so brave, Cassia! I was completely frozen! I couldn't say anything.\par
Ren: Did we really meet an angel?\par
Night: Yes, a Lesser Earth Angel to be precise. Her aspect was Spring, as are all the attendants of Earth Shrines.\par
Angel: How do you know that?\par
Night: I'm well-read. Much of the nation\rquote s initial wealth was found in pits and reversed our chances of winning the war. Without discovering these, we would be in the United States right now.\par
Blythe: You mean we could be in the communist utopia to the north?\par
Night: Who knows how different history would have turned out if the country never split? Maybe.\par
Chloe: Guys, guys, let\rquote s chat history later. They were here not too long ago in this spot.\par
Blythe: Yes! We should be quieter and more alert from here.\par
Night: Anyways, I guess you don't need me anymore...\par
Blythe: Guess not!\par
Ren: You're not just our last resort, Night. You're our potion-maker and you know so much more about this stuff than us. (highest starting lore)\par
Blythe: Unless we could get that angel to join the team.\par
Cassia: Didn't we just agree to hush?\par
Ren: Sorry.\par
Blythe: One more thing-- silence your phones.\par
Angel: Oh yeah, of course.\par
Everyone silences their phones.\par
## Teleporter Pad\par
The team proceeds more cautiously than before, searching for signs of other humans and human presence.\par
Down another few levels, the party encounters a stone table or rune or some teleporter pad.\par
A slain earth angel lay next to it. Dahlia is found slain in an area that could be slept in.\par
Cassia: Gasp aloud. What happened here?\par
Night: Why doesn't the other angel resurrect her?\par
Cassia: I don't know..\par
Night: We could use the shrine if the angel was resurrected. Maybe it's tactical?\par
Ren: What shrine is this, anyways? This looks completely different from the earth shrine.\par
Angel: Can we step away from the scene? (averting her eyes, a little teary and scared)\par
Cassia: Maybe we should.\par
## Telling the Earth Shrine Attendant About the Fallen Earth Angel\par
Cassia boldly and confidently approaches the shrine. The lesser earth angel appears once again.\par
Lesser Earth Angel: Greetings.\par
Cassia: We encountered a stone structure surrounded by runes. An earth angel was slain there...\par
Lesser Earth Angel: Yes. Dahlia was killed by the other men. I know you were not with them, so I do not blame you.\par
Cassia: So you know? Can you resurrect her?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: No. Angels are not alive like you. I cannot control the force to use for my own species. Humans are the only ones capable of that.\par
Cassia: Should we bury her?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: We perform our own burial services. I cannot leave my station, and she was the only other one here.\par
Night: Can we bring you her body? Is there anything else you need?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: You are different from the other humans. You have respect for the Earth when you respect her servants. If you bring me Dahlia, I can give her rest.\par
Night looks at Cassia for her answer.\par
Cassia: We will bring her to you. How did she die? Did the other humans really kill her?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: Yes. I averted my eyes, so I do not understand the context. They killed her.\par
Angel: Why...?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: Did you need anything else or did you only come here on my behalf?\par
Cassia: That's all we needed to tell you.\par
Lesser Earth Angel: Thank you, children.\par
## Pick Up the Body\par
The player tries to pick up the body.\par
Cassia: Um\par
Night: Cassia, you should leave this to us. Ren, would you help me?\par
Ren: Sure, no problem.\par
Night and Ren hold the body and cannot use weapon attacks, only spells and shouts.\par
They travel back.\par
## Return Body\par
The party approaches the shrine again.\par
Lesser Earth Angel: (tearful) You brought her? Thank you. Lay her on the shrine. There are no words for your kindness... Don't grow up to be like the adults of your people. You children are so precious.\par
Party gains xp.\par
Cassia: So her name was Dahlia? Do you have a name?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: Phlox.\par
Cassia: What was Dahlia like?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: Her aspect was space. She moved people and places. She was my sister.\par
Angel: Oh, this must be so hard for you!\par
Lesser Earth Angel: I am greatly comforted by your kindness. I have been givwn closure.\par
Cassia: Good-bye\par
## Grave Robbing\par
When the party returns, there is a flowery grave nearby. It's bright and beautiful. Night has never seen the flowers and would like to study them, but who could rob a grave apart from a player character?\par
The player gathers the grave flowers.\par
Angel and Chloe: Stop! What are you doing!?\par
Lesser Earth Angel: desecrated Dahlia's grave.\par
Cassia: Sorry, I didn't know!\par
Lesser Earth Angel sighes. Children are ignorant by nature, so I forgive you. Never take from a grave. It is a great crime.\par
Cassia: So sorry!\par
Lesser Earth Angel sighs. Do not grow up in the egocentric narcissism that rules your elders. Take this experience as a lesson, or I will no longer ally with you.\par
The next time you return, the grave is less beautiful than before but still filled with flowers. The Earth Angel has a reputation hit towards the player.\par
Gift the flowers to Night: ...this is quite a black gift. It would be worse to squander them now that they've been obtained. They are unknown completely to me, and I am a recognized expert. Could it be a new species? (unlocks new potion) Even so, never gift me anything like this again. It will weigh heavy on my conscious to work with these metaphorically black flowers and there are surely other ways to obtain these...\par
## Discovering the Camp of the Men\par
Cassia and her companions continue exploring. They happen upon what must be camp - discarded flashlights, food wrappers, packaging, lint from clothes. The earth is disturbed.\par
Blythe halts. Ren as well.\par
Angel: They /were/ here...\par
Delphine: And littering. (nose up)\par
Cassia investigates. It's cold, no way to determine when they left this spot, but at least a way to confirm it wasn't very recently.\par
Delphine: They left hours ago at worst. We can't say they aren't still here.\par
Blythe: She's right.\par
Ren: How can you tell? It's cold?\par
Delphine: It's cold, sure. No bugs interested in the food crumbs yet. Any liquid evaporated.\par
Angel: You're so observant! That's amazing.\par
Delphine: This is all taught to me by my father...He was an amazing ranger. (serious, serene)\par
Angel: He was. (a little sad and sheepish)\par
Cassia: Let's take it as encouragement and a warning. They may be here, but we may have learned of their presence first and they are far ahead enough and obviously comfortable enough to litter and not hide their presence. We'll know where they are before they know where we are. Be careful and watch your backs. They are no less dangerous for making this mess.\par
Night: I'm behind you.\par
the Slaves or run?>>\par
Ren: <<This is absolutely goince, but thete\rquote s a chance to eavesdrop and get a glimpse at their side of the story.>>\par
Angel: <<It\rquote s risky! If the see us, we could become targets.>>\par
Night: <<I say we should already assume we are targets. If we run, who\rquote s to say we won\rquote t be ambushed or flanked.>>\par
Blythe: <<Cassia - what do you think?>>\par
Cassia: <<Let\rquote s escape. We can come back later.>>\par
They leave, either making it out and having to return later (possibly a save, restock, change build moment) or get ambushed, changing the encounter.\par
Cassia: <<Our best chance is to explore before they have time to set up defenses or close off areas. Let's proceed cautiously.>>\par
They proceed. There are signs of human presence - litter, lights, equipment.\par
There are two big, burly, rough-looking men and a third smaller black man. They are sitting on rocks, talking.\par
Cassia and her companions approach the men They can stay back and listen or run up and attack.\par
Blythe: <<They don't see us.>>\par
Delphine: <<Are they not looking out for us after all? They seem sloppy. Does anyone recognize them?>>\par
Everyone takes glances. Many shake their heads in the negative.\par
Angel: <<Can't say...>>\par
Blythe: <<They're talking. If we get closer, we could hear. Even record them for reviewing later. Maybe it could be used as evidence if we form a solid case.>>\par
Ren: <<Blythe, you honestly think of everything.>>\par
Blythe: <<Amazing, I know! \f3\u9734?\f0 I used to read my dad's security books.>>\par
Night: <<Make your move, Cassia. We will do what you need us to do. Just don't get caught.>>\par
Here, it would be effectively probably or at least my strategy to flag everyone back and tell them to wait here. Then as a lone player move forward, inching toward the men's camp until the conversation is audible. Cassia can open the sound recorder app and record the conversation. If Blythe or Night are close, they will record without asking.\par
If their aggro is broken, they will cease conversation, attack, and increase security.\par
The men are no friends of the earth angels, assuming they cannot both share thw land with the original inhabirants and utilize the resources for selfish gains. Also, the men are rough and rude and the earth angels were immediately prejudiced against them. They are unaware of the earth angels' culture or purpose, preferring to kill them on sight. It is outside the realm of their imagination that they could be allies of the children and provide high level master level spells, such as teleportation and resurrection. Night is out in town and his resurrection takes much time, missing a whole day. No one else, even Father can resurrect the dead. If the earth angels resurrect the party, they will be completely off-guard and have no idea what happened. There is another opportunity to eavesdrop.\par
Smaller man: --Hey, where did their bodies go?\par
Big man: What are ya talkin about? Hey, what!\par
The other big man rushes over.\par
Rough man: ...Where'd they go? We killed them.\par
The stand in a circle, scratching their heads.\par
Rough man: This is bad. Boss will take it out on us if they escape knowing about this place. They was young kids, too. They'll blab.\par
Big man: I swear they were dead.\par
Small man: That alchemist could have healed them!\par
Big man: He's not here, and he can't do nothing without a huge set up. The chamber would smell like cut grass if he was doing that witchdoctor voodoo ritual.\par
Rough man: Teleport? I don't know what could have happened. This is unnerving.\par
Big man: The pit could have taken them, you know? Made them into those feral angels.\par
Rough man: Don't give me the creeps like that. We gotta find them. And if we don't...\par
The small man shivers.\par
Big man: We have to tell him. It's worse if we don't.\par
Blythe: <<They are so fearful. Who could have though underneath that obnoxious mall marketer and saleman and nosy principal was a slave driver tyrant, a ruler by fear!>>\par
Angel: <<Are they really talking about Mr. Klein? Surely they can't be...>>\par
Ren: <<I don't know...He could be like that. He is reclusive, so he could be hiding a lot.>>\par
Night: <<Their boss absolutely is Mr. Klein, the refounder and mayor of our town.>>\par
Delphine: <<How do you know, Night?>>\par
Night: <<I will explain later.>>\par
The men start patrolling, although they are slow, clumsy, and nonobservant. The player has to fight them once noticed or they may tell the mayor, so they need to be observant and aggressive enough to provoke a boss battle fight.\par
## Slave Boss Battle\par
They are scary, but the mayor doesn't take the best care of them. They are overworked and a little weak. Their brute strength and resilience makes them a little formidable. Draw out the fight to whittle them down, defend against their big coordinated spikes, and whatever makes a good boss battle.\par
Win, and they surrender before death.\par
Rough guy: Kids, you clearly are a force to be reckoned with and we underestimated you.\par
Cassia: Are you going to explain what's going on down here?\par
Rough guy: We're just human tools to do our master's bidding. We don't have the full picture and we don't have anyone to go home to. If you are going to stand in our way, finish the job.\par
Cassia: What about you two? Are you afraid?\par
Cassia points her weapon, brandishing it, at the big man then the smaller man. They break down and hold their hands up. The big guy is crying.\par
Smaller guy: Please, don't send us back to him.\par
Cassia: Why don't you get out of here?\par
Rough guy: He'll catch us. He'll know. It's too late. It's too late for you, too. He'll catch you. He'll know you were here. You should have stayed behind in the shadows like you guys probably have been all along.\par
Cassia: I don't want to kill you...\par
The big guy straightens up.\par
Big guy: Then we'll finish the job.\par
The fight continues.\par
Angel: Is there anything else we need to see here? I just want to go home...\par
Night: We can't waste the opportunity. Let's look around.\par
Angel: Yeah..\par
Angel and Chloe stay back while the others investigate the rest of the small room.\par
Chloe: You okay, Angel?\par
Angel: Yeah...\par
Chloe: Eh, the others can finish looking around. Let's just look at cute pictures on my phone. I've got some funny cat pictures.\par
Angel: ...\par
Angel: Hehehe...hehe...oh, Chloe, you always know how to get my mind off things.\par
Night: Cassia, is there anything useful? Plans, notes, salvageable equipment, supplies?\par
Ren: Should taking equipment like that? It's stealing. I mean, we just defended ourselves, but looting is a step beyond.\par
Cassia: This is war. Besides, they are just NPCs.\par
Ren: I guess...\par
Scattered about in chests, on tables, and spread out are simple equipment. A pickaxe, some gardening shears - (Night: ...oh, they must have been looking for the last herb I requested.), and some orders.\par
Orders are an item to pick up. Double-click to use it in the inventory to open the text box that looks like papers.\par
Orders: Bob, Jim, and Booker - you are my vanguard team. Scout out the new opening. Confirm that it does not connect to the main channel. Always be on the lookout for Guam for Night so he can continue to perform his resurrection ritual if needed.\par
Night: (takes a deep sigh) I am such a tool to them.\par
Ren: Is it really okay that you're down here with us? What if they go to you and you're gone? Or they run into you down here?\par
Night: I don't want to resurrect you guys, either. I want to be on the frontlines, helping as proactively as I can. They barely let me in on what was happening anyways. And after seeing what I've seen, I cannot support them. If they come to me, I'll let them die...\par
Delphine: Night, that's not like you.\par
Night: Can medical practitioners really be so impartial while still human? Maybe that would be great, but that's not for me. I'm too young and fiery hot. I see what is wrong and can no longer stand for it. I will undermine them in any way I can.\par
Delphine: You are fiery...your passion glows and shimmers so beautifully and admirably. If you were to reach the bottom alone and claim the wish, what would you wish for?\par
Night: Indeed...\par
## Alternative Slave Boss Battle\par
Cassia: This is for Dahlia, the earth angel you slew!\par
Rough guy: That slut? You\rquote re going to kill ys because of some whore in the street? --She was hardly innocent.--\par
Cassia: ...? (eh? wha? face. stunned by sudden contradictory information.)\par
Aries: What did you -say about- just call a slain angel! There's going to be nothing left of you when we're done with you!\par
Cassia: You murderers! Eye for an eye!\par
Big guy: (Defiant) We ain't afraid of some whoresons.\par
(Level boss battle commences)\par
Cassia: Aries, stand down! I will hear both sides of thE story.\par
Aries: Like hell! (yelling up to the sky, fire in his eyes, his friends holding him back)\par
Tough guy: (flinching) Ya will?\par
Cassia: Explain how Dahlia died.\par
Rough guy: We were sleeping. We had set up cmp and were ready to tuck in, when this glittering creature crawls in with us.\par
(Create a nobody was the bad guy svenario somehow where one dies due to the other's action or inaction.)\par
Rough guy: And I killed her.\par
Aries: You have no excuse for your actions!\par
Cassia: Either way, we can't have you reporting back to your boss...\par
Angel: That is a little hard core, don't you think, Cassia? (grimace)\par
(battle commences)\par
## Learning Stealth Skills\par
Ren: Blythe is pretty good, but we need more security skills in our team. And I know I really should be stepping up. If you find skill books, can you share them with me? \par
## Finding the Main Channel\par
Angel: No, we'll go in together! I'll be your bodyguard. Let's go, Cassia.\par
Cassia: You're so great, Angel. Let's go.\par
Cassia: This isn't what I expected, but this sure seems like something.\par
Angel: Yeah...It feels like this is it, but what if it's not?\par
Cassia: If he's set it up like this, this is an important place to him. If this is not the main channel, as he calls it, then it probably has clues or notes about it. \line Angel: This is crazy...\par
Cassia: He won't come in. He's busy all day. But, then again, I don't know if his cronies won't be lurking around. Is my bodyguard scared?\par
Angel: Oh, I'm brave, but that's doesn't mean I'm not absolutely creeped the freak out. Let's scout quickly and go.\par
Cassia: I agree 100 percent!\par
The girls snoop around. It goes down deeper and there are notes and equipment scattered around. He is trying to amend his tragic backstory, like heal his wife's cancer or his child's autism or something. It makes them feel bad.\par
Angel: Man, we really shouldn't be down here...\par
Mr. Klein: Now that's an understatement.\par
The girls jump then turn around and jump. Exclamation marks appear over their heads, if this game has emotes like that. Mr. Klein is directly behind them, alone.\par
Mr. Klein: Girls, why are you snooping down here? Now, Cassia, your uncle would probably congratulate you and know why you left your old school, so I understand why you would be a bad influence on our precious Angel. But Angel, what if I told your mother where I found you? She would be beside herself. You've been less diligent about your summer school, too. \line Angel: That's not true!\par
Mr. Klein: But it is. I've been watching your grades and attendance patterns. Cassia's been a bad influence on you. It'd be a shame if you were separated. From what I understand, your mother has been taking care of her, too. \line Angel: We're sorry!\par
Mr. Klein: You're kids. You explore, you run amuck all over the town. Your minds detect a mystery and relentlessly pursue it. Am I going to get that mad at you?\par
Cassia and Angel: ...\par
Mr. Klein: You kids might think you're heroes out on an adventure, getting Mommy to buy you pink armor and cute vambraces, talking to Night like a grownup buying those cool mysterious potions you were always too afraid to buy, taking selfies with your daggers, copying the choreography of your videogame character's attacks. You are being kids. Kids are stupid and get themselves over their heads and grieve their parents' hearts. I was the same way and remember my childhood days fondly. I was a lot like you, you know. But this is not exploring a creepy abandoned house, uncovering your dad's affair, or trying weird drugs. This is death. Stay away or you will witness things that will break you before being killed in a dark, cold place far away from your parents.\par
Cassia and Angel: ...\par
Mr. Klein: May I walk you back up?\par
