You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

723 lines
27 KiB

import datetime, os, re
from bottle import error, response, route, run, static_file, template, TEMPLATE_PATH
# Remove links, line breaks from snippet
def clean(result):
result = result.replace('\n','')
result = result.replace('<br>','')
result = re.sub(r'<a href=.*?>', '', result)
result = re.sub(r'<img src=.*?>', '', result)
result = re.sub(r'<a target="_blank" href=.*?>', '', result)
result = result.replace('</a>','')
result = re.sub(r'<h\d>','',result)
result = re.sub(r'</h\d>','',result)
result = result.replace('<center>','')
result = result.replace('</center>','')
result = result.replace('<b>','')
result = result.replace('</b>','')
return result
def clean_tags(raw):
cleanr = re.compile('<.*?>')
cleantext = re.sub(cleanr, '', raw)
return cleantext
def find_year():
now =
return now.strftime('%Y')
def to_table(l, cols):
# Return it as one row here if the list is too small
if len(l) < cols:
return [l]
newlist = []
# Step over every row of the list
for i in range(0, len(l), cols):
# Get the next row of the list
sublist = l[i : i + cols]
# If it's too short, add it to the end of the last row
if len(sublist) < cols:
newlist[-1] += sublist
# Add the next row in the list to the table
newlist += [sublist]
return newlist
def his_to_table(l, cols):
# Return it as one row here if the list is too small
if len(l) < cols:
return [l]
newlist = []
# Step over every row of the list
for i in range(0, len(l), cols):
# Get the next row of the list
sublist = l[i : i + cols]
# If it's too short, add it to the end of the last row
if len(sublist) < cols:
newlist[-1] += sublist
# Add the next row in the list to the table
newlist += [sublist]
return newlist
def get_gdd_topics(topics, cols):
return to_table(topics, int(len(topics) / cols))
def find_gallery(name):
3 years ago
gal = [name]
if name == "Abbey":
3 years ago
gal.append([["dragon.png","lazy Abbey"], ["FlightRising.png","Abbey's sprite in FlightRising"],["BlackReshiram_Artfight.png","2022 Artfight attack by BlackReshiram"]])
if name == "Angel":
3 years ago
2 years ago
gal.append([["Chibipixel.png","One of Angel's sprites. I prefer taller, less cartoony sprites, but this style is so popular it was worth trying."],["pixelangel.png","Pixelart"],["AngelHeadphones.png","Pencil sketch"],["AngelHeadshot.png","Headshot of Angel and all her hair"],["picrew.png","made in あの子がこっちを見ている on Picrew"]])
3 years ago
if name == "Aries":
2 years ago
gal.append([["picrew.png","made in あの子がこっちを見ている on Picrew"]])
if name == "Aristen":
3 years ago
gal.append("Black Desert Online")
3 years ago
gal.append([["menu.jpg","Aristen's fancy set"], ["scarf.jpg", "Newbie Aristen"], ["marine.jpg","Aristen in the Epheria Marine Classic Set"]])
2 years ago
if name == "Bijoux":
gal.append([["picrew.png","made in あの子がこっちを見ている on Picrew"]])
3 years ago
if name == "Bless":
2 years ago
gal.append([["Bless+Rune.png","Bless and her Canaanite giant son"]])
if name == "Calder":
3 years ago
3 years ago
gal.append([["pixelheadshot.png", "Calder's human form"], ["FlightRising.png","Calder\'s sprite in FlightRising"]])
2 years ago
if name == "CatMan":
gal.append("City of Heroes")
gal.append([["selectscreen.png","Cat Man"],["hidden.png","Cat Man never turns off Hide"]])
if name == "Chimchooree":
3 years ago
gal.append([["couture.jpg","Chimchooree in her oyster pink tiered couture dress"],["Headshot.jpg","Her closeup."]])