(If they have taken anything while down there) Mr. Klein: Also, your sleight of hand is not so slick as you'd like to think. Give me back my greater invisibility potion, my bag of holding, my company logo phone case, and those pencils. On second thought, whatever. You can keep the pencils, just scram.)\par
Screen transitions to the area in front of the mayor's mansion yard. Once he kicks you out and leaves you there, Cassia and Angel look at each other. \par
(if Mr. Klein takes back his loot, calculate highest value thing he took back) Cassia: I can't believe he took my greater invisibility potion...\par
Angel: (confused) ....?\par
Angel and Cassia laugh. \par
Angel: Let's go. I need froyo to chill out.\par
Screen transitions to cute chairs around the froyo store in the mall.\par
Cassia: Why are we chilling in his mall where half of the problems were caused?\par
Angel: Are you seriously questioning froyo?\par
Cassia: Nah...I've really not.\par
Angel: Did he threaten us?\par
Cassia: Yeah, basically. He will kill us if he catches us. \line Angel: It's too risky to go back that way. Maybe there's another way in.\par
Cassia: Or we're going to need a better way of getting in that way. Invisibility, stealth, diversions, something...\par
Angel: How much do you think he knows? How aware do you think he is of what we're up to, what we know, who's involved, and so on?\par
Cassia: We should assume everything. \par
Angel: Hey--do you think it's ok to talk like this here? What if the froyo people are his agents?\par
Cassia: You never know. Probably not, though. I don't think Night is.\par
Angel: Oh my gosh, what if Night is like a double agent?\par
Cassia: We probably should assume he is.\par
Angel: ...but he's our friend. Are you joking right now?\par
Cassia: I don't think he is, but you never know.\par
Angel: Yeah, you're right. I don't think these people could be his agents. (Looks over to the foreign mall chicken workers.) Aren't Chinese sometimes spies?\par
Cassia: (spits out water) Gosh, Angel, that's a lot.\par
Angel: You're right.\par
Cassia: Let's text from now on, lol.\par
Angel: Yeah...can't trust anyone. He found out somehow. Until we know how, let's just text to limit his eyes and ears' reach.\par
## Recruit Aries\par
Aries is a Fighter. He's strong, pretty fast, and deals heavy DPS in high, concentrated bursts. He can become a tank, but he's less adept at it.\par
Angel: I mean, I'm not psyched about it, but Aries would be great. He's mean but trustworthy.\par
Cassia: Do you have personal beef with him?\par
Angel: Ugh, don't even go there.\par
Cassia: Sorry. I agree, though. We need Aries on board. Any suggestions on how to talk to him?\par
Angel: He never went with us before because he thought it was dumb and a waste of time and only losers and his exe were there. I think you should talk to him. Explain what you were invited to, what you saw, and that you need his strength to continue.\par
Cassia: I'll do it.\par
Cassia is living her life and meets Aries at the gym.\par
Aries: Hey.\par
Cassia: Hey, Aries, when you're done, can I talk to you about something?\par
Aries: Yeah, of course.\par
Screen transitions to post workout.\par
Aries walks over, freshly showered and glistening.\par
Aries: Talk to me.\par
Cassia: Somewhere more private?\par
Aries eyebrows go up: Yeah, okay. Take me wherever.\par
Cassia takes him somewhere private. They settle in.\par
Aries: Okay, Cassie. What is it?\par
Cassia: ...It's a lot, so give me a second.\par
Aries waits patiently, eyes even.\par
Cassia: Do you know about how some of our classmates explore the haunted mall at night?\par
Aries: Yeah. Did they force you to go?\par
Cassia: They did, but they didn't tell it was full of monsters.\par
Aries: Yeah, it apparently is. Slimes.\par
Cassia: No, hordes gargoyles and goblins.\par
Aries: What? No, it's always slimes. Is it really getting that bad?\par
Cassia: We were worried about the monsters getting out at first then we started exploring beneath the mall, and there's a whole dungeon.\par
Aries: You're kidding? There's something like that here?\par
Cassia: You're one of the best fighters in town and are really strong. Could you help?\par
Aries: Completely against the rules, right?\par
Cassia: I'm afraid the mayor jyst threated to kill us.\par
Aries: oh wow, this is huge, then. How can I say no to actually using my training fir once? Of course, I'll protect my girl.\par
Cassia: Thanks, Aries. I feel so much safer now. We have a group chat. Let's get you in.\par
Arues: Yeah, go for it.\par
Aries has joined the group.\par
Blyrhe: <<NOOOOO>\par
Cassia: <<Hey, guys, I just talked to Aries, and ge\rquote ll help.>>\par
Cassia: <<Blythe!!>>\par
Ren: <<Hey, man! Finally getting more guys on board.>>\par
Night: <<Welcome.>>\par
## Relay Mayor's Threat to Team\par
Cassia and Angel are chilling out (or hiding) in Cassia's room.\par
Angel: I feel better here. Whew.\par
Cassia: Yeah, we can chill here as long as we need. I have books and a videogame console and of course our smartphones. We could do cute girl crafts together, too.\par
Angel: Yeah...thanks.\par
Cassia: We need to tell the others what happened. Are you ready?\par
Angel: Yeah, I am, I guess. You start and I'll support you.\par
Cassia and Angel start texting in the group chat.\par
Cassia: <<Hey, everybody...Angel and I found another channel. The mayor was using it as an office.>>\par
Ren: <<Is it the main channel?>>\par
Cassia: <<Can't say. We were ambushed by the mayor.>>\par
Aries: <<What did he do to you?>>\par
Cassia:<<He threatened us. He said if we keep pushing, we\rquote ll die.>>\par
Angel: <<That guy was stone cold. He meant it as a final warning.>>\par
Aries: Should we take the fight to him?>>\par
Ren: <<No no>>\par
Angel: oh gosh, Cassia. Can we kwep him on a leash?\par
Cassia: Hehehe\par
Aeies: <<We are losing our element of surprise every second.\par
Cassia: I was planning the stealth route to learn what we can .\par
Aries: We could force everything out of him.\par
Casdia: ...uh\par
Aries: You could leave it to me. We could play good cop, bad cop.\par
Cassia: Would we die, lol?\par
Angel: Def.\par
Ren: <<I have been studying and could learn stealth skills. I know enough stealth skills to nake sneaking and snooping qround viable. Just offering an alternative.>>\par
Cassia: (choice 2) <<You know what? Let's hear more of your plan, Aries. >>\par
Angel: You can't be serious.\par
Cassia: Let's hear him out.\par
Aries: <<Let\rquote s wait for him down wherever and ambush him. Ren can use his stealth strategy to make sure we are prepared. We wait for him then strike. We threaten him, torture him, and ask our questions. >>\par
Angel: <<He has an army of mercenaries, as far as we know! No way he'd let us do that.>>\par
Aries: <<if we wait*>>\par
Cassia: Time is of the essence. He's right about that much.\par
Angel: Oh gosh, Cassia! You're running us into sometjing awful.\par
Cassia: When have we not been in danger, tjough, really?\par
Angel: True dat.\par
Cassia: (choice 1) <<Let's hear more of your strategy, Ren. Do you gave a strategy, Ren?>>\par
Cassia: <<Okay, I choose...>>\par
Cassia: (choice 2) <<Aries\rquote s plan. Let\rquote s move now. No one\rquote s posted in the scheduling channel, so I assume everyone will be at the Mayor\rquote s mansion ASAP?>>\par
Cassia: You, too!\par
Angel: Bah, I just changed out of my gear, too.\par
Cassia: (choice 1) <<to stick with strategy>>\par
Aries: <<Waste of time, but okay. I\rquote m on board.>>\par
Angel: You know, we could make an official base of operations. Not to replace texting, but sometimes you havE to lay eyes on everybody before the mission. Don't Can't cover up you fears with a smilie emoticon.\par
Cassia: Can't say I'm opposed to that. It would feel very authentic. So basically my room because everyone else would care?\par
Angel: Yeah, hehe. Well, no, actually the backroom of Father's church would be another option.\par
Angel: Do you think we can really trust him? I feel so bad for saying that!\par
Cassia: (choice 1) I don't think we should.\par
Cassia: (choice 2) We can.\par
Angel: Well, out of those two , between those two two, I say we have an official dungeon crawl headquarters! I just totally made a decision without anybody else, hehe. Well, you're leader, so you can do that. You just consulted with me with for a second first.\par
Cassia: This is a lot of exposition.\par
## Confront Mayor Directly (Aries's Plan)\par
## Stealth Route (Default, if team has sufficient skills. Relying on Blythe and Delphine's default skillset and lore alone will fail.)\par
## The Team has found the real main channel, from the Mayor himself or his notes.\par
## If found the right notes the first time down and knows where the main chammel is, then skip above sections.\par
## Enter the Main Channel\par
## Finding a Resurrection Shrine.\par
\f1\bullet Explain it to new party members\par
## Finding an operationational teleport pad\par
\f0 ## Asking Phlox About the Teleport Shrine\par
Cassia: So what was that other shrine? Was Dahlia a resurrection priest, too?\par
Phlox: No. That was a teleportation shrine.\par
Blythe: Whoa, we have access to stuff like that?\par
Ren: That is such high level magic to hand out freely...Honestly, and I can barely provide stealth or cover and I'm a grade straight A studEnt in magic combat. (grimace) What do I even bing to the tble here?\par
Delphine: May you explain how this works? Can you teleport, too?\par
Phlox: No, each angel has a gift. She may be able to other things, but I am not such a multitalented angel. I cAn only resurrect and was stationed out in the less populated tunnel. I do my job dutifully.\par
Cassia: Are you lonely?\par
Phlox: Well, before, I had Dahlia, who was so close with me. But now...yes.\par
Cassia: What if I found a replacement? What if I brought a teleport mage here to be your friend once again?\par
Phlox: I couldn't fault you for trying... but no one can replace my lost friend.\par
Cassia: I will avenge her!\par
Phlox: Avenge, I do not care for. But please, place justice across their throats like heavy chains to drag them down into the abyss where they may never lay a finger on another girl again.\par
Cassia: (sighs with a sense of duty) Yes.\f1\par
\f0 ## Teleport Trap Before Meeting Rune\par
(Make spell breaker easily obviously available before this)\par
Cassia and her companions walk down to the next level.\par
They take another step and appear back.\par
Angel: huh?\par
They repeat their action and result.\par
Ren: This is trippy...\par
Cassia: One more time, and Ren, tell me what is going on.\par
They repeat their action with the same results, but this time, Ren is paying attention. The player can, too, with high enough magic or lore. A teleport spell effect appears on the skill effects monitor.\par
Ren: It's a teleport spell. I can't tell if it's a trap or room effect or if there's soneone casting it on us, but it's a teleport spell.\par
Cassia: How can we pass?\par
Ren: Dispel, spell block, become untargetable, ...there are strategies to try.\par
Cassia and her companions return to the safe room for strategy adjustment.\par
Cassia and her companions pass through successfully.\par
Ren: Wow, we did it.\par
Angel: No, you did it! (increase Ren disposition and affinity)\par
Ren: Wow, maybe I do contribute a little. That makes me feel better.\par
(either force the player to actually also fight with the build or not but quickly offer a safe room either way. Fighting a boss without good skills would be fun.)\par
Blythe: Right there. I think I see another safe room.\par
Angel: Thank goodness. I can have a real build again!\par
When the party leaves without spell breaker, they brace for teleportation but from nothing.\par
Ren: Either it was a trap, room effect, or the secret caster gave up. Loojs like we are in the clear. Let's go but be careful!\par
## Meeting Rune\par
First levels are like a basement. Then they are dark, empty, and earthy. They begin to look more used and civilized. You move into your first encounter with Rune.\par
The group of monsters toward the end of the level is particularly coordinated, using a mix of strategies on the fly - spiking, spike healing, tanking, etc. \par
Kill them, then a final boss or three comes out.\par
Kill them and another, bigger worse mob runs out, all giant bosses.\par
The leader emerges, Rune, a guy a year or two younger than you with weird colored or jet black hair and red or black eyes, riding a monster. \par
He holds out his arms and commands them to stop. \ldblquote STOP ATTACKING!"\par
Ren: Wha-?\par
The mob freezes and cancels all attacks.\par
Delphine: He controls them.\par
Rune gets down and walks over to the party. \par
(if all high or middle school) Wait, it's high schoolers?\par
(if younger) Wait, there are kids?\par
Angel: Who are you?\par
Milo: Don't call me a kid!\par
You don't get to ask questions like that! \par
Who is the leader?\par
Cassia: It\rquote s Angel.\par
Cassia: Ren!\par
Ren: Whoa, wrong! No, Player, please. \par
Rune: Stop the stupid drama.\par
Cassia: Milo\par
Cassia: Chloe\par
Cassia: I am. \par
Rune walks to player\rquote s position and faces him.\par
I don\rquote t care who you are or why you are here. \par
Cassia: Fine. But I\rquote ll be back.\par
There\rquote s no secret route. You won't be able to without passing by me and my generals. (he's lying.)\par
Aries: Nobody's afraid of you!\par
Cassia: I won\rquote t leave.\par
Cassia: Who are you?\par
Cassia: What is this place?\par
These kaijuu will kill you in a second.\par
Cassia: Can we talk?\par
I will not talk to you. Leave.\par
Cassia: Your monsters don\rquote t scare me.\par
You don\rquote t scare me.\par
Cassia: I\rquote ll leave...for now.\par
Cassia: Get ready to fight!\par
Angel: We can't win! Let's go back to town!\par
Chloe: This is suicide! Run away, Player!\par
Aries: If we can't win, retreat!\par
Blythe: Are you crazy? Shouldn't we be running?\par
Night: Fool, retreat!\par
Maybe lead to a chase scene out of the level by unkillable foes if insist on fighting. But if you kill them, you get rewarded. \par
Once all foes dead\par
Aries: He's gone! He needs to die for putting us through that!\par
Delphine: This must be a brutal defeat for him. He must have lost years of taming and training. He won't be a threat anymore.\par
Blythe: Where'd he go?\par
Rune is gone. You can keep going and continue the crawl. As a reward, you can look at stuff and take it that would have been gone. \par
Once past the civilized areas\par
Milo: They stopped chasing us.\par
Chloe: We can rest now.\par
Angel: I think they stopped. \par
Aries: We got chased out!\par
Blythe: He was kind of cute. \par
Delphine: He can control the monsters. \par
Night: What now?\par
Cassia: Let\rquote s go back down.\par
Chloe: Seriously? We'll be chased out again.\par
Cassia: Let\rquote s go back to town. \par
Angel: I always look so ragged when I come home. Ugh.\par
## Meet Rune, Alternative\par
The otherworldly force approached the leader, kited by submissive beats of the dungeon: a royal train.\par
The Force: Cassia...\par
Cassia feels called, a tugging in her soul directing her feet to leap forward and confront the force alone in the darkness.\par
The Force: Any who enter die.\par
Cassia grasps her sword and raises it high over her head.\par
The camera pans out, viewing a high angle over the battle field.\par
First, a small group of level guards fight her.\par
Then a small group of tougher foes with a boss fight.\par
Then a few higher lever guards with a weak boss.\par
The Force: Why do you resist? Just die already!\par
A huge boss fights.\par
The Force: Think they are easy? Do you toy with us? I will face you myself.\par
The Force takes shape, gathering into form, filling a body, filling fingers, filling toes.\par
A face materializes and its eyes open, empty and void.\par
The Force takes the force of a little boy, about Cassia's age and about Ren's build. As Cassia's vision clears more, she can see he is a young earth angel and handsome in a cute, yandere way.\par
Cassia gasps.\par
Rune: --!! A girl?\par
Cassia: Who are you?\par
Rune: You are invaders, continuously storming in and threatening our way of life. --You must explain yourself. What is your goal?\par
Cassia: --\par
Rune: You killed Dahlia, so die!\par
Cassia: --What, no! That was the other men!\par
Rune: Lier! All you humans work together!\par
Rune fights. Cassia wins yet again. Rune yields.\par
Rune leaps back to safety and an abyssal beast shields him.\par
Cassia yells: Will you now listen to me? I was never with them!\par
Actually, maybe the fight gets interrupted.\par
Lesser earth angel appears. Her name is Phlox.\par
Phlox: Stop this immediately!\par
(Rune stops mid-attack and turns to face her) Rune: Phlox--?\par
Phlox: Cassia gave Dahlia a proper funeral. Without her, she would be dishonored.\par
Rune (utterly confused and freaked out): What..? (He turns to Cassia, more earnestly) You helped us?\par
Phlox swoops over to lay a hand on Cassia's shoulder in support.\par
Cassia: It's true. It was the right thing to do.\par
Rune: But what about those other humans...?\par
Cassia: We're trying to stop them.\par
Rune: If that's true--I have really made a mistake. I am so sorry, yet sorry does not cut it. I need some time alone.\par
Rune disappears instantly.\par
Phlox is still there.\par
Cassia: ...?\par
Phlox: I got here as soon as I could. I abandoned my post for this, but I cannot allow Rune to act on his feelings like this and discriminate against all humans. I cannot allow Rune to hurt you, and I cannot allow you to hurt Rune.\par
Cassia: What's going on? Who is Rune?\par
Phlox: He's still young...I hope you have it in your heart to understand this brash, bold, fiery behavior of his. The young earth angel you brought me was his sister.\par
Cassia: Oh...\par
Phlox: Yes...He's not taking her death at the hands of humans well and is lashing out at you and your friends as a result. It's difficult to keep him tied down. He's a teleportation earth angel, just like Dahlia was...\par
Cassia: Could Rune be used as a replacement for Dahlia and connect your tunnel back to the network? If that worked, we could travel back to your tunnel. In fact, we could travel from your tunnel to the main channel, couldn't we?\par
Phlox: Rune is undisciplined, so I never see him providing a role like that for us...He is talented, though. If you manage to befriend him, he could teleport you into the main channel.\par
Delphine: You can teleport without shrines?\par
Phlox: Shrines make it safer. If you teleport, you aren't sure if you're teleporting into something. By using these networks, you can ensure the teleport mages arrange for safe travel among within their network and report concerns early and communicate them well. Since not everyone can teleport, the shrines are placed logically to reduce traffic and keep the system clear.\par
Angel: Like the metro, huh?\par
Cassia: So you think Rune could help us?\par
Phlix: Yes\par
Cassia: What about you? You could be a big help to us. And you already said you were lonely.\par
Phlox: I have to serve my duty honorably. If we all wandered like Rune, there would be no society. If you visit ne, though, I'll provide my service openly and freely.\par
Cassia and her companions walk away.\par
Angel: Are you sure about befriending Rune? He is unpredictable and scary.\par
Aries: We need any help we can get, right?\par
Angel: Hmph. (slightly frustrated)\par
Cassia: No, everything freely vent your frustrations. I'm not sure myself.\par
Night: Ren, can you learn teleportation like that?\par
Ren: Man, I don't know. If you guys have leads, I'll give it a shot. I am no master wizard, though.\par
# Act 3\par
## Save Rune! Or Don\rquote t.\par
Rune is fighting Mall Owner\rquote s Brother. Rune will obviously lose.\par
The player party notices.\par
Delphine: Do we hide or should we protect him, Player? \par
Blythe: We should help him, shouldn't we?\par
Night: The enemy of our enemy could be an ally. We should defend him. \par
Angel: What should we do, player?\par
Cassia: Don\rquote t interfere.\par
The party watches as the MOB kills Rune and worse, maybe takes an important item, turns him into a worse enemy, etc.\par
>Protect the boy\par
Rune becomes an ally. Fight the MOB. If Rune is dead at the end of the fight and MOB survives, same thing happens but player only sees a little. Maybe MOB does the same thing to Player and her party.\par
(If Rune is alive at the end)\par
Rune: You didn't have to do that. Thank you, no matter why you did it. Go ahead and talk. I'll answer this time.\par
Cassia: Attack the boy\par
Fight without allies against everyone. Same thing. If Rune and MOB die, then player can take the item. \par
MOB doesn't actually die. He uses a skill to teleport to marked location. "I know who all you are. Don't think you've escaped."\par
Aries: Stop running away, you coward! \par
(If rez Rune) \par
Rune: Here again? Wait, you guys resurrected me, didn't you?\par
Rune looks around.\par
Aries: He ran away at the last second.\par
Rune shakes his head.\par
Rune: Well. What do you want? I'll talk to you.\par
Cassia: Who was that guy?\par
He thinks he owns the place. He's looking for something. Sometimes he comes down with a fat guy that looks a lot like him in the face. \par
Night: The mall owner?\par
Cassia: Why did he attack you?\par
He has been trying to catch me my whole life. The animals have lookouts, and I know the dungeon well. I can usually escape, killed Noam and\par
But you saved me here.\par
Cassia: Who are you?\par
My name's Rune. I got lost down here when I was young, and--\par
Sand: Rune..?\par
Aries: No way.\par
Angel: Rune!! \par
Rune: Confused look.\par
Angel: I'm Angel. You were in our daycare. Everybody searched for you, but you completely vanished.\par
Aries: You did get separated in the mall, didn't you. Wow, you were down here when you were, what, 6 or 7?\par
Night: Rune, your parents...\par
Angel: Sad face\par
Rune: Are they still up there?\par
Angel: No...\par
Rune: Emotional face. ...\par
Rune: We can talk about that, later, I guess. \par
Night: Why did you never come back up?\par
Rune: I was lost and scared and didn't know what to do. I started liking this place.\par
I have a family down here. Maybe you can't understand. \par
I never felt accepted up there anyways. \par
You're Aries, aren't you? I think I know all you. Well, no, not your leader or the slave girl. \par
Delphine: My family is French. We were never slaves.\par
Rune: (embarrassed) But you're so dark.\par
Why would French move here anyways? \par
Delphine: (frustrated) Look, not all people with tan skin are negros.\par
Cassia: Are you going to stay down here?\par
Rune: It isn't safe for me here anymore. \par
Cassia: Do you want to come back with us?\par
Rune: Wow...I...guess so. I have to. He'll find me otherwise.\par
Angel: But where will he stay?\par
Chloe: There's only two places where no one would have to explain too much. Either the church or probably with you, Player. Your uncle wouldn't care, huh?\par
Delphine: I know you guys knew him as a kid, but are we sure we can trust him?\par
Chloe: Rune doesn't have a lot of reason to trust us, either. \par
We need to find out more about this place, don't we? We've already found the missing kid from a decade ago, so we're really onto something big. \par
Cassia: Chloe, are you sure Father would take him?\par
Rune: Thank you.\par
Cassia: Rune, you can stay with me.\par
Rune: Thank you.\par
Rune needs time to relax, so he spends the first few days sleeping a lot,\par
## Recruiting Rune\par
_____\line Rune is a mage with emphasis on high-level practical skills like invisibility, teleportation, and control. He can be taught combat oriented elemental skills or alchemy, too.\par
As a friend, his track is a lot less about hanging out and a lot more about buying him the things he needs and teaching him what he needs to know to be a normal citizen on earth. He needs to learn cell phones, the written English language, money denominations, and so on. Chloe will teach him about God and get into debates with him about it.\par
Cassia visits Rune.\par
Cassia: are you feeling? I saw that you were taking some time to recover. If you need more time, that's okay with me. I'll give you as much time as you need.\par
Rune: I feel better. I still feel bad about what I did to you guys, though. I think about it a lot.\par
Cassia: No, we are at fault, too, for attacking your friends. We apologize, too. It's better to move on. \par
Rune: I guess so...\par
Cassia: I had a question for you: Will you help us fight?\par
Rune: You mean, against those guys?\par
Cassia: Yeah. The group that killed your sister.\par
Rune: You mean it? You would let me fight on your side? After everything I have done?\par
Cassia: I forgive you, Rune! Do you know what that means? \line Rune: ...(question marks)\par
Cassia: Don't you?\par
Rune: ...(smiling stupidly)\par
Cassia laughs: Well, it means everything bad you did, it is like it never happened to me. It disappeared. We can start over and be friends now. And I need you.\par
Rune: Oh! (big eyes) Um, okay. What should I do?\par
Cassia: Well, you are such a strong fighter. And you can teleport like that. Those are amazing skills. If we work together, we can fight.\par
Rune: Really? Well, okay.\par
Cassia: Okay, I'll add you to the text group! --Oh wait. Rune, you really should have a cell phone. Hmm. I'll try to get you one. \par
Rune: (question marks) Um, okay. Whatever you say.\par
## Buying Rune a Cell Phone\par
At the mall, there is a little cell phone stand. \par
Cassia to herself: Yeah, I should get Rune a cell phone so the group can contact him freely. Maybe I should get him something simple since he doesn't seem to understand even the basics of what is going on in the overworld.\par
Cell phone man: Hello, there! You're the new girl, aren't you? Just moved here not too long ago. How you likin' it?\par
Cassia: Oh, it's nice.\par
Cell phone man: Haha, I know you are enjoying it. I see you here all the time with all your friends. I even think I saw you here with my son not too long ago.\par
Cassia: (a little surprised) Huh? Who?\par
Cell phone man: Aries! You don't know me, I guess. I'm Mr. Aries. Nice to meet you. Now you seem like a nice girl, but stay away from my son. \par
Cassia: Oh, don't worry about that.\par
Cell phone man: So, you're obviously not here about Aries. You are looking for a cute cell phone case?\par
Cassia: No, no, I need another cell phone.\par
Cell phone man: Trading up?\par
Cassia: No...just need another.\par
Cell phone man: Two cell phones? I don't understand you kids, but it's good business for me. Go ahead, look at our options. Make sure you follow the plans carefully. It's expensive and you're expected to pay every month. If you don't, then you'll fall in debt, which isn't good for someone still in high school. Choose carefully. \par
Cassia: I'll have this one.\par
Cell phone man: Alright! Just sign here and here and she's all yours. I'll take the first payment.\par
Cassia: I'll pay in full.\par
Cell phone man: ...Really? You must have really wanted this and been saving up for it. Well, knock yourself out, kid. Do good in school.\par
Cassia: I will. Thank you, Mr. Aries!\par
Cell phone man: Need me to set it up for you?\par
Cassia: No, I can do it myself. Thank you!\par
## Gifting Rune a Cell Phone\par
Cassia goes to visit Rune again in his room. \par
Cassia: Rune, I have a present for you.\par
Rune: (uncomfortable) What is it?\par
Cassia: Oh, don't make that face. Get excited. I got you a cell phone!\par
Rune: (question marks) Oh, thank you. \par
Rune opens the box and is surprised: Oh! Wh-what is it?\par
Cassia: A cell phone! You use it for making calls! Need me to show you how to use it?\par
Rune: ...uh, yes. Please.\par
Pan over image of Cassia teaching Rune how to use a cell phone. They are sitting in the middle of the floor, gaping at this phone.\par
Cassia: I've added my number to your contacts. Any time you want to ask me something, but I'm gone, you can go here to contacts, click Chloe (that's me!) and send a message or call. \par
Rune: (Nervous)\par
Cassia: Now, I'll download a group chat app for you. You can use this to talk to the group.\par
Cassia: Now the last thing - it could break if you drop it, so be careful. I got you a case and screen protector, too, but you never know. Also, NEVER get it wet. If it's submerged in water, it will break.\par
Rune (Concerned)\par
Cassia: It's a lot of fun. Just play around with it. You won't break it by using it. Even my grandmother uses a cell phone and she never breaks it. I doubt you could, unless you step on it or something. \par
Cassia leaves. \par
She decides to text Rune for fun.\par
Cassia: <<Hey, Rune. Here's your first text!>>\par
(After several minutes) Cassia: Well, I'm sure he'll figure it out.\par
Rune: <<hi>>\par
Cassia: Oh, he did it! Hehehehe, wow. He's pretty clever.\par
Cassia: <<You did it, Rune! You can talk to me whenver you want if you text me here.>>\par
Rune: <<thank you for doing this>>\par
ACTUALLY, Rune is probably illiterate in the human tongue and language and written language.\par
Cassia: Having trouble replying to my text, Rune? \par
Rune: (Sheepish)\par
Cassia: ...You can tell me. Do you not want to text?\par
Rune: (verge of tears)\par
Cassia: What is it?\par
Rune: I don't know what it means?\par
Cassia: What what means?\par
Rune shows Cassia his screen.\par
Cassia: ...oh, can you read?\par
Rune: ...\par
Cassia: Gosh, you're illiterate! I'm so careless, I didn't even consider that. Um. Well. I guess first, we need to teach you to read.\par
Rune: ...I'm too much of a bother, aren't I? I'm in the way.\par
Cassia: No, no! This is my fault. I was gungho and didn't really consider your needs. I can teach you to read, if you want to. If you could read, we could text everyone important stuff. \line Rune: ...\par
Cassia: Come on. We'll do it together, don't worry. Everyone has to learn.\par
## Teaching Rune to Read\par
Rune is uncomfortable in the big group and prefers to be alone with Cassia. Angel and Delphine are excited to teach Rune how to read, too, but Rune prefers Cassia. She does have Delphine help often, since Delphine remembers learning English. In fact, huh. I wonder. Rune, do you know French? No, he only knows the human language of his region. The French earth angels probably know French but not English.\par
Cassia: Okay, Rune, we're going to spend some time today teaching you to write. I brought Delphine along to help. She had to learn English and writing, too, so she can give you tips as someone who learned English as a second language.\par
## Delphine Tags Along to Teach Rune English\par
Delphine: English wasn't my first language, either. I had to learn it when I moved here.\par
Delphine: Well, how do you speak English anyways?\par
Rune: We are taught the human language in school. I am not good at it...I never wrote in it.\par
Delphine: Really? In school?\par
Rune: The children are taught by a tutor in a neighbor's house. It is not like a school.\par
Delphine: Wow, you really have a whole enclosed society down there. We had no idea up here. At least, we're usually taught about earth angels alongside John Bunyan and his blue calf and Johnny Appleseed.\par
Rune: Yes. Humans are very different than I was taught. There are many things I don't understand. But many things are the same.\par
Delphine: If you were taught human language, did you learn French? Parlez vous francais?\par
Rune: I don't understand...This is human?\par
Cassia snickers and Delphine has a red frustration mark or sweat mark.\par
Delphine: It's the language spoken in France, where I was born.\par
Rune: There are other worlds?\par
Delphine: Countries. We live in the Confederate States of America. To the east is an ocean. Beyond that is Europe, where France is.\par
Rune: I had no idea. And they speak differently in France.\par
Delphine: They speak French, but they can speak English sometimes. When I visit when Mom does seasonal research, I pretty much have to use my French the whole time.\par
Rune: Oh. Maybe I can visit.\par
Delphine: It's expensive, but maybe you could. It's beautiful place.\par
Delphine: What does your native language sound like, Rune? Is it beautiful? Can you write in it?\par
Rune: \'80\f3\u8457?@? \f4\'a6\'e6\f0\'a4\'a3 \f5\u8710?\f6\'89\f7\u8251?\f3\lang1033\u8470?\f8\'a7 \'b5\f5\u8730?\f6\'87\f4\'a6\'e7\f0\par
Cassia and Delphine: !!!\par
Rune: \'80\f3\lang1033\u8457?\f0 ..Ah, why are you looking at me like that! (Surprised)\par
Cassia and Delphine start giggling. Rune chuckles nervously after them.\par
Delphine: I am sorry, Rune. I just have never heard anything like that. It's so strange and beautiful. How do you make that bell sound?\par
Cassia: What did you say? Can you translate for us?\par
Rune: I didn't really say anything. Um, that I don't know.\par
Delphine: Well, why don't you translate English into your language. How about you translate...\par
Cassia: I love you.\par
Rune:, \'80\f3\u8457?@? \f4\'a6\'e6\f0\'a4\'a3 \f5\u8710?\f6\'89\f7\u8251?\f3\lang1033\u8470?\f8\'a7 \'b5\f5\u8730?\f6\'87\f4\'a6\'e7\f0\lang1033\par
Cassia: Where is the bathroom?\par
Rune: \'80\f3\u8457?@? \f4\'a6\'e6\f0\'a4\'a3 \f5\u8710?\f6\'89\f7\u8251?\f3\lang1033\u8470?\f8\'a7 \'b5\f5\u8730?\f6\'87\f4\'a6\'e7\f0\lang1033\par
Cassia: Thank you.\par
Rune: \'80\f3\u8457?@? \f4\'a6\'e6\f0\'a4\'a3 \f5\u8710?\f6\'89\f7\u8251?\f3\lang1033\u8470?\f8\'a7 \'b5\f5\u8730?\f6\'87\f4\'a6\'e7\f0\lang1033\par
Delphine: Aw, that's too short. How about another one. "I'm sorry."\par
Rune: \'80\f3\u8457?@? \f4\'a6\'e6\f0\'a4\'a3 \f5\u8710?\f6\'89\f7\u8251?\f3\lang1033\u8470?\f8\'a7 \'b5\f5\u8730?\f6\'87\f4\'a6\'e7\f0\lang1033\par
Cassia: Rune. How do you say your name?\par
Delphine: Oh, good one!\par
Rune: \'80\f3\u8457?@? \f4\'a6\'e6\f0\'a4\'a3 \f5\u8710?\f6\'89\f7\u8251?\f3\lang1033\u8470?\f8\'a7 \'b5\f5\u8730?\f6\'87\f4\'a6\'e7\f0\lang1033\par
Cassia: My hovercraft is full of eels.\par
Rune: ...Sorry. I do not know.\par
Delphine: So unexpected. Let's try "How are you?"\par
Rune: \'80\f3\u8457?@? \f4\'a6\'e6\f0\'a4\'a3 \f5\u8710?\f6\'89\f7\u8251?\f3\lang1033\u8470?\f8\'a7 \'b5\f5\u8730?\f6\'87\f4\'a6\'e7\f0\lang1033\par
Delphine: You're amazing! Can you write our names in your language? Do you read and write in it?\par
Rune: Yes, we have reading and writing. I don't read and write Human because I didn't try...\par
Delphine: It's English! There is no Human language. Humans speak hundreds of different languages.\par
Rune: Oh, we learn there are only a few languages above ground and only study one. There is. So you humans do not understand each other?\par
Cassia: No! I barely understand Delphine when she speaks to her mother, but my -high school- French class was terrible. \par
Delphine: You didn't tell me you took French! We should speak in French!\par
Cassia: Oh please, hehehe. We would both be embarrassed.\par
Delphine: No! There is no shame in learning and practicing. I was once terrible in English and now have good grades in school. We both are helping Rune learn English, and there is nothing embarrassing about that.\par
Cassia: You're right. Rune, we just want to help you together.\par
Rune: Yes...I do need to learn if I stay here.\par
Cassia: Wait, you plan to stay here?\par
Rune: I do not know. I give myself options. \par
Delphine: Regardless of your plans, English is fun! I learn lots of funny phrases. So, here's a pen and paper- write Delphine! That would be so cool!\par
Rune dutifully pens it in sweeping, scrawling letter. He finishes in seconds and turns the dollar store notepad around so that the girls can read it. The study it silently and breathlessly, feasting their eyes on the alien script. Rune blushes with the embarrassment of being fussed over like a toy or cute well-trained dog performing tricks.\par
Cassia: It's...\par
Delphine: Asian-looking?\par
Cassia: Like..Myanmar...or something?\par
Delphine: The spoken component of the language sounds nothing like that.\par
Cassia: I don't know...Do you know the origin of your people, Rune?\par
Rune: (blushing) No...I'm not a good student at all. I didn't really attend.\par
Delphine: Oh, that's okay. \par
Cassia: Maybe he should go to school with us. (grinning)\par
Delphine: Oh gosh, you think so? Could we possibly take him with us when he can't use a cell phone?\par
Cassia: Well...maybe if he shows progress.\par
Rune: What is this school?\par
Delphine: Oh, it's a drag. But we all go - me, her, Angel, Blythe...All the boys, too, except Night.\par
Rune: Oh...maybe I could go, too. Or maybe I am like Night.\par
Delphine: Write Cassia's name for her. You're leaving her out.\par
Rune: Oh, so sorry, Cassia.\par
Rune dutifully pens Cassia's name on a fresh sheet and presents it. Once again, the screen pans over an image of the strange angellic script.\par
Cassia: Wow...It's beautiful. Um, now it's your turn.\par
Cassia writes Rune underneath her own name. Once again, a scribbling pen sound effect plays.\par
Cassia reads it outloud: "Rune" \par
Rune studies it. \line Rune: My name?\par
Cassia: Rune. (Smiles)\par
Rune: How is it said?\par
Cassia begins dissecting the word, writing each letter on its own line.\par
Cassia: Each one of these is a letter. Each letter makes a sound. This is the letter R. It makes a rrrrrrr sound.\par
Delphine: The second letter is U. It makes a u or U sound. In your name, it makes a U sound. \par
Rune: Two sounds?\par
Cassia: Yeah, the vowels make two sounds. Next is N. which makes a nnnn sound. And E, which makes a e or E sound. But in your name, it's silent.\par
Rune: No sound?\par
Delphine: My name has a silent e, too. It makes the u make a U sound.\par
Rune: (clearly puzzled)\par
Cassia: Bah, this is too much to jump into before the alphabet. But that's your name, Rune. R-U-N-E. Rune.\par
Rune: R-U-N-E.\par
Delphine: You just spelled your name! So we did get some learning in today. \par
Cassia: I'll say so.\par
Rune: Hehe, this is studying?\par
Delphine: Learning to write is hard. You have to take it slow and introduce new concepts one at a time. Today is just an introduction. Your first word: "Rune."\par
Cassia: Yeah, we'll go over the alphabet and writing next.\par
## Teaching Rune the Alphabet\par
## Teaching Rune to Write the Letters\par
Delphine: Should we teach him cursive?\par
Cassia: Delphine, do you know cursive?\par
Delphine: I might remember. I've never used it...\par
## Reading a Kid's Book with Rune\par
## Rune's Essay\par
## Rune's Introduction to Text Language\par
Delphine: You are better than me at this point, Rune! Are you sure you are a bad student? You learn so quickly and well.\par
Rune: I never had pretty teachers.\par
Cassia and Delphine: blush "..."\par
Rune: -You are nice and it is just like hanging out.- Really, it comes back to me. I did take it in school but never cared to remember it.\par
Cassia: Well, are we reviewing today? He's already doing so well.\par
Delphine: Oh, no, new material today. Advanced stuff.\par
Rune: Boring?\par
Delphine: No, advanced like actually practical. Casual chatter is very difficult for foreigners. There are still many phrases and slangs that surprise me. Today, we're learning how to text.\par
Cassia: Oh, awesome! That's a great idea, Delphine.\par
Delphine: We're learning emoticons, too, since they don't always pass the cultural barriers. Hehe.\par
Rune: I don't understand...Like phone?\par
Cassia: Yeah! We talk differently when we text. We say things like lol and OTL.\par
Rune: ...\par
Delphine: No, it's fun. It's all jokes and feelings. Cassia will explain a lot of them, though, because I am also an outsider.\par
## Rune's Graduation: Rune Joins the Text Group\par
Cassia texts in the text group while Rune and Delphine are still sitting at the table.\par
Cassia: <<We have a surprise, everyone!>>\par
Blythe: <<What is it?>>\par
Ren: <<Who is we?>>\par
Rune has joined the chat.\par
Ren: <<Rune??>>\par
Blythe: <<Rune,?>>\par
Rune: Oh, they are surprised....\par
Angel: <<Is Rune joining us?>>\par
Chloe: <<Rune? That is a surprise!>>\par
Night: <<Hey, Rune>>\par
Cassia: Go ahead and say something. We're here, if you get stuck. They're just happy you're in the chat with us.\par
Rune: Okay, here I go.\par
Rune: <<hello>>\par
Delphine: Short and sweet! Awesome, Rune.\par
Chloe: <<Wow, welcome to the chat!>>\par
Angel: <<Rune, hi!>>\par
Ren: <<Hi!>>\par
Rune: <<i am slow>>\par
Delphine: <<That's okay! Everyone's -so- happy!>>\par
Angel: <<How are you texting?>>\par
Night: <<Whose phone are you even using?>>\par
Chloe: <<Amazing!>>\par
Rune: Oh so many questions...\par
Cassia: That's okay. Just ignore the ones you don't want to answer. \par
Delphine: We do it all the time, hehe.\par
Rune: It's rude?\par
Cassia: No, when you text, everyone understands that you might be busy or forgetful. Delphine like never answers me.\par
Delphine: I am lazy!\par
Rune: Oh.\par
Cassia: But you did it! You're 100% a member of the group, now. You get to be in the loop with all the news and stuff. If you just read and don't talk, that's okay. We text in there when we meet up, so you can wait until then to talk to us. But texting is fun.\par
## Exploring the Main Dungeon - Two Branches\par
Up until this point was the tutorial, which took place in a self-contained, fairly linear, small, underwhelming location. There should be an "escaping prison in Oblivion" moment where you see how big and open the underworld is. It's not a straight tunnel down; it's the world of the earth angels. There are citizens, towns, settlements, gardens, farms, mines, schools, and all kinds of things further down. \par
The first areas are dominated by the mayor and his croonies. Maybe I could take some inspiration from the first group mission of Aion, where the mayor has enslaved the earth angels and is using them in his underground plantation to grow fantasy opium, process it, and form a drug cartel empire. In this game, it would probably be best to tie it into the mall supply chain. Maybe he has a frozen yogurt or tapioca ball plantation or something mildly cute and horrific. Something like the evil chocolate industry, etc. The "See that mountain? I can climb it" moment would be seeing this crazy intricate industrial plantation empire underground, just out of sight of where most of the party had lived their whole life without knowledge. They are confronted with the worst form of slavery early on.\par
Then, further down, gradually, you find there has been a whole civilizations just out of reach, hiding from the humans. As they grow to trust you and word of your respectful burial for Dahlia spreads, then they will begin to all you to use their services. It would allow for a factional rank-based society - at rank 1, you see nothing. At rank 2, you see some minor NPCs. At rank 3, you gain access to a general shop. At rank 10, you can request commissions from their couturier. At rank 1000, you can freely enter the king's bedroom and chat. You gain ranks visibly (Guild Wars: Eye of the North) or invisibly (Animal Crossing) by reputation, killing the earth angels' enemies, participating in their economy, befriending their people, doing their quests, rebuilding their homeland, removing the human influence, learning about their language and culture, contributing to their museum (Varrock Museum-style after quests) and so on. \par
This naturally leads to taking sides. There could be the human route and the earth angel route. That would be fun, add replayability, and add a ton of work since the levels and missions would completely deviate from each other. The end results must be different. Choices must matter. There's too many games where they don't, and it's too lame. Even if it has to be added later as DLC or a content update or something. That could have a huge revival and reason for getting press again after a release. Maybe it would be better to save "the evil route" for later.\par
For the Earth Angel Route\par
Your goal is to rid the dungeon of the evil humans' influence and return earth angel society to as it was before the mayor ever knew about Mall Town. This is the default "good path" to take. Free the earth angel slaves, find a way to cleanse or redeem the feral earth angels. \par
Make it to where the humans will never return again by finding common ground with them and forming a peace treaty or truce, exterminating the humans, finding a new place for the earth angels to run away to, finding a perfect way to conceal their presence forever, or giving them strong enough defenses, breaking the humans' will, getting the humans to acknowledge the sanctity and dignity of their people, having the earth angels protected by law, \par
The consequences are the thanks of the earth angels, the prosperity of the earth angels, the restored beauty of their underworld, the loss of a revenue stream for the mayor, closing of the mall, the arrest of the mayor for crimes against humanity, disruption of the local economy, the direct loss of jobs for Evanthe, Night, and all other mall workers, the dissolution of the town, the end of traveling merchants, many residents moving away to better locations, the school is shut down (can the students get academic transcripts and stuff if that happens?).\par
For the Human Route\par
Your goal is to conquer the earth angels. This route probably should be a "the humans did nothing wrong" kind of thing or comically corrupt company. The evils must be justified and their antagonists must be unsympathetic in ways. Conquering new lands, dominating new people, exploiting resources and natives, building up a viable company, and living comfy, cushy, overly marketed lives propped upon the backs of improverished, oppressed peoples is something every American contributes to, even a little. Is bringing our slaves directly beneath our feet at the mall any different from exporting the practices to other countries and shutting our eyes to it? \line The consequences are the rise to power in the mall's supply chain, being able to control and open your own branch (like Crossroad Keep), the flourishing of the mall, the prosperity of the town, the rise to power of the mayor, the conquering of the earth angels as slaves.\par
## Meet as a Group to Discuss Using Rune's Teleport Skill to Get Past the Mayor's Security and Enter the Main Channel\par
Cassia invites her companions to meet her in their official meeting spot: her room. Everyone trickles in, a little at a time in small groups of chatty friends. \par
Angel: Okay, this is the first time in a while we are all here together. Especially since Heron joined.\par
Heron: Hey.\par
Chloe: So, is this about the main channel or the mayor? Have you made a decision about what he said?\par
Cassia: We can't go through his path because it's too risky. Rune is an earth angel with the teleport aspect. I was wondering if you could launch us right in, Rune.\par
Rune: What? Me? Um...\par
Ren: You can teleport, Rune? \par
Blythe: Yeah, he's very talented.\par
Rune: (blushes)\par
Chloe: Is that anything holding you back?\par
Rune: It's dangerous to teleport randomly. It's against the Council's orders, actually, ever since the incident where some kids teleported directly into a priest and they both had to share a coffin. Usually, you communicate with other earth angels to make sure there is a clear arrival. But the communication channel is down. I need a way to communicate.\par
Cassia: How do you usually communicate with the other earth angels?\par
Rune: There's official channels for it. I need special equipment to get into the system.\par
Angel: ...\par
Blythe: ....\par
Cassia: Do you think Dahlia had one?\par
Angel and Blythe: ...\par
Rune: Oh...Probably so.\par
Cassia: We can go look for it. You don't have to come if you don't want to.\par
Rune: No, you won't know what you're looking for if I don't come. This is important. I'll help you.\par
Angel and Blythe: ...(feeling down)\par
Cassia: You don't have to come, but we appreciate if you do. Once we get the communicator, will you have everything you need? Are there limits on using it? you need to be near a cell phone tower or in a place with good coverage?\line Rune: Yeah...I don't really know, honestly. I have seen my sister use it before, but I never really bothered. \par
Cassia: Then we will take this one step at a time. Team, our next mission is to retrieve the communicator. \par
Ren: Sounds good! What does it look like?\par
Rune: It's a stone...It's really specific. It's like...(smiles) a rune.\par
Night: If that's the case, then we are abundantly pleased to have you come along. But coming doesn't mean you have to push yourself. Take your time.\par
Angel: Yeah! We'll be there with you.\par
Rune: Thanks, guys. Honestly, I haven't talked to Phlox since and want to apologize to her.\par
Cassia: Then reaching Phlox will be our secondary mission. Are we ready to go?\par
Ren: Well, you told us to be ready to go.\par
Everyone else agrees.\par
Cassia: Then let's go.\par
Cassia and her companions go back to the first dungeon to find what they had missed, hoping it was still there and not gleaned by the mayor's croonies for their rock collection.\par
## Returning to the Scene of the Murder\par
Rune walks up to the scene.\par
Cassia: This is where we found her.\par
Rune: (teary but strong) Yeah, I can tell.\par
Rune pauses to collect himself. Cassia and her companions give him space.\par
Rune starts searching the area. He obviously is disappointed.\par
Cassia: You okay?\par
Rune: It's not here. At least, I don't think I see it.\par
Cassia: That's okay. Let's go see Phlox. Dahlia's grave is next to it.\par
Rune: Okay. I'm ready. Let's go.\par
## Rune and Phlox Talk Again After Rune Joined the Party\par
Rune and Cassia and her companions approach Phlox.\par
Rune: ...Phlox, hey.\par
Phlox: Rune? I didn't expect to see you here...\par
Cassia and the others give them space.\par
Rune: I'm looking for something. I need Dahlia's communicator to teleport them.\par
Phlox: I was holding onto it. Dahlia had it on her.\par
Rune: Oh! \par
Phlox: Yeah, here you go. Of course.\par
They both look at their feet sheepishly.\par
Rune: I'm helping them now. You were helping them, too, weren't you? You made me stop fighting them.\par
Phlox: Yes, I trust them to do what is right. I am so happy to see you help them.\line Rune: They want me to help them enter the main channel.\par
Phlox: You're a gifted teleport mage. You'll be a big help. That isn't why you're here, really, though, is it? You want to pay your respects.\par
Rune: ...Yes. (brave)\par
Phlox: She's right over here.\par
Phlox leads Rune over. Cassia runs over and holds his hand while he prays. Rune allows it. Afterwards, he cries on her shoulder. Cassia is silent, but supportive, listening and lending her calm warm presence.\par
## Cell Phone Coverage is not Forever\par
At lower levels of the dungeon, the cell phones lose reception. At that moment, they are taken aback and are impressed, honestly, at how long those things held out.\par
Aries: I guess I've always taken good cell phone coverage for granted.\par
Night: Most small towns, you're lucky to get coverage. People will go hold their phones up to the sky standing in the one spot in the field to get a message to their parents. It truly is a wonder.\par
Delphine: You really that surprised, though? That creepy mayor got a mall, a gym, a school, all life's commodities and amenities. Good cable and cell phone coverage is almost more of a life necessity. Of course we wouldn't overlook it when he brought all these other aberrations.\par
Blythe: Honestly, I am so thankful for him. Why are we even investigating him?\par
Angel: How can you say that, Blythe? Our precious Rune...Not to mention the earth angels and how they are treated...\par
Blythe: Oh, Angel. Lighten up. It was a joke. Come on!\par
Night: But we have lost our ability to communicate telepathically. Let's proceed with caution. Don't lose sight of each other. If we get separated now, we can't just call or text. If we run into danger, we can't boldly strategize right in front of our enemy. We are going to have to make more touch and go decisions from here on. Hope you are prepared, Cassia.\par
Cassia: Of course I am. I'll get you all through.\par
## Using the Communicator\par
Cassia: Well...can you use it?\par
Rune: ...(put on the spot and unvertain)\par
Phlox: Here, let me show you.\par
Phlox demonstrates how you would use it And places it in Rune's hands.\par
Phlox: Now let's see if you can do it...\par
Rune mimics her actions.\par
Rune: Like this? (Unsure) Oh!\par
Voice From the Other Side: Dahlia? I can't hear you.\par
Rune looks at Phlox for her. Phlox takes it and talks while Rune looks scared.\par
Phlox: Is this Anemone? This is Phlox. I run the rez shrine over here...\par
Maybe no one picks up when Rune tries, but he's sure that's how it works.\par
Cassia: Let's ask Phlox about it.\par
Phlox does as above.\par
Phlox takes the communicator.\par
Phlox: Anemone, can you hear us? ...Anemone?\par
Phlox: Okay, give me a second. She adjusts her communicator.\par
Phlox tries again: Calluna? Vervain?\par
Phlox stops and waits and looks down.\par
Rune: Is it broken?\par
Cassia: Can you call yourself?\par
Phlox: That's a good idea.\par
Phlox fiddles with it again.\par
Phlox: Hey...?\par
The message comes through fine.\par
Phlox: Well...\par
The party is stumped.\par
Angel: (hopeful) Could they be at a teleporter meeting and stepped away? Maybe we could try again later?\par
Night: When is the last time you heard from the main channel? Did you ever hear from them often? Have you ever communicated?\par
Phlox: Um, well, if you imply that the system is disconnected, (proceeds to explain that the systEm works when underground and cannot be blocked or jammed or have poor or choppy connection or be disconnected.)\par
Night: I see...Then--\par
Phlox: I don't usually hear from them, unless they need some rare resource that grows here.\par
Night: Mhmm...Could they be ignoring you?\par
Phlox: Well, maybe. We aren't on the best terms...\par
Night: Oh.\par
Rune: What can we do?\par
Phlox: Rune, are you familar with the main channel?\par
Rune: No...hehe\par
Phlox: Well, looks like you have to take a risk. Keep trying to reach them, but eventually, you have to take the leap.\par
Cassia: Rune would be our Trump card, but we have alternatives. If we could sneak through the mayor's office or even find \\another/ opening, that would be sufficient.\par
Phlox: Sounds equally risky.\par
Cassia: Yup. That's how we roll.\par
## Learn More About Phlox's Channel\par
Cassia: Um...if you don't mind, can you tell us more about this place and its relationship to the main channel? And what was it like before the humans came.\par
Phlox explains the inequality in her society and the isolation of her class to these vanguard buffer colonies against the mysterious and potentially dangerous surface where tales of dangerous men and their violent history originate. It used to be relatively standoffish like Australia or something where they could live as they please and hold jobs like rez shrine attendant and teleporter priest, but they must be quite separate from the other class of folks. Phlox is quite ashamed but trusts Casdia enough to explain her shameful status.\par
That's why Rune doesn't have the proper schooling and is a bit deliquent.\par
Cassia understands better now. Sbe or maybe Delphine challenges the inequality, shocked by the presence of slavery and class struggles in this microsm. Little do they know they were the lucky ones in the end.\par
## Teleporting into the Main Channel\par
Cassia: The best option is for you to teleport us in. Can you do it?\par
Rune: Easily. But I need to know where.\par
Cassia: Beneath the office.\par
Cassia: I foynd a map from his office. Can you reference this?\par
Rune: Perfect! Yes.\par
Rune: we go.\par
The warp transition plays, spooking and amazing Cassia and her companions.\par
They end up in about the spot any successful route would get you.\par
## Exploring the Main Channel\par
The party finally arrives, looking over the vast, oppressive plantation of enslaved earth angels.\par
They gape, especially Rune.\par
Rune: (wide eyes of horror) What is this?\par
Night: We should leave and regroup. If we get caught here, it could be bad. We should also be ready to fight.\par
Blythe: Without looking around a little?\par
Rune: Cassia?\par
Cassia: Let's regroup.\par
(You can look around first)\par
Cassia: Let's look around a little first...\par
Cassia: Okay, Rune, I'm ready - let\rquote s head back.\par
Rune: Alright...\par
Rune teleports them back to the nearest safe spot or Cassia's bedroom.\par
Cassia: Thanks, Rune\par
Night: Let's change our gear. Tell me your plan.\par
Cassia suits the team up and changes out her crew.\par
Cassia: Rune-\par
Rune: Right away!\par
Cassia and her companions sneak around the plantation. Most slaves refused to talk, averting their eyes. Most slave drivers refuse to talk and attack on sight. Some earth angel slaves support their drivers when attacked. I am seeing the Dukaki Mines from Aion in my head as I type this.\par
Rune: Um, maybe we should talk to some of the earth slaves. \par
Ren: I don't think they'll be willing to talk to us...\par
Rune: Surely some will explain what's going on.\par
Ren: Well, we can try.\par
Blythe: We should be prepared to fight the guards...Maybe some of the slaves, too.\par
Rune: What!\par
Night: Yeah...Don't be surprised if the earth angels are on their side. There's no benefit for them to go against their masters.\par
Rune: But...(sullen)\par
Angel: That's why we're here. We'll get to the bottom of this, Rune.\par
Rune: Yeah...\par
Rune: Hey-\par
Earth Angel Slave Who is Willing to Talk: You should get out of here.\par
Cassia: We are here to help.\par
Slave: There is nothing you can do to help. I would never accept help from your kind anyways.\par
Slave looks over to Rune.\par
Slave: What are you thinking?\par
Rune: They are on our side. They took out the humans in my channel.\par
Slave: (gazes over the humans dubiously) Whatever. Stop talking to me.\par
Whenever you try to talk to her again, she refuses to speak to you.\par
Rune: I don't think they're willing to talk to you. I mean, they're not willing to talk to me either, but.\par
Cassia: Yeah...Do you think you can do the talking?\par
Rune: What should I say?\par
Cassia: We just need information. Anything, honestly. What happened here.\par
Rune: Okay...I'll try.\par
The party continues talking to slaves. It would be more realistic for them to refuse to speak in English out of disrespect for the humans listening in on the conversation. Rune will have to sum up the conversation afterwards, although the player can learn the Angel language and understand more and more on each playthrough with New Game+. Conversations should be tense, terse, brief, and rushed. Straight to the point. They should be interrrupted often with guards, unless a skill prevents them, or slaves are isolated. The idea is to talk to many different slaves and put together the disjointed, exhausted comments to form some idea of what to do.\par
Rune: Um, hi...\par
More Helpful Slave: (surprised) Who are you?\par
Rune: I'm Rune...from the other channel. These humans helped free me.\par
The slave looks wearily over them.\par
Slave: You shouldn't be here. There's nothing for you here. You should be able to see that for yourself.\par
Rune: But what happened to the main channel..?\par
Slave: (sighs) Your friends happened, that's what. \line Rune: Could you be more specific?\par
Slave: They came and forced us to work on these plantations, growing cocoa and making chocolate. They work us to death, but they quell any chance of rebellion by starving us and stripping us of any power. They are eager to make examples of any rebels. You prison planet apes really know nothing about this?\par
Rune: No, we didn't...\par
Slave: (sighs) Figures that you underdogs would be on top. Um, I really should be working...I don't want to be caught talking to you.\par
Rune: Okay...\par
Cassia: What did she say?\par
Rune: They were conquered by the humans and forced into this. They're afraid...\par
Cassia: What can we do?\par
Rune: I don't know...\par
Rune looks for someone else.\par
Nervous Slave: Why are you here? Everyone has been keeping an eye on you.\par
Rune: I'm from the prison channel, so I had no idea this was going on. I need to know, though. Are you all like this? Is it just the surface?\par
Nervous Slave: How could I know? Those who escape never come back...\par
Rune: I see...How long has it been like this?\par
Nervous Slave: Decades. You won't be toppling it. You should get out.\par
Rune: You're wrong. We'll fix this. My friends already freed the prison buffer colony. \line Nervous Slave: Is that so? I feel the humans gained power here through similar diplomacy. I wouldn't trust them.\par
Rune: Well, I trust them...\par
Nervous Slave: Suit yourself...\par
Cassia: Translation?\par
Rune: Um...It's been like this for a long time, since before I was born. Yet I had no idea...\par
Cassia: Wow...that could be since the mayor purchased this land.\par
Rune: Hey-\par
Tired Slave: Yeah? The humans taking their pet for a walk?\par
Rune: (frustrated) What do you do here?\par
Tired Slave: There are many plantations here. We work on cocoa here. It's grueling.\par
Rune: But why? Why do we need so much chocolate?\par
Tired Slave: I don't need to know that. I see them box it up and carry it away to the surface where it disappears. What more could I need to know?\par
Rune: There's a shopping center above us that sells chocolate...\par
Tired Slave: Well, there you go, kid. You know more than I do. I'm not a tourist attraction. Go sight see somewhere else. I'm sure your humans have a treat for you if you behave well.\par
Rune: (grimace) Thanks\par
Cassia: (looks questioningly)\par
Rune: Um...they produce chocolate and send it to the surface. \par
Cassia: No...that's not where the chocolate comes from, is it?\par
Rune: I think so...\par
Everyone in the party feels sick.\par
Rune: I don't want to talk to them anymore...\par
Cassia: That's fine...take a break.\par
## Chocolate Plantation Boss\par
Maybe they want to take down the chocolate plantation boss\par
## Exploring the Main Channel\par
Maybe they immediately realize how futile that is and how they barely put a dint in ending the system of oppression by killing the plantation owner, who was in more of a managerial position anyways.\par
They set their eyes on real change - a real target, not just a hated target. They need to free the people and raise a rebellion. Restore the people's spirits. They need to be indomitable. It sounds too big to bother with. They are just kids. They need to make the leader look weak and easily toppled and ridiculous to take seriously. They need to fight back. \par
They also want to find pockets of the earth angels. Surely there are more in hiding. They can't all be conquered and enslaved.\par
Maybe they are. Humans desecrate their temples and they inhabit their homes, eating their food and stepping in their gardens. The earth angels hide in caves and secret churches, always out of sight. As the humans are conquered and driven back, then the earth angels slowly retake their homes and old jobs, getting their society back up and running again, complete with interesting stores and services for the player. This gives the chance for progression and accomplishment and real change. The player's actions are felt.\par
Maybe there is already a rebellion underway and the player can join them and motivate them, rising in their ranks.\par
## Joining the Rebel Army\par
Prince Lotus: Could you be on our side?\par
Cassia: ...Let's cease fire on both sides. We obviously have a lot to talk about. Who are you, exactly?\par
Prince Lotus: Let's start with you, human.\par
Cassia: I am Cassia, and these are my friends. I am partially aware of the mayor's subjagation and conquest of your people and want to do whatever I can to free you. It isn't right. I already helped Rune and helped prepare a burial for Dahlia.\par
Prince Lotus: So that wasn't you?\par
Cassia: No...some of the mayor's men.\par
Prince Lotus: Awful...It seems I was mistaken about you. Okay, Cassia. I will take the trust of Rune and Phlox and the respect you gave towards Dahlia as a sign I can trust you. You seem capable and have a lot to offer for us, and you being humans might even provide an interesting bonus. I'm the Seventh Prince, Lotus the Young, of the Garden Channel.\par
Rune: (bewildered confused)\par
Prince Lotus: I lead the rebellion against the humans. Currently, we are biding our time, building up resources, and rallying the people. My father, the King, is complacent and does only what is best for himself. He has been bought and his family with him while the people suffer. I say no more. The humans can turn any minute the royal family is no longer of use. By submitting, they've demonstrated how weak they are. By selling their people, they are now nothing. Now that I am of age, I will make something of myself. I will overturn the wicked human regime and make the Garden Channel a proper land for the earth angels again.\par
Bell: My prince--\par
Prince Lotus: It's okay. If they betray us, they won't get away far. And besides, this is information that the mayor already knows. So, Cassia. Will you join forces with us?\par
Cassia: I have stated my goals. I will do what I can, but I must judge your rebellion by its actions and not by the words of a prince. If I approve, I will assist you. My end goal is to overturn the mayor, though.\par
Prince Lotus: An admirable answer.\par
Cassia: Are there any things I can do that will help you in general? Surely you have been studying this longer and have more expertise and ideas than us.\par
Prince Lotus: Yes. Keep our secrets, keep our locations secret, kill humans, free slaves, gather resources. If you have resources: food, weapons, clothes, to donate to our cause, leave them in this area and our agents will pick them up. But I do have a specific task, if you are interested.\par
Cassia: I am listening.\par
Prince Lotus: Very good. The more you perform for us, the higher rank you'll gain with us. The higher rank you have, the more services you'll gain access to. It's a matter of trust, you see?\par
# Act 4\par
## Completing the Prince's Task\par
Prince Lotus: Ha, I was testing you to see if you wete really who the Resistance needs. You pass beautigully. Please understand the misleading, since I must know the character of my allies. Now, let's discuss objectives.\par
## Gain Access to the General Merchant\par
Cassia: Um, hey- Are you a merchant? I haven't seen merchants around here...\par
Merchant: No, you shouldn't have. I've been watching all that you have been doing for the Garden Channel and realize that even some humans can be trusted. Please, I would be proud to do business for such a strong supporter of Prince Lotus.\par
Cassia: Yes, absolutely! Let's trade.\par
## Chatting Up Prince Lotus\par
Cassia: First thing's first - how do I call you? Your Highness?\par
Prince Lotus: No, please, nothing that stiff. I'm just the 7th prince - I am royal, but that isn\rquote t worth so much. Just call me Prince Lotus. No decorations or titles or formalities. We have no time for that. I need you to be clear with me and communicate quickly. We dob\rquote t have the luxuries of slow courts and gearings and visitung hours.\par
Cassia: Okay, I understand.\par
Cassia: I don't seem young. Exactly when did this rebellion start?\par
Prince Lotus: 8 months ago.\par
Cassia: But I heard you've been in these conditions for decades. Why didn't you guys just rebel?\par
Prince Lotus: That's easy for you to say from a position of relative security. (Take ideas from my Constitution book about how it is human nature to tolerate great injustices without rebelling so there is no fear of random needless coups all the time even when the founding documents encourage it openly.)\par
Cassia: I just have trouble belivevinng these people are okay with these conditions. They have lost everything, their jobs, their land, their safety. They live in fear.\par
Prince Lotus: Their spirit was broken. But we must empower them again.\par
Prince Lotus: Cassia, this isn't as simple as I make it look. I'm going to be fighting my own family. There's no way out of that. I have to to end the corrupt system they've placed us in.\par
Cassia: Are you sure? That's horrible.\par
Prince Lotus: Yes. (Melancholic)\par
## The Prince Formally Asks Cassia and Her Companions to Join Him\par
Prince Lotus: Cassia, join us.\par
Cassia: Yes, I will.\par
## The Prince Explains His Master Plan\par
Cassia: Now, I don't know if you'll do this in the game or keep me relatively in the dark or if you plan in reactionary bursts, but what is your plan?\par
Prince Lotus: We must overthrow the mayor and his men. The earth angels cannot be slaves in their own home anymore.\par
Cassia: I come from the surface. I know where the goods you are processing go. There's a mall directly above here, where they have lots of stores and nice things to sell. To tell you the truth, we used to hang out there.\par
Prince Lotus: I want to win.\par
Rune: --you? Overtake the Queen's throne? Could your rule even be legitimate? You're a man, after all. I don't want to be too blunt or sexist, but I just don't think the people could accept you.\par
Prince Lotus: I have to do it. If none of my sisters will stand up because they have too much to lose, I'll do it. I'm a man. I mean nothing in this kingdom. How can I be dissuaded from the fight? Rune, surely you have some of the same feelings.\par
Cassia: What do you mean by that? Of course men can fight. Of course men can lead.\par
Prince Lotus: Yes, but does that mean they should? Society protects and nurtures men, but I can't stand by because of my gender.\par
Night: The earth angels have a matriarchical society, Cassia. And Prince, that is strange to us humans because we have only recently granted more rights to our women. Traditionally for us, men rule, men work, and men lead.\par
Prince Lotus: Is that so? What a backwards society you must live in.\par
Cassia: Eh, we're alright. Hehe, your society is the topsy-turvy one. Just look at it.\par
Prince Lotus: Aye. Well, we'll see how it changes. Maybe men can lead after all. I must study your history more. I feel ashamed, being educated about your people and not knowing something so fundamental.\par
Night: Maybe the most fundamental points are the most difficult to glean from studying documents.\par
Prince Lotus: Maybe so, maybe so.\par
## The Prince's Tragic Backstory\par
Make the Prince sympathetic so all the tumblr girls have a crush on him and his state seems angsty enough that he would actually start up a revolution that would destroy his country.\par
Cassia: I don't understand. Why are you doing this? Do you have the support of any of your family?\par
Prince Lotus: Cassia, you must understand. I have a tragic backstory. Will you listen?\par
Cassia: Here we go...\par
Prince Lotus: I was born into the royal family when Father had already turned it over to the Mayor. The mayor and I have clashed on a personal level. For me, this fight is personal.\par
Cassia: Oh...I understand.\par
Prince Lotus: But what is your reason for fighting?\par
Cassia: It's honestly fun.\par
Prince Lotus: But everyone has left you. You could die! You are betraying your own race for a race of maggots. You will lose everything!\par
Cassia:'s pretty fun.\par
Prince Lotus: I am so confused. But you are one of my best soldiers, so you better never cease having fun.\par
Cassia: Yeah...haha. Probably.\par
## The Mayor Knows\par
The mayor persuades you to part forces with Prince Lotus and join the Mayor with some slander and darkening of your opinion of Prince Lotus. Make the player stop supporting Prince Lotus.\par
Mayor: And Cassia...One more thing.\par
Cassia: ...? (hidden expression, doesn't know what to expect)\par
Mayor: It seems you've gotten to be good friends with one of the King's little boys. I do hope you're getting along.\par
Cassia: ... (grit teeth)\par
Mayor: I don't think you know him as well as I do. I was in his nursery, you know? He's selfish, he's brash, he's not very reliable. Join his ship and you'll be wrecked.\par
Cassia: ...(fights with her eyes)\par
Mayor: Well, what do I know? Good-bye. I'm sure I'll see you again...\par
Aries: Bastard...\par
Cassia: Aries! I forgot you existed.\par
## Cassia Talks with Her Companions to See Where They Stand, each privately as their own social event\par
Angel is sympathetic to Prince Lotus's tragic backstory. She is creeped out by the mayor and angry at him.\par
Cassia chooses and is by default not leaning one way or another.\par
Rune is not sympathetic to Prince Lotus but doesn't like the mayor either.\par
## Boss Fight: Chocolate Plantation Owner\par
Chocolate Plantation Owner: So you're the guys who have been causing trouble around my plant. You're kids-!\par
Angel: Don't look down on us!\par
Owner: Well, I'll send you up to the surface and tell your mommies. I bet you'd be real upset about that!\par
Cassia: I don't have a mommy.\par
Owner: Ouch. Sorry to hear about that. I was just kidding. Anyone who mnesses around in here gets killed. You kids are no exception.\par
Cassia: Fine with me. I was just kidding anyways.\par
Chloe: Oh my gosh lol....\par
The battle commences. It is him, the big man, and his croonies. He tries to get away.\par
Owner: You didn't accomplish anything kids, but I hope you feel real big about it...bleh\par
Cassia: Die in dirt, chocolate man.\par
Blythe: So. Um...\par
Angel: What happens now?\par
Night: Their leader died. They'll dissapate now. They lost their pay, their orders. What else could they do?\par
Chloe: It makes sense...Um, maybe we should look around his office for what we can learn.\par
You can find a keycard, notes, orders, an explanation of the hierarchy (who the real leaders are), gain access to alarms, and so on. You can also find treasure and money, too.\par
(once found all important items) Night: I doubt we could do better than that. We should get out of here..\par
Blythe: Yeah, I don't see anything else important to grab.\par
## Disguises\par
Ren: What if mom finds out I killed someone?\par
Angel: Don't even mention that!\par
Blythe: My dad would probably be proud of me for taking down an evil overlord slave driver.\par
Ren: Your dad's in on it!\par
Blythe: Oh yeah...oh man.\par
Cassia: Guys, hush. No, that is probably a real concern. Um, should we disguise ourselves as earth angels? I mean, we are the kids from the small town above. There isn't a lot we can do to conceal our appearance as humans.\par
Ren: Yeah! Like shapeshifting.\par
Delphine: Um, I was thinking more like costumes.\par
Cassia: Whichever works better faster. We need to get on it asap.\par
Chloe: Rune, would you evaluate our attempt?\par
Rune: Hehe, this actually sounds like it will be hilarious.\par
Cassia: No! This needs to be serious.\par
Night: I have no idea how this could be 100% serious, but go for it, Cassia.\par
Cassia: Ugh.\par
## Making the Disguises\par
Cassia: do we look, Rune?\par
Rune: (blushes) You won't be tricking me. Um, maybe from a distance. I mean, they're amazing, Delphine! It's just...I can tell you're humans.\par
Delphine: I understand the limits of my craft.\par
Ren: Let me try my magic:\par
Ren casts a spell to modify the party's appearance further.\par
Rune: Oh! That's actually not bad. You'd freak out anyone you talk to. Your mannerisms give it away.\par
Cassia: Right...Bah, the costumes are just half of it. We'd have to act like earth angels, too. And we couldn't talk because there's no way we're getting your accent or language.\par
Rune: You think? Well, it's not bad. ...Um. You look good as earth angels, ladies.\par
Angel, Cassia, Chloe, Blythe, and Delphine all blush.\par
Rune: Maybe you can make me a human costume some time.\par
Cassia: That would be adorable! May-be.\par
Delphine: Oh, we could give it a try. Blythe, you have anything in his complexion?\par
Blythe: I'd have to check, yeah.\par
Cassia: Anyways, can we fight in these?\par
Delphine: Maybe not. I'll bring a repair kit, I guess.\par
Cassia: Well, we'll see how this turns out, basically.\par
## Exploring the Main Channel\par
Cassia: Delphine, you were too modest before. These costumes are holding up amazingly well.\par
Delphine: I'll have chalk it up to Ren's enchantment.\par
Cassia: I don't know what I'd do without you.\par
## Wearing the Costumes\par
Cassia: So when should we wear these costumes? We definitely need them, I would think, but none of you have seen any of the men down there, yes?\par
Angel: I swear, not a face. The town is so small. I even know the farmers and merchants who travel down here. But not a man there.\par
Blythe: Seriously. They must have been born down there or something.\par
Night: It must be a tip top secret operation. No one is seem traveling down, or up, if they even do that. They seem to have everything they need down there. It very possibly may be a one-way trip, so a one-time stranger traveling here and disappearing in the mall would not be a memorable occurance. I can't imagine he just lets people go either, from the cruelty we've already seen...althoiugh he was very lenient with us. Or at least it seemed that way at the time.\par
Cassia: Well, if we don't know them, they don't know us. Am I wrong?\par
Angel: The mayor's behind this. He knows each and every one of us and holds our permanent records in his hands.\par
Blythe: He already knows...\par
Cassia: No, he knows about me and Angel. I don't think he knows about Night at all, and he may not know about the rest of you, althrough he likely has heavy suspicions. There is no reason to cast away that anonimity.\par
Night: Fair enough. Thanks.\par
Cassia: So we'll need them at lower levels or in his areas. Let's keep them on us.\par
## The Cops Come for Them\par
Cassia uses the group chat feature.\par
Cassia: <<Hey, let's meet for froyo.>>\par
Blythe: <<After learning where the froyo comes from? No thanks.>>\par
Ren: <<I hope you're joking.>>\par
Cassia: <<Hehe, yeah. Let's meet at the beach, guys.>>\par
Cassia meets her companions at the beach.\par
Cassia: I brought cookies. I baked them yesterday. Let's just have a relaxed meeting. I'm not much of a pep talk person, so I hope some time together steels your nerves. Maybe afterwards, we can swim.\par
Angel: That's so sweet, Cassia. Yes, this is just what we need.\par
Chloe: May I pray for us?\par
Cassia: I guess we should. Go ahead.\par
Everybody rolls their eyes.\par
Everybody closes their eyes and bows their heads. Cassia plays with her phone under the table.\par
Chloe: Dear Father, thank you for preserving us this far. Please continue--\par
Authoritative voice: Don't move! You're under arrest.\par
Everybody looks up and freezes. They hare surrounded by cops.\par
Second cop: That's them. Every last one of them, including the green freak. Bring them in.\par
Everybody looks to Cassia. \par
Night: Cassia-\par
Blythe: These aren't local cops...Where's my dad...?\par
Everybody thinks to themselves in shock that she's right. What's going on??\par
Cassia: Rune-\par
Rune teleports them away in an instant to a location deep underground.\par
Everybody falls back, hugs themselves, or looks around with suspicion and anxiety.\par
Chloe runs over to Rune and hugs him. \par
Chloe: Rune! Rune, you saved us, but you also probably put us on a national watch list. All of our lives are over, but I don't even know what else we can do at this point.\par
Cassia: Nothing? No, we move forward. They're afraid because we're worthy opponents.\par
Night: So we ruin their business? They escape into the underworld with their skin and hidden fortunes and live again under new names in new countries. Us? They can take our academic records, work, and families from us. We have everything to lose.\par
Cassia: We've already lost it. Let's go.\par
Blythe: Did you here me? None of those cops are locals!\par
Ren: This is bad. They're after us. The Mayor got people after us.\par
Chloe: We can't go back up. We're stuck down here.\par
Angel: My mom is going to cry...\par
Cassia: Let's get to Prince Lotus. But first, lol. Those disguises.\par
Delphine: We're actually using them?\par
Blythe: I so forgot about those. Crazy.\par
Rune: But what about me?\par
Cassia: To be honest, you have less to lose than us. A disgusise really would have no benefit at this point.\par
Rune: Yeah, I guess so. I just wanted to fit in.\par
Everybody changes into their costumes.\par
They reach Prince Lotus's outpost. Cassia boldy marches in.\par
Cassia: Prince Lotus, we are ready.\par
Prince Lotus: ...what are you wearing?\par
Cassia: We're in disguise. We are wanted by the police and are being pursued on the surface. We evaded the cops and made it here. I wouldn'tt be surprised if they knew we would come down here and what we are abiut to do. Time is the enemy here. Start it, Lotus!\par
Prince Lotus: Yes, lady! Gladly. \par
## Time to take it to the Mayor - Are you Ready? If not, get ready!!\par
Prince Lotus: You're back? Excellent. Everything is in place. Let's take it to the mayor. \par
Cassia: You serious? Now?\par
Prince Lotus: That's what I like to hear! Now or very soon. The operation will take a while, so I understand if you need to some time to prepare. Go ahead and get done stuff you need to tie up. But don't take long. I am eager to strike. \par
Cassia: I'm not ready. I'll be back soon.\par
Prince Lotus: Don't take long. I long to sink my teeth into his back.\par
## Going to Bed the Night After Prince Lotus's Preparations are Complete\par
(Your highest ranked r0mantic interest comes to visit you. If tied, your highest ranked friend will come to visit you. There's also something about the last NPC you talked to. Maybe take inspiration from Dragon's Dogma's "who is my beloved?" tension. For the epic reference, it would be great to reference that beautiful last night in Neverwinter Nights 2. Night = Sand, Delphine = that elf girl Elanee, Blythe = Neeshka, Ren = Ammon Jero or Qara, Angel = Sandra, Rune = Zhjaeve, Chloe = Casamir, etc.)\par
Cassia is getting ready for bed. There is a knock at the door that gives her pause. \line Cassia: If it was uncle, he would have just walked in...Who is it? I guess I should investigate.\par
Cassia gets up and walks over to the front door.\par
Night: Cassia...Cassia, are you there?\par
Cassia: Oh-! It's Night...\par
Cassia opens the door.\line Night: Um...Good evening, Cassia.\par
Cassia: Night, hey! Oh, you shouldn't be on my porch at this time of night. Just come in.\par
Night: If it's okay with you. Thank you.\par
Cassia leads Night inside. \par
(if Cassia never improved the apartment) Night looks around, but the apartment is a mess. There is nowhere to sit down.\par
Night: It's a wreck. Cassia, you live in this?\par
Cassia: (sigh) Yeah...Um, you can sit down in my bedroom.\par
Night: (blush) Oh, okay. \par
Night follows Cassia to her bedroom. \par
(if house improved)\par
Cassia: Here, let's sit on the couch and chat.\par
Cassia leads Night to the couch.\par
They sit on the couch together. Initially, they look down in awkward, clumsy, nervous, happy silence.\par
Night: Is your uncle not here, Cassia? Where is your uncle?\par
Cassia: He's never around. Was he any different when you were here?\par
Night: No...I wouldn't really know. I never knew him too well. \par
Cassia: What did you come here for, Night? (blushing)\par
Night: (blushing) It sounds like we're really getting right up to it. The end. I spent time in private working on something: a gift. I wanted to help you in any way I could. \par
Cassia: You did that for me? I'm surprised. That's so thoughtful, Night.\par
Night: We need to go all out for this, okay. If we lose, we lose everything. If we win, I'm not even sure how much that safeguards us.\par
Cassia: We're doing the right thing.\par
Night: Yes. You're right. Um, here, I brought the present with me.\par
Night fumbles with his bag. He finds it, pulls it out, and presents it.\par
Cassia: A potion?\par
Night: A healing potion. Several. They are very strong. Free of charge, of course.\par
Cassia: Amazing. Thank you, Night.\par
Night: Are you nervous?\par
Cassia: Yes, I am very nervous.\par
Night: Then I hope my gift calms your nerves somewhat. Um.\par
Cassia: Um, Night, there's something I want to tell you.\par
Night: Yes? (flushed and happy, listening eyes.)\par
Cassia: I like you.\par
Night: (completely flustered) -! Well, um,\par
Cassia moves in for the kiss and kisses him. Night accepts. They kiss tenderly, then finish.\par
Cassia: Thank you for visiting, Night. \par
Night: Yes...\par
He hops up and leaves, leaving behind his potion (5).\par
Cassia picks one up and looks at it, swirling it and swishing it as it glitters and swirls.\par
Fade away into the next day.\par
(Most would text the next morning, but Night is stunned and flustered and couldn't possibly initiate conversation voluntarily like that right now. Maybe. Usually cocky, but hesitant by love or something.)\par
## Ren Before the Final Night\par
Ren is dorky in love.\par
Ren: Hey, Cassia...May I come in for a minute?\par
Cassia: Ren? Is that you?\par
Cassia opens the door.\par
They look at each other.\par
Cassia: Well, come in. Sit down.\par
Ren: Yeah, thanks...\par
Cassia: What did you want?\par
Ren: Well...We're going down soon, huh? I thought I should come talk to you for a bit.\par
Cassia: I'm listening, Ren. Go ahead.\par
Ren: I want to let you know I'll protect you. Man, that's pretty lame...\par
Cassia: Yeah?\par
Ren: I wrote you a song. I was on the edge about playing it, I've been meaning to play it for a while. I actually wrote it a long time ago, but I don't want to leave regrets.\par
Cassia: You'll play a song for me?\par
Ren:'s about you.\par
Ren plays Cassia's Theme, accompanied by his voice.\par
At the end, Cassia claps. Ren bows his head.\par
Cassia: Amazing! Amazing, Ren!\par
Ren: Thank you...\par
Cassia: When did you write it?\par
Ren: (sigh) When I met you, really. It's about that moment.\par
Cassia's heart is stilled.\par
Ren: Um...anyways...I'll be going.\par
Ren gets up and walks to the door.\par
Cassia: Ren, wait-\par
Ren stops and looks back.\par
He looked back into a kiss.\par
Afterwards, Ren smiles.\par
Ren: Sleep well.\par
Cassia: You, too.\par
The next morning, Cassia wakes up to some texts from Ren. She has notifications and checks them.\par
Ren: <<Good morning.>>\par
Ren: <<It was nice seeing you last night...>>\par
Cassia: <<Good morning, Ren!>>\par
Ren responds immediately.\par
Ren: <<How are you feeling?>>\par
Cassia: <<Good, Ren. I'm happy.>>\par
Ren: <<Good. :) >>\par
## Angel and Chloe Before the Final Night\par
Cassia hears a knock at the door and goes check.\par
Angel and Chloe are there when the door opens.\par
Cassia: Oh, hey, guys!\par
Angel: Hey! How you feeling?\par
Chloe: We came to check on you. A big day's coming.\par
Cassia: Oh, thank you. I need this. Did you want to come in?\par
Angel: We were going to bring you out. Chloe couldn't sleep, and I couldn't either. We were going to go on a walk and wanted to check on you.\par
Cassia: Oh! Then I'll get dressed.\par
Angel: Don't worry about it.\par
Cassia runs back and gets into her shoes and jacket.\par
She hops right back out.\par
Cassia: Let's go.\par
The girls chat as they walk, keeping their voices down.\par
Chloe: I'm so glad you are willing to come with us. I'll be real with you. This is scary stuff we're getting into. I mean, I knew it for a while, but this is getting real.\par
Cassia: Yeah, I know right. I'm feeling it, too.\par
Angel: Yeah...\par
Cassia: How did you get out, Angel?\par
Angel: Hehe, I know, right! I just snuck out. It won't be too bad if I'm only out for a bit. My mom's asleep, so...\par
Cassia: How much more in trouble could you get, right?\par
Angel: A bit how I felt...(sigh) My poor mom.\par
Chloe: Have you talked to her about it at all?\par
Angel: No...Aren't I awful? Chloe, tell me I'm awful.\par
Chloe: Just being real, if I was in your shoes with your precious mom, I wouldn't want to worry her. It's a hard position to be in.\par
Cassia: It'll be over soon. I'm not sure if we can sneak around any longer after this. Everything will be revealed or everything will be sealed.\par
Chloe: What about Rune? What about Lotus and Phlox? Will we be saying good-bye?\par
Angel: Man...What if we are ending all of that? I don't want to sound shallow or whatever, but that world is so cool and made me feel so important. I'm not ready to say good-bye to all that.\par
Cassia: I think we'll be able to explore there afterwards. In fact, we may be exiled down there and unable to ever come up again because of what would happen if we get caught.\par
Angel: Oh no. I can so see that happening, too. You really think? Oh my poor mom...\par
Chloe: Cassia! This is a calm down walk. You're getting us sick.\par
Cassia: What can I say? My mind is churning with these thoughts. We should be ready. Prince Lotus may give all of us titles for this. You girls ready to be royalty?\par
Angel: Princess Cassia, hmm?\par
Chloe: Oh, we won't be princesses unless he marries us.\par
Angel: Oh gosh, you're right. Um...Duchess Cassia?\par
Cassia: I think I'll be going for princess.\par
Angel: Ow, ow! You serious? Do you like him?\par
Chloe: That's amazing. Honestly, I guess, if you get along with a prince, you should go for it. I don't know if I could settle down with an earth angel, though.\par
Angel: Would it be awkward with my name? It might have to be you. Once you're in the system, grant us refugee status if we really need it?\par
Cassia: I hope Prince Lotus rules with a good view of humans. His whole platform at the moment is to kill and destroy all humans and human influence.\par
Chloe: You think we're making a mistake giving a human hater so much power right and a whole kingdom directly underneath a significantly weakened human settlement full of all the people we love? (sigh) I'm only half joking.\par
Cassia: I haven't really thought about it. I dunno. Maybe I should think about things better. Well, Prince Lotus seems like a decent guy. He seems to rely on us. He can't be too racist against all humans, right? Just the mayor and his croonies.\par
Chloe: (sigh) We'll see.\par
Angel: Let's shift topics. Both of you have the worst senses of dark humor sarcasm and I love you all, but I just can't listen to it right now. Do you hear that? How quiet and still the night is? It's lovely. The breeze is nice. Winter is coming soon. That'll be your birthday coming up, both of you.\par
Chloe: Haha, sorry, Angel. We'll stop.\par
Cassia: It is beautiful out here. I don't know about you two, but this is definitely calming me down.\par
Chloe: Agreed. Angel, should we plan a party for Cassia when this is over? You asked me to plan the welcoming party with you, but I was busy then...\par
Angel: Yeah...that'll be fun.\par
Angel: Well, we've ended up at my house. I'll sneak in. You ladies alright by yourselves? I don't want my mom to miss me...\par
Chloe: We're god killers now. I think we can walk alone anywhere after what we've seen.\par
Angel: True. Night, ladies. See your beautiful faces tomorrow.\par
Cassia: Night, Angel.\par
Chloe: God bless.\par
Angel sneaks in. Everything seems to go well.\par
Chloe: Should we walk back to your house?\par
Cassia: Okay, sure.\par
Chloe and Cassia walk back together to Cassia's house.\par
Chloe: It's really late. I should head back or Father will be worried. Actually, do you want to spend the night with us? We have spare beds. For your safety, I worry if someone will come for our leader while she's sleeping all alone in that house...\par
Cassia: Please, actually.\par
Cassia and Chloe walk back to the church and Father greets them at the door.\par
Father: I'm glad you're safe, Chloe. Is Cassia spending the night?\par
Cassia: If I may.\par
Father: Absolutely. It's probably the best idea. I'll make sure both of you are safe. No matter who comes for you, they'll have to come through me.\par
Chloe: Do you mean that, Father?\par
Father: Yes. I will protect you and assist how I can in ending the regime below us.\par
Cassia: Father, may I ask you about that?\par
Father: Not tonight. Tonight, you must rest. Maybe an earlier or later night.\par
## Cassia Asks Father What He Knows About the Underground\par
Father, when he was a younger firebrand, did some regretful actions which led to a tragic backstory. He needs to atone himself for helping the mayor, his old friend.\par
Cassia: Father...You're helping us out of guilt, aren't you? Why are you so personally involved in and supportive of our operations? Aren't they wrong? Isn't it a sin to go against authority?\par
Father: It's time for change. This is a personal atonement I must make. \par
## Mayor Boss Fight\par
Maybe Prince Lotus is taking the fight to the king here and fighting him and his older brother.\par
Maybe the party splits here and Prince Lotus takes the party members of your choice to fight the royal family alone. Find a way to indicate power lwvel or key needed skills snd a way to hint at them so the player knows. The NPC team will fight the rotal family and Cassia's team gies on gto fight the Mayor's family. They promise to meet up afterwards and fight together, under Cassia's control.\par
Mayor: Hahaha, you fools. As you fought me, the real work was taking place. My wife has finished the ritual.\par
Cassia: Bluff all you want! I will stop all of your croonies!\par
Mayor: Eurgh...\par
>Finish him\par
Cassia: It doesn't matter. I'll kill you.\par
Cassia deals the final blow, thrusts her sword through his head and heart, and turns to leave.\par
>Leave him\par
Cassia: You're pathetic. Don't waste our time.\par
Cassia turns to leave.\par
Cassia: Guys, let's get out of here.\par
Aries: To the burial grounds!\par
Angel: We'll stop them.\par
## Cassia and Her Companions Reach the Ritual Chamber\par
Mayor: You-\par
Cassia: We'll stop at nothing!\par
The mayor is surrounded by dark power.\par
Rune steps forward: Guys, we're too late! He's summoning Saturn!\par
Night: He's what!\par
Blythe: I thought the end is where you get a wish granted!\par
Rune: A wish? This is the burial ground of our god!\par
Chloe: Your- God...? (Chloe's eyes are bright and wide, her face in shock)\par
Angel: So like Satan? (confused shock)\par
Chloe: Uh, basically.\par
Angel: Oh...\par
The party gapes. The screen transitions to a high angle view overlooking the obscured manifestation of power then, far below, the party gazing upon it in horror, hatred, and initiative.\par
Epic chorus-driven boss music begins to play.\par
The screen transitions into the boss fight.\par
Like Persona, the characters talk a little before actually fighting.\par
Chloe: Let's blast him with the power of God and seal him once more in the Abyss!\par
It's a long, grueling, difficult battle.\par
It is a classic, three-part battle where you fight the woman and her ascending form.\par
At the end, her form dissolves into her limp body. She falls a bit, too.\par
The Mayor swoops in and grabs her. He yells and transforms into the final boss, Satan and Lucifer, who is finally willing to take someone.\par
They summon lots of devils during the fight, turn Rune against the party, and use unholy cursed magic.\par
Finally, they win.\par
## Short Lived Victory.\par
The oarty falls back on their butts and hands in relief. Some of the girls are crying.\par
Blythe: Whew! (wipes brow dramatically)\par
Ren: Did we do it?\par
Cassia doesn't answer, watching Prince Lotus approach with a stoic expression.\par
Chloe looks upon him with dirision and suspicion.\par
Cassia: Where's Aries? Where's Night? Why are you alone?\par
Prince Lotus: Time to tie up some lose ends.\par
Cassia: Why! We helped you!\par
Prince Lotus: As I helped you. Now, we've accomplished all I can. Now to be a real leader, I need to make an example of any humans.\par
If I can't come up with a decent reason for him to actually be evil besides him of course being a devil prince, he will be the ambiguous coup ruler of the Abyss.\par
## Boss fight: Prince Lotus\par
Can be avoided or if not he can be romanced before this point for mega awkward change to this scene\par
After he is slain, all the rebel earth angels turn on you. Many are glad to be rid of him. There are fighting factions now: an Abyss divided.\par
Cassia has to ask a group of rwbels why they continue to fight for a dead amd bested leader and put their homeland in turmoil during a time they could be rebuilding\par
The group of rebel earth angels: We will fight to the last person to rid the earth of you humans!\par
This conveniently leaves some end game of fighting the rebel earth angels in the abyss, maybe.\par
## Where are my Friends?\par
Angel: Let's find Aries and Night first.\par
Cassia: At once!\par
They run to where the royal family was. The royal family is slain, and Aries and Night are unconscious and injured.\par
Angel: There they are!!\par
Chloe jumps to their side.\par
Chloe: I'm here, I'll take care of you!\par
Chloe begins treating their wounds. Being a powerful healer who can even bring back the dead at this point, it's no insurmountable trouble for her no matter what condition they are in. To see them like that is shocking nonetheless, though.\par
Now if Chloe's there, Night will jump to the rescue.\par
Night: There-! I'm coming.\par
Night leaps to their sides and into action, setting up his ritual.\par
Night: I'm not so good as Chloe. Once she's up, she'll be able to patch everyone up. It'll be okay.\par
If both Chloe and Night are down and Cassia is unable to resurrect, they will be in a pickle.\par
Rune: Phlox- Or someone like her. I'll call her.\par
After he calls her, their bodies disappear.\par
Rune: Phlox has them...they'll be fine.\par
Angel: Oh, thank goodness...\par
If Chloe and Night are down and someone can resurrect, they'll ask Cassia.\par
Angel: Should I? I don't really like the responsibility if something goes wrong, looks like it's up to me.\par
Cassia: Do it.\par
Angel: Right.\par
## After the Final Boss Rush\par
The mall caves in, and the abyss is revealed.\par
The people learn about the earth angels\par
The region is flooded with top national journalists.\par
## The Walk Back\par
The party is reunited and runs and hugs each other.\par
Blythe: So everyone's okay?\par
Aries: Okay? We're invincible!\par
Angel: We really are, though. What more could be said? How are we going to celebrate? I'm going to plan the most amazing party after this!\par
Ren: Oh no...I'm going to be sleeping for a week once we pause long enough. I have no idea where you get this energy from.\par
Night: Really, though, what is after this? What did we do, really?\par
Cassia: For our day-to-day lives up on the overworld, I seriously have no idea. We just got rid of our local government. If anyone investigates that, which they are sure to, we are probably going to be implicated. I have no idea what would come of that. He will be missed eventualy, though. He was our city's backbone. He was the leader of the mall, our school, the whole city government. And to be honest, I'm dreading that. I did the right thing. I stuck with my convictions. That's true for you guys, too, I know it. But I don't know how our actions will be received. Really, though, I say judst let it happen. Don't sweat it. We're heroes and we know it. For our reputations down here, well...\par
Night: It's anarchy down here. We're kingslayers. We killed the rebel prince. We killed the human dictators. We alone live to tell the true account of what happened here, and we are the race of the defacto enemy. What can we do?\par
Cassia: I don't know how their society will take it. They have no structure or anything. Some of them were born into slavery and are suddenly now free. They'll probably be heading into civil war.\par
Blythe: Seriously?\par
Night: I completely agree with that prediction. The conditions are perfect for a military coup, a populist rise to power, and a dictator's reign. We might have made it worse. But their fate is a little less pressing. They're going to kill us. Nothing will hold them back.\par
Rune: Um...I can teleport you out if you're scared you're in danger.\par
Cassia: No thank you, Rune. I want to explore a little.\par
Rune: Should I be prepared to warp us out at a minute's notice?\par
Cassia: Haha, yeah, probably...\par
Rune: Okay. (Nervous)\par
Cassia: Alright, let's go!\par
## Rune Teleports the Party out of the Abyss into Cassia's Livingroom\par
Cassia: Okay, Rune, get us out of here!\par
Rune: Right away!\par
Rune teleports the party away.\par
Aries: Back here again, eh?\par
Rune: Uh, I didn't know where. Hah, I just put us here.\par
Cassia: My bedroom? You could barely have done better.\par
Night: Well, let's keep it down. Who knows who is waiting to trap us. Really, we shouldn't stay long...\par
Angel: Will we have to confront them eventually or hide forever? I don't think I can live like that...\par
Blythe: Bah. Rune, exactly how good are you at teleporting? Can you warp us away to Malibu or Tokyo or Rome?\par
Rune: Um...where?\par
Chloe: If you can figure out how to teach him, I'll come with you guys. I think we all need a vacation.\par
Ren: Doesn't sound bad...\par
Night: Honestly, our situation could be worse than being foreigners with a devil in a country without passports or fluency in the language.\par
Cassia: Maybe I'll do the side quest to take us all out to Tokyo. Maybe find an accurate anime or something.\par
Blythe: Figures. That's a no, then.\par
Aries: Guys, get serious! What are our other choices?\par
Chloe: Whisper, Aries.\par
Aries: Yeah, sorry. We are wasting our time and we will be getting ourselves in big trouble. Focus, guys! Where should we go? What can we do?\par
The party is hushed and thoughtful.\par
Chloe: So we can flee the country, if we can get Rune on it. We can turn ourselves in sooner instead of getting caught and hopefully lessen the consequences...\par
Delphine: Wow...\par
Chloe: Yeah. We could kill anyone whom comes for us. We're part of the way through anyways, jusy keep pushing until we get to the light at the other end.\par
Angel: Just wow.\par
Chloe: We could live among the earth angels and find a way to integrate into their society. That may be best for you, Rune.\par
Rune looks at his feet bashfully.\par
Chloe: Eh, we could...You know, if you guys have any alternatives, we should be spitballing right now.\par
Angel: Well...We could--\par
Just then, there is a rap at the door. Everyone has ice spikes through their limbs and falls dead silent and can't move apart from their eyes, which lock onto the door.\par
A hand falls on the doorknob, grasps, turns, and the door opens, revealing dark. The form enters and Blythe and Delphine shriek.\par
Uncle: Huh? Oh, you guys are here, hey.\par
Uncle greets them as he lumbers on in, cool, chill, and unassuming.\par
All the kids are taken aback.\par
Chloe laughs to cope with the anxiety.\par
Night: Well, lock the door behind you.\par
Uncle: Yeah? It that bad?\par
Cassia jumps up and hugs his neck.\par
Cassia: Uncle, I don't know what to do about this!\par
Uncle lays his eyes on Rune. Rune quivers.\par
Uncle: You brought one of them in here? Wow, it's real bad huh?\par
Rune watches him guardedly.\par
Uncle: It was you guys who killed the mayor, huh?\par
Everyone jumps and is shocked into a second turn of silence.\par
Uncle: The royal family, the heirs, the plantation owners, huh?\par
Cassia: Yes....Yes, Uncle.\par
Uncle looks at them all really seriously\par
Uncle: You know the chief of police was sending me in first. I'm going to have to send you in to jail.\par
Everyone looks horrified. Angel cries.\par
Aries: You serious, old man?\par
Uncle breaks into a laugh. Everyone looks like they were just shot then found out it was for a prank.\par
Uncle: Oh ho ho... You should look at you all. Hooey!\par
Aries: What are you saying, old man! What is it going through your head?\par
Uncle: Oh, sorry, sorry kids! You all sit tight and relax. Uncle isn't gonna let a hair on your heads in danger. It was a\par
mean joke and maybe one too far, but how could I not. You all look like you witnessed your own funeral. Now come on in, Angel, stop crying, baby girl. It's alright.\par
Aries: You think everything we've been through is FUNNY? I'll kill you!\par
Cassia: Relax, Aries. My uncle's weird, okay? He's so...very...weird. So how do you know all this?\par
Uncle: Oh, it's a long story. I won't bore you with it just right now but I owe it to you later, you got that guaranteed. What's big right now is the cop swarm you stirred up. Now, I was kidding that I have any support for 'em, but I wasn't kidding that they'd take you in the second they spot you to hold yeah until they figure out just what to do with you all.\par
Ren: Are you serious? They'd really put us in jail?\par
Uncle: For sure, son. Your disappearance is on the news and everything.\par
Blythe: For real? Haha, wow. It's all over for us. What about Night's career?\par
Uncle: Night is getting media silence. Still getting that coverage the Mayor gave ya, huh?\par
Night: He found out when it was too late, I guess.\par
Uncle: Other than that, all of you on plastered everywhere.\par
Angel: What about my mom..?\par
Uncle: Oh, she's on fire. She asserts you would never do anything wrong, that you're her daughter.\par
Blythe: Oh, Mrs. Angel...\par
Delphine: Of course...\par
Angel is deeply ashamed.\par
Uncle: I believe her. You did nothing wrong, Angel. You were clearing out the underworld. The swamp isn't going to let that go like it's the right thing to do, but I know. It's alright, Angel.\par
Night: Sheesh, are you saying I could stop hiding with them and walk around like I didm't do nothing?\par
Uncle: Maybe so, kid. You're friends with all these guys, so you'll be questioned. I dunno how prepared you are for that.\par
Blythe: Would you abandon us, Night?\par
Cassia: I don't know...If that's true, maybe you should.\par
Night: I couldn't leave you, Cassia. I'm right here until the end.\par
Uncle: Atta boy! Now you kids got a place to go or you hiding well in here?\par
Cassia smiles.\par
Uncle: And you, devil boy...You running from home?\par
Rune: Yes...I am.\par
Uncle: Now, you would make quite the spectacle if caught. Watch yourself.\par
Rune: Yes...\par
## The Police Catch Them\par
They end up going to jail, just holding until their trial, and then they get a guest: The wardens lead in the President of the Condederate States of America.\par
Police: Stop! Show your hands! Get on the ground!\par
Blythe: Oh man...\par
Everyone complies.\par
Police: We're taking you in.\par
They separate everyone and take them in.\par
Cassia is stuck in her cell. \par
## The Government Gets Involved\par
# Act 5\par
## Kicking Down the Mayor's Door\par
Prince Lotus joins the party. \par
Prince Lotus kicks open the door to the Mayor's office.\par
Prince Lotus: We're here to finish this.\par
Mayor: (Gasp) ...Lotus, is that you? \par
King Garden: Lotus...My boy, I am very disappointed in you.\par
Prince: I will be securing my birthright, even if you want to take it away from me! My people will be freed. This is a coup.\par
Mayor: If you want to take it that way, so be it. \par
The boss battle rush begins against the royal family and the mayor.\par
## Reach the End\par
## Cassia is in Jail\par
Cassia wakes up the next morning.\par
Cassia: it wasn't a dream. I really am in jail.\par
Cassia: If they try me, there's no way I'm getting out...I may even get the death penalty, too. This is awful. I have to try to get out of here. It may make things worse, but I don't have a chance to begin with...\par
Cassia: Blah, they have a skill block up. And they confiscated all my items.\par
Cassia: Videogames make it look so easy to escape, but I just don't think I can do it. It's all over for me...\par
Cassia: I don't even think Rune could teleport us away. They have kept us under skill block since spotting us.\par
Cassia: I guess I still have the human element. If my charisma stat is high enough, perhaps I can just talk to someone and work my way out of here. Maybe even the judge. I think all my friends will be tried separately, though, so I can only clear me. If I get out, maybe I can help the others...\par
Cellmate: You meditating or scheming?\par
Cassia: Scheming (distraught expression)\par
Cellmate: Ah...Well, nothing you can do, haha. Nothing that I haven't tried.\par
Cellmate: My name's Patience.\par
Cassia: Cassia.\par
Patience: What are you in for, Cassia? You are too young and sweet to be in a place like this.\par
Cassia:'s a lot to explain. I killed the mayor and the royal family of a hidden and forgotten subterranean kingdom that was taken over by my mayor and turned into plantations and sweatshops.\par
Patience is taken aback.\par
Patience: You know you're crazy, right?\par
Cassia: Well, it happened. I even brought one of the Subterranean race members back with me, but he's in this jail, too.\par
Patience: (whistles) Dang, girl. Then I guess I'll be hearing about this when the gossip rolls around at lunch time. So you some big damn hero.\par
Cassia: You didn't say why you're here.\par
Patience: The accusation is racketeering, but I had no part in that. My no good boyfriend was, though, but they raided my apartment and took me in instead. The absolute state of the police!\par
Patience: Ho, I know those footsteps. You're getting a visitor. Look good.\par
Cassia brushes her fingers through her hair. Patience retreats to the back corner and quietly reads.\par
The warden approaches with her uncle.\par
The warden explains: Cassia. James Bay would like to speak to you, but keep it short. I will be watching you.\par
Uncle: Cassia! Deborah's sweet little girl is in jail. Wow, you mother is going to kill me.\par
Cassia: Does mom know...?\par
Uncle: Oh yeah. The police notified the family. They've been lighting up my phone like fire, and I've been playing damage control.\par
Maybe the uncle should keep that all secret or even lie about it because it only stresses the very stressed-out Cassia even more.\par
Uncle: Your friends are all okay. They're all locked up, even your devilboy friend. I'll visit them later, but I gotta see my sweetie first.\par
Uncle: Now, I know being in jail is shameful no matter how innocent you are, but the townspeople know and we're pooling for a good defense attorney.\par
Uncle: The world's moving. You did great things for us and really proved yourself and we'll repay you. We're all fighting for you, Cassia.\par
Cassia: Thank you, Uncle. I'm scared...\par
Uncle: Don't cry, babe. You are a perfect little angel.\par
Cassia: What are they going to do with Rune?\par
Uncle: Well, we are worried about that. They're holding him for now but not for trial but to figure out what to do.\par
Cassia: (sad)\par
Uncle: Look, keep your chIn up. Can you look me in the eye and tell me, assert to me, promise me you did nothing wrong.\par
Cassia: I didn't do nothing...\par
Uncle: Then you're going to be fine. Keep your chin up and don't cry. I'll take you out for ice cream in Montgomery once we get out. I'll drive you to New Orleans. Heck, I'll take you to (the old name for Hawaii).\par
Cassia: I'll look forward to it (chin quivering)\par
Uncle: Atta girl!\par
Cassia: How is--\par
Warden: That's time up.\par
Uncle: I love you! I'll check on the other kids, pep Em up. Later!\par
Cassia: Bye...\par
The warden and her uncle leave.\par
Cassia slumps.\par
Patience: Don't be like that. Who was that guy?\par
Cassia: My uncle...I've been living with him this year\par
Patience: He a cool guy. I like him.\par
Cassia: Yeah...He's pretty weird, though.\par
Patience: Really?\par
Patience: So tell me about that devil guy. He the subterranean you were talking about?\par
Cassia: Yeah...Rune. He looks like an earthy angel, with delicate wings and empty black eyes and pale skin and robes. He's beautiful. His language sounds like singing and ringing of bells.\par
Patience: He help you guys?\par
Cassia: A bit. He helped teach us about the area and people and history. He lived there, so he knew how bad the kingdom was corrupted and taken over.\par
Patience: Man, I thought my boyfriend was an adventure, but all he got me was in jail. It sounds like you're more fun, if it all ends here anyways. Coups and other races n shieet.\par
Cassia: Yeah...\par
## It's Time for Patience\par
The warden is coming.\par
Patience: It's time, isn't it, Cassia? (dry)\par
Cassia: Time? For what-? (Confused)\par
Patience doesn't answer. She gets up and walks over closer to the door.\par
Warden: It's time, Patience.\par
The warden spends time cuffing up Patience and telling her the procedures. Patience nods, yessiring back.\par
They both leave together, Cassia left locked alone.\par
Cassia: Patience!\par
Patience: Later, Cassia.\par
Now Cassia spends time alone without a guide or sympathizer.\par
## The President Interferes\par
Maybe the region is _not_ flooded with press. Maybe the government engages in a large-scale coverup.\par
Maybe you have to fight the president, too.\par
Maybe he wants to conquer the Abyss. The reasons are obvious - riches, resources, and land and his opposition is already taken care of, thanks to you.\par
Maybe foreshadow the presidential survellience. Add a double agent to the party or town cast or some spies. Maybe even add the double agent to the Mayor's team and have a scene where he evaluates Cassia and her involvement and side and intentions. The agent should add to Cassia's forces, giving free resources, training, or weapons or whatever. Maybe the uncle is the spy. \par
The warden comes, a little startled.\par
Warden: Uh...You have a visitor. Let's go to the visitation center.\par
The warden leads Cassia over.\par
The President doesn't follow the procedure. He busts right in, and walks right in.\par
President: Cassia, do you know who I am?\par
Cassia is stunned breathlessly.\par
Cassia: President Jackson...?\par
President: That's right! And you are a hero.\par
Cassia: I'm a what?\par
President: And heroes shouldn't be in here. I tell you what, little lady, I'm going to get you and your little friends out of here.\par
Cassia: Thank you, Mr. President! But-\par
President: Cassia. I know precisely everything about the Abyss underneath your town and the mayor who sought my throne! We have been trying to undermine their rebellion for years but unsure how to do it discreetly. Then your crew swings in, destabilizes the region, and eliminates our confederate traitor. Fast, discreet, clean! Well, except alerting the police at the very end there, but I can step in there at the very least.\par
The president turns to the warden and addresses him.\par
President: Let Cassia out.\par
Warden: Wha- This isn't the procedure. You should speak to my manager about-- (startled)\par
President: (glare portrait) ...\par
Warden: At once, sir! (fright)\par
The warden goes through the procedure of opening the door, silently and routinely.\par
Warden: Cassia\par
Cassia walks out of the cell hesitantly.\par
President: Thank you, Mr. Stone. Now, Cassia, come with me. \par
Cassia follows the President, completely confused. She catches the Warden's eye as she passes, and he is just as bewildered as she is. The other prisoners snear and jeer as they walk by, but the president ignores them. Finally, Cassia asks the President anything.\par
Cassia: Uh...Mr. President, what about my sentence?\par
President: You will not be serving a sentence. You will not even be receiving a trial. I am fully pardoning you and all of this is going to disappear. Don't think I don't know about your friends. None of them will be receiving any penalties for their act of heroicism and service to this great country. I am the President of the Confederate States of America. Do you not realize the power I have?\par
Cassia: But why, sir?\par
President: My agent has been keeping my informed. I am very proud of you.\par
The President leads her to an office and walks right up to the desk. \par
Jailmaster: Now you can't--wha\par
The president whips a stack of papers out of his briefcase and slaps them on the table.\par
President: You will immediately clear Cassia Juste, Ren Py, Chloe Dove, Angel Ward, Blythe Howard, Night Sky, Aries Prince, Delphine Defrancois, and that demon boy right here in front of me.\par
Jailmaster: Sir-\par
President glares once again.\par
Jailmaster: Yes sir...\par
The Jailmaster goes through some paperwork and says\par
Jailmaster: It's done...I'll finish up, but I'll send someone to get them out.\par
President: At once!\par
The Jailmaster rings up some people.\par
The President observes him and says\par
President: Let's go get your friends.\par
The President leads her to each of her friends. They are each shocked by circumstances. Rune is bewildered, though. He doesn't know any of these people. \par
Rune: Who are you? What's going on? Cassia!\par
President: I am the President of the country you live in the dirt of. I'm well aware of your people, so you don't surprise me. What does surprise me is that one of you ended up in my prison system. I've released you just the same, so you can go back to be with your friends or whatever.\par
Cassia: It's okay, Rune. Come with us.\par
Rune: Okay...\par
The President leads them to get their possessions back.\par
The President leads them all out to the courtland.\par
President: Now, you are free. There is only one condition. You will be having dinner with me next week on Thursday. I will honor your bravery. How does that sound?\par
Cassia: Can we have some answers then?\line President: Haha, certainly you can chat with me. I am in a hurry, though, unfortunately. I must be going.\par
The President hurries away, leaving Cassia and her companions staring at each other outside the prison.\par
## Out of Jail\par
Blythe: Before any of you talk or whatever, let's leave as soon as possible. Now. To go anywhere.\par
They leave. Once they reach a comfortable distance away, they begin to talk.\par
Angel: I'm so stunned, I couldn't talk for so long.\par
Delphine: I had no idea what I was going to do! My mom came and visited me last night and just cried until the Warden took her away!\par
Angel: Oh, don't even bring up moms...\par
Ren: This is Montgomery, Night, isn't it?\par
Night: Yes. We're somewhere downtown right now.\par
Blythe: Wow, I barely realized it, but we really are, aren't we?\par
Fades to a panning image of the big city.\par
Night: Are we really free?\par
Cassia: I watched the president sign the papers...\par
Everyone takes a collective sight.\par
Angel: Lucky...\par
Cassia: I think it's more than luck. I think we might have been pawns or something. I don't think this is all over.\par
Blythe: Wow, it never ends. Not ever since you moved in.\par
Cassia: Yeah...\par
Night: Does anybody have anything? I just have my ID and some money.\par
Blythe: Seriously? They're lucky I didn't have health potions and throwing knives.\par
Night: Where can we stay? We can't even us the city transit...\par
Cassia: I have an uncle who lives here, but he's away on business right now, I think...\par
Chloe: Wow, really? I didn't know our group had connections to places like this.\par
Ren: Oh...\par
Angel: Oh my. I don't know about any of this. I'm so glad we're with an expert.\par
Night: Yeah...I--\par
## Uncle Reappears with a Place to Stay and an Explanation of Who He is\par
Uncle: There you are! \par
Everyone turns to the pointed voice.\par
Cassia: Uncle!\par
Uncle: There you all are! I got a place for you to stay.\par
Night: Hotel rooms?\par
Uncle: Oh, you'll see. I'll explain everything there.\par
Uncle leads them to a national hotel. It can be Trump Tower, Lacroix Tower inspired.\par
Night: Wah- No...\par
Angel: What is it?\par
Chloe: Yeah, what, Night?\par
Cassia: This is Trump Tower. \line Blythe: What!\par
Uncle: Right inside, guys. After me.\par
Receptionist: Ah, Agent Uncle...Go right ahead. And the children?\par
Uncle: They're with me.\par
Receptionist: Certainly. Enjoy your stay.\par
Ren: What is going on...?\par
Uncle takes out his card and swipes it at the elevator. \line Uncle steps aside and directs his hand.\par
Uncle: Go ahead.\par
Everybody gets on the elevator. Uncle gets on last.\par
Uncle pushes the buttons and the doors close.\par
Angel: Uh...\par
(This is a moment for an awkward elevator ride, one of my favorite things from Mass Effect 1.)\par
## Say Good-bye to Friends\par
# The End\par
No party limit. Bring everyone and build an epic like 20-man team build against the ultimate boss\par
## Cassia's Birthday\par
Cassia's other uncle comes back to visit. He comments on how much she's grown and matured since then and it makes him proud. Cassia's honestly speechless confronted with all the change since he drove her down here.\par
## The Fate of the Mayor\par
Cassia can let him live, kill him, or work with him.\par
Maybe he gets arrested and the news learns about everything through the subsequent investigations.\par
Maybe the government thanks you for uncovering the coup plot against the Confederacy.\par
## The Fate of Prince Lotus\par
Cassia can kill him, let him live, or work with him.\par
Maybe he gives up easily when he is clearly outnumbered and his supporters aren't so cozy as he had hoped. He folds and is welcomed back to a smug family, letting him take back his place of insignificance and no real power, complete subservience to his parents and older siblings. \par
# Holidays\par
Have a good mix of "made up" holidays and real world holidays. Space them out well for good rhythm. Something new and exciting. New theme. Change the town and characters up visually.\par
## New Years' Eve & New Years' Day\par
## Independence Day\par
Celebrated not about England but about the United States. Confederate symbols abound, but the holiday itself is probably very similar to our real world Independance day: barbeque, lawns, pools, fireworks, and patriotic symbols and messages.\par
## Mall Town Day\par
The day the Mayor bought the town. It would be boring to just have education or something. Maybe some ridiculous school play that has to be put on every year.\par
## Halloween\par
Trick or treat at every house.\par
Buy silly costumes online or in stores.\par
## Thanksgiving\par
Cassia wonders if her uncle will be there for Thanksgiving or if she should join Angel's family.\par
Maybe a big town-wide gathering potluck.\par
Eat until you're stuffed.\par
## Black Friday & Cyber Monday\par
The library advertises cringey "100%" ads on its books, movies, CDs, and games. It's really preachy.\par
Some people participate in #buynothing day and it's really cringey and preachy and anti-capitalist and stuff.\par
Some people drive to Montgomery for the sales. Should the player be able to visit Montgomery?\par
## Christmas\par
Christmas party outfits! Maybe different themes for different years. Christmas sweaters, Christmas dresses, all white & gold, all ren & green, elfs, trees\par
# Romance Arcs\par
Reference Zodiac Compatibility Charts for Descriptions. Maybe even use them? MBTI compatibility, too.\par
## Romancing Night, the Sapiosexual\par
He is stuck up and believes everyone to be beneath him. He is surrounded by imbeciles who cannot fathom or begin to have an equal footing conversation with him. However, he begins to acknowledge that Cassia, the Player Character, has this spark of intelligence to her. She is the only person he can talk to and feel like he is actually talking to someone. It's such a relief and so special. Honestly, he expected everyone was so dull in the boonies because the boonies are dull. He expected in the city to find intellectual peers, but even then found no one interesting or compelling. Everything thinks he's smart, so they just passively accept his expertise. Everyone praises him and is so easily impressed with simple things. No one understands him and he always feels like he's babysitting others. But Cassia is different. Cassia is the first person he cares about. Who he wants to listen to. Who has valuable ideas. Who will argue with him and sit solidly on her principles. And she's beautiful.\par
Cassia thinks he is in the wrong, trying to teach him to appreciate everyone for their strengths. He's not surrounded by mindless NPCs but real people with depth. Night and Cassia argue over this, and sometimes, Cassia begins to wonder if she's the one who's wrong.\par
Night despairs because he knows he must leave soon and is uncertain whether Cassia would pursue him. He feels he has little time and needs to make good use of it.\par
## Romancing Aries, a Partnership\par
Aries doesn't expect less of women, so a lot of people think he's a woman hater and too hard on women. He's actually very egalitarian. Unfortunately, most women either judge him harshly or cannot live up to his high standard, which is equal to men and himself. His standard is usually based on combat skill, since he loves working out his body, pushing his limits, and being strong enough to protect others. He also appreciates high intellect, high artistic ability, or honestly any admirable mastery of skill over a passionate field of expertise.\par
He tried dating the amazonian Angel, strong and kind, but it severely did not work out. Aries got over it and moved on, but Angel holds a heavy grudge against him and sometimes wants back together and sometimes hates his guts. Aries hates that mood swingy nonsense. \par
Cassia, however, is strong and masters anything she sets her mind to. Aries feels like he can challenge her and be challenged by her. They work out together, get stronger together, learn together, study together, and never let the other fall behind. If anything bad happens, Aries is poised to defend and take full blame off her. He will protect her like a shield.\par
Romancing Aries hurts Cassia's relationship with Angel and less so with Blythe because it's just awkward and weird to date Angel's exe when they did not break up that long ago. And, even worse, Angel still thinks there's a chance of getting back together with him. But Angel tries not to let it get in between her relationship with Cassia, even though it's obvious she disapproves. Eventually, this leads to a confrontation where Angel sets Cassia free with her consent or Angel's quite hurt by Cassia.\par
## Romancing Ren, Artist and Muse\par
Ren is a bit of an outcast in his mind. Although he always hangs out with Blythe and Angel or Chloe and Night, he always feels isolated due to his interests. His relationship with Chloe came close, but he doesn't want to force her to choose between God and him. He loves art, he loves poetry, he loves classical music, he loves animal bones and being cute. He isn't so manly and he is artistic. No one but the forbidden Chloe can connect with him on this spiritual level. He appreciates that Delphine also loves nature, but she loves it in more of a practical, ecologically mindful way where he is purely transcendental. \par
All this until Cassia comes along. She lies in the grass, giggling like a bell, calling for encores of his forest cello performances. She'll read poetry with him. Cassia takes Chloe's place in this, and since Chloe is quite possessive, she drifts away from Ren, even though she wants to paint herself as unconcerned, unjealous, and uninvolved in Ren's love life. Chloe prays and desperately hopes to get back with Ren, her true love. As it is obvious that Cassia serves as a muse, where Chloe once did, becoming a character in his music and songs and poetry and art. Chloe begins to recognize this from afar. It leads to a confrontation where Chloe lets Cassia understand how this hurts her. Ridiculous, she knows. Cassia can be understanding, but Chloe will ultimately let her have him either way. Maybe it's for the best that Ren's taken. Sigh.\par
## Romancing Rune, Welcome to Alabama, My Forbidden Love!\par
Rune is a lost sheep, wide-doe-eyed, gaping at simple everyday miracles like froyo. He never knew human society and it is markedly different in many ways. Cassia enjoys being his first with activities, coming up with gifts and activities that will surprise him. \par
Rune is a little dependent on Cassia, once showing mastery and domination over his level, he now is lost in an unfamilar world. He is honestly quite childish and cute, wanting to hold hands to not get lost, speaking quietly so Cassia has to lean in, asking Cassia to order food for him, and so on.\par
People are shocked to see an earth angel in real life. Other girls are jealous that Cassia has such an exotic and lovely boyfriend. Others are disgusted by the race mixing. Others are concerned about what it even means. Chloe doesn't think you should get emotionally entangled like that. Only date someone you would marry, and how could you marry someone who isn't even human!\par
Cassia flirts with Rune.\par
Rune: Angels and humans aren't supposed to mix, you know?\par
## Romancing Heron, Drawing Heron out of His Shell and into the World\par
It's hard to get him out of his room at all. Doing that is too similar to Persona 5's Futaba for my taste, though. It would be funnier to romance him online and go on dates in Mac Anu or whatever. I think in Welcome to the NHK, Satou deals with a girl who will only talk to them through an MMO chat.\par
## Romancing Milo, Babysitting\par
A shota romance!\par
Take inspiration from Persona 3's Ken, Rune Factory 4's Doug, or fanfic Killuas.\par
## Romancing Mr. Wilder -- Please, Call me Nathaniel.\par
Reference Imogen Heap's Come Here Boy as much as possible. I don't have any personal experience to draw from, really, about flirting with teachers, thinking teachers are cute, or dating teachers. There's Kenji's social link in Persona 3, and there's Come Here Boy. Teachers dating students is a sensitive topic in the news with lots of controversies with teachers sleeping with and being impregnated by students. Drawing inspiration from those relationships is super edgy. I want the relationship to be genuine and sweet, not quid pro quo or whatever.\par
## Romancing Angel, the Nurturer\par
## Romancing Delphine, the Exotic French Lover\par
## Romancing Chloe\par
## Romancing Blythe\par
Maybe it would be like dating Peyton. Blythe just goes through boyfriends, is completely obsessed with them, hates them afterwards, has all kinds of drama, and looks for boyfriends when she's single. \par
## Romancing Prince Lotus\par
Romancing Prince Lotus is pretty doomed, as it is two people mutually using each other and it is fairly obviously shalllow and loveless, though each finds the other hot at least\par
Other companions comment on how shallow it is or cheer her on. It generally confuses Rune, though.\par
# Friendship Arcs\par
## Aries\par
## Welcome to the Gym [G01]\par
Player is training in the gym.\par
Aries stops training and walks over.\par
No, you are doing it all wrong. \par
Spamming space is a waste of effort. You only need to press once to continuously attack. \par
And wait.\par
Why don't you have a full skillbar? Press K to see your skill library, then drag and drop them into your bar.\par
If you don't have enough skills, you haven't been putting yourself out there. Just go to a skill trainer and buy some.\par
Where is your training gear? Get something practical to wear at the mall or from a shopping app. \par
And another thing.\par
Where is your weapon? \par
The gym is the best place to test your strategies. There are trainers who can explain combat in-depth, and there are dummies track DPS. You can grab a foam weapon from the rack to practice with. \par
## Last Battle\par
Last Battle [AR01]\par
Aries is graduating and moving away.\par
[hated] It\rquote s you. \par
Let\rquote s go to the dungeon one last time. I\rquote ll fight you for real. \par
>You\rquote ll lose.\par
I won\rquote t hold back.\par
>I\rquote ll lose\par
I don\rquote t fight anyone who doesn\rquote t stand a chance. \par
>Let\rquote s fight. \par
>We don\rquote t have to do this.\par
You want to lose the chance to fight the guy whose guts you can't stand. \par
Last chance. \par
>Let\rquote s fight \par
Whatever. [ends. Aries walks away and refuses to talk to you.]\par
If you are a guy, Aries is harder. If you are a guy, he will kill you. If you are a girl, he will stop before killing you. If you are about to kill him, Chloe appears and heals him. If you threaten to kill Chloe, she escapes and mall cops begin to pursue you until you wait a week in mall jail. Chloe hates you afterwards.\par
## Ren\par
Just like Haji! [R01]\par
[After F02]\par
P: Why do you play the cello?\par
R: Have you seen Blood+?\par
P: That anime was boring.\par
R: Are you serious? Okay, well, I just wanted to play the cello like Haji.\par
P: I love Blood+!\par
R: Oh yes! It's amazing, isn't it? I learned cello to play like Haji, but I have really since fallen in love with the instrument.\par
R: [if girl] You should cosplay Diva. She is just perfect.\par
P: No?\par
R: It's so good. It's about this high school girl who fights vampire monsters, but the anime has its own mythology and history. The characters are really fleshed out and unique, too. Blood+ has so much to it. I\rquote ve really got to watch it again this summer.\par
P: Maybe I'll watch it.\par
R: So good.\par
P: I don't like anime.\par
R: What! Then we can't be friends anymore.\par
R: Just kidding.\par
Watched Blood+ [R02]\par
P: I watched Blood+.\par
P: It was so boring!\par
R: What's wrong with you! Blood+ is amazing. Did you get to the Schiff? You watched Blood+, right, not Blood-C?\par
R: Whatever, why am I even talking to you? [end]\par
P: I love it.\par
R: I mean, obviously? So that's what got me into the cello.\par
Want more [R03]\par
P: [if liked Blood+] Got more anime recommendations?\par
R: Darker Than Black is amazing. Oh, you should ask Aries for anime recommendations, though. He watches more than I do.\par
P: Aries watches anime?\par
R: I know, right? He likes seinen. A lot of people here like anime, though. Even Mr. [the hot math teacher].\par
P: [if Blood+ boring] Got more bad anime recommendations?\par
R: Are you actually bullying me? I'm going to cry. Oh gosh, I'm so sad!\par
R: Yeah, I do. Go watch Infinite Stratos.\par
Watched IS [R04]\par
[recommended IS]\par
P: I watched Infinite Stratos.\par
P: It was amazing!\par
R: What is wrong with you? Are you joking? What do you even like about it?\par
P: Recommend another?\par
R: I guess Kimi no Iru Machi?\par
## Uncle\par
He\rquote s Actually Home [U01]\par
Player enters home.\par
Uncle Wayland is drinking Beast on the couch, watching cartoons. If you check the fridge, it's full of Beasts and a sandwich or some pizza with a note for you. The kitchen only has a microwave. The player can clean up the crushed Beast cans and empty pizza boxes and take out the trash to better the house. Wayland is usually gone.\par
Oh, Uncle Wayland is home.\par
Player can talk to him or try to leave the room.\par
Wayland: Player, is that you?\par
>I\rquote m busy\par
You are? Have fun, kid. [end]\par
Sorry I brought you out here. Nobody else would take you, though. \par
You\rquote ll be in 10th grade next year, so soon you'd be leaving anywhere regardless. \par
>I like this town\par
Really? I guess there's lots of good young people here. Glad you're taking it well.\par
>I hate this town\par
Something's off about this place, from the excessive commodities to the inexplicable arrival of those French. \par
This town isn't for us common people.\par
Nothing's likely to happen suddenly, so you should try to enjoy your time here. Just stay out of trouble.\par
>You see too much into things.\par
Do I? Maybe I do. I'm an old man who has seen a lot of changes. Ignore my ramblings. \par
Could you grab me another Beast from the fridge? There's a sandwich in there for you. You like mayonnaise?\par
>What about the French?\par
Delphine's Dad and Evanthe! Out of nowhere, they move here and settle in and go about their day like that's normal. \par
Then Delphine's Dad died in that way that left the coroner confounded. \par
It's weird for a patriot is move out here. What on earth could they want out here?\par
Most French in our country move to the Midwest. That family is suspicious. \par
>What about the commodities? \par
Froyo, bubble tea, a gym? What are we, a university campus? \par
Why would the mayor buy the town, immediately put up barracades and begin construction? He's hiding something.\par
>Is it safe to be here? \par
Look, I've been here since I was a little tike. I've stuck my nose where it doesn't belong, I've stirred trouble, I've seen the town change. Nothing's going to happen tomorrow. \par
>I agree with you.\par
Do you? You're not like your mother. She always called me crazy. Way Out Waylander. \par
Look, though, I'm responsible for you. I may not be here for you all the time I should, but I trust you not to get into trouble.\par
>If she cleaned the house a few times\par
The house has even been looking better since you moved in. \par
>If going to summer school most of the time\par
And you\rquote ve been getting to class, even though it\rquote s optional. It\rquote s very responsible and makes me proud, even if it\rquote s dorkish. \par
Wonder where I\rquote d be if I had gone to school like that...\par
Anyways, go do whatever. I\rquote ll be around.[end]\par
>examine TV\par
It\rquote s a new version of a longrunning cartoon franchise. You kind of hate this version.\par
Wayland: Nothing ever on, huh?\par
>[End conversation]\par
>Why don\rquote t you stream videos online?\par
Yeah, I watch some of those. \par
>Why don\rquote t you cancel your cable?\par
What! Then how would I get the local news and weather?\par
>Internet. Your phone. Apps. Social media.\par
Yeah, that stuff\rquote s good and all but you can\rquote t rely on it. \par
>They stream for free online and through apps. The news is just reading social media anyways.\par
>I don\rquote t have time to read cat pictures and selfies all day.\par
>If you subscribe to the right people and watch what everyone is talking about, it only takes a few minutes to scroll through.\par
>Examine fridge\par
It\rquote s full of Beasts! Oh, there's a sandwich for me.\par
Wayland: Grab me a Beast, will you?\par
>Grab a Beast\par
>Grab your sandwich.\par
You can walk to Uncle and\par
>Give Beast\par
Hey, thanks! The sandwich is more you. You like mayonnaise, right?\par
## Rune\par
## Meeting Computer Guy [A01]\par
Player knocks on next-door neighbor\rquote s door. \par
Door opened by Rune.\par
"..oh! You're not the delivery guy. Uh, why did you knock?"\par
>It was by accident\par
Oh okay. That actually happened to me once actually. \par
Who are you? Are you visiting from a nearby town?\par
>Introduce yourself\par
>I wanted to meet you.\par
Yeah, who are you? Are you visiting from a nearby town?\par
>Introduce yourself\par
So you\rquote ve lived here for [time spent playing]! I was surprised when Night came back, but you're completely new. I guess even a deadend town can grow.\par
Well, hi. I\rquote m Rune. I\rquote m a boring guy. I don\rquote t get out much and nothing\rquote s ever going on with me. I spend most of my time programming or playing games.\par
>I have a present\par
(likes or loves)\par
This is my favorite! Angel must have told you I like these.\par
(neutral or worse)\par
Oh, okay. Thanks.\par
>What games do you play?\par
Strategy games, mostly. \par
>You can program?\par
Oh yeah. It's easy. Anybody can program. You got a phone, go download a text editor. \par
\f2\ltrmark\f0 The player hears a ding.\par
\f2\ltrmark\f0 Oh, my ramen\rquote s ready. Anyways, talk you later. \par
# Max Friendship Arcs\par
## Max Friendship with Alder\par
## Max Friendship with Angel\par
## Max Friendship with Blythe\par
## Max Friendship with Chloe\par
## Max Friendship with Delphine\par
## Max Friendship with Evanthe\par
## Max Friendship with Aries\par
## Max Friendship with Milo\par
## Max Friendship with Night\par
## Max Friendship with Ren\par
## Max Friendship with Mr. Wilder\par
## Max Friendship with Ditzy Teacher\par
## Max Friendship with Rune\par
## Max Friendship with Heron\par
## Max Friendship with Mr. Klein\par
## Max Friendship with Chinese Food Workers\par
## Max Friendship with Phlox\par
## Max Friendship with Angel's Mom\par
## Max Friendship with Mall Cop\par
## Max Friendship with Uncle\par
## Max Friendship with Prince Lotus\par
## Max Friendship with the President\f1\par