if name == "Chloe":
3 years ago
2 years ago
gal.append([["girls.png","Angel, Chloe, and Tessa"], ["pencil.png","Pencil"], ["picrew.png","made in あの子がこっちを見ている on Picrew"]])
3 years ago
if name == "Dia":
if name == "Eden":
if name == "Helia":
3 years ago
3 years ago
gal.append([["AnimeEnding.png","A still from an attempt to emulate the Little Busters ending animation. Man, animating is hard."],["wm.png","wip lol"],["Girls.png","Helia and Tessa"],["Headshot.png","emulating the art style of Battle Girl High School"]])
if name == "Lune":
3 years ago
2 years ago
gal.append([["RingOfFire.jpg","Lune in the Ring of Fire in her Vabbian"],["HallOfMonuments.png","My Guild Wars Necromancer showing off her Hall of Monuments"],["PhariseeFlying.jpg","My Aion Elysian Spiritmaster with really pretty hair"],["LuneMarine.png","Lune Marine, my gold side resistance Water Controller in City of Heroes"],["ArcheageGuild.jpg","My ArcheAge dwarf ghost girl with gold-dipped hair and a frilly gown, plus her guildmates"],["Pixelmon.png","Customs Officer Lune and her sidekick Lilligant in Pixelmon"],["tinypool.png","Bikini Lune in a tiny pool with her kitty in Minecraft"]])
3 years ago
if name == "Night":
if name == "Rune":
3 years ago
2 years ago
gal.append([["AnimeEnding.png","A still from an attempt to emulate the Little Busters ending animation. Man, animating is hard."],["Bless+Rune.png","Rune and his dinosaur mother"],["Blessfrey.png","Emulating old RPG coverart like Elden Gate in mixed media. Don't feel like working on it anymore."],["FlightRising.png","his oc dragon form in FlightRising"],["RuneHeadshot.png","emulating the art style of Battle Girl High School"],["CawfeeCakes_Artfight.png","2022 Artfight attack by CawfeeCakes"],["Teriuuuu_Artfight.png","2020 Artfight attack by Teriuuuu"]])
if name == "Silke":
3 years ago
gal.append([["Silke.png","emulating the art style of Yuu Watase in pixelart"],["Silke_png.png","still emulating the art style of Yuu Watase"],["Verpets.png","Silke's sprite in Verpets"]])
if name == "Tessa":
3 years ago
3 years ago
gal.append([["Tessa.png","Pixelart of Tessa in athletic wear"],["picrew.png","made in あの子がこっちを見ている on Picrew"],["FlightRising.png","her oc dragon form in FlightRising"],["RamblingRoses_Artfight.png","2020 Artfight attack by RamblingRoses"],["Lune_Archon_Artfight.jpeg","2022 Artfight attack by Lune_Archon"],["ElissaKarminakria_Artfight.png","2020 Artfight attack by ElissaKarminakria"],["gemhue_Artfight.png","2020 Artfight attack by gemhue"],["Cyan_moo_Artfight.png","2020 Artfight attack by Cyan_moo"]])
if name == "WISE":
3 years ago
gal.append([["WISE.png","WISE processing a query"],["CityOfHeroes.png","I made WISE in City of Heroes, too. She's an Electric/Empathy Controller."]])
3 years ago
return gal
3 years ago
def prepare_profile(loc, char_name):
3 years ago
result = []
for i in ["label","basics","story","desc"]:
string = ""
with open(loc + char_name + "-" + i) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
string += line
return result
3 years ago
# Return list of snippets using list of articles
def list_snippets(articles):
loc = 'diary/entries/'
limit = 4
total = len(articles)
result = []
for article in articles:
path = loc + article
text = []
a = []
length = 0
text = article2list(article, loc)
a.append(prepare_article(text, path))
return result
# List latest 5 articles as headline links
def list_headlines(articles):
loc = 'diary/entries/'
result = []
text = []
for article in articles:
path = loc + article
b = []
with open(path) as f:
text = f.readline()
return result
# Return first two sentences of article + " ... "
def snip_sentence(article, path):
article = clean(article)
limit = 100
result = article[0:min(len(article),limit)]
result = result.rsplit(' ',1)[0]
return result + " ... "
# Return first 300 words of article + " ... "
def snip_article(article, path):
article = clean(article)
limit = 300
result = article[0:min(len(article),limit)]
result = result.rsplit(' ',1)[0]
return result + " ... "
# Snip article and close any open list tags
def prepare_article(text, path):
content = snip_article(find_content(text), path)
#if content.count('<code>') > content.count('</code>'):
# content += '</code>'
#if content.count('<pre>') > content.count('</pre>'):
# content += '</pre>'
# if code, add <br> every few characters to not break the snippet format
cleanr = re.compile('<pre>')
content = re.sub(cleanr, '', content)
cleanr = re.compile('<code>')
content = re.sub(cleanr, '', content)
if content.count('<ul>') > content.count('</ul>'):
content += '</ul>'
return content
# Return article text without HTML header
def find_content(text):
length = len(text)
content = ""
# form a string from relevant lines of the article
pos = 0
for line in text:
# skip to line 5
if pos > 3 and pos < length:
content += line
pos += 1
return content
def find_tags(text):
new = text[2].replace('<br>','')
new = new.replace('\n','')
new = new.split(" ")
final = []
for n in new:
if len(n) <= 0:
if '#' in n:
return final
# Return title of article, formatted for sharing via social media
def find_social_title(text):
return clean(text[1]).replace(' ','+')
# Return URL of article
def find_url(path):
return '/' + path.replace('.tpl','')
# Return clean timestamp
def find_timestamp(page):
date = str(page)
#timestamp is based off file name. Leading zeroes are removed from day; year assumes 21th century.
return datetime.datetime.strptime(str(page)[2:4], "%m").strftime("%B").lower() + " " + re.sub("^0+(?!$)", "", (date)[4:]) + ", 20" + (date)[:2]
# Return clean title
def find_title(text):
return clean(text[1])
# Return list of files with given tag
def pull_tag(files, tag):
pull = []
for f in files:
tags = find_tags(article2list(str(f), 'diary/entries/'))
if "#" + tag in tags:
return pull
def retrieve_diary_entry_content(page,loc):
text = []
string = ""
with open(loc + str(page)) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if lines.index(line) >= 4:
string += line
return string
def list_rec(page):
loc = 'diary/entries/'
result = []
rec = []
comment = ""
if isinstance(page, int):
# Collect recommended articles from comment line
with open('diary/entries/' + str(page)) as f:
comment = f.readline()
comment = comment.replace('<!--','')
comment = comment.replace('-->','')
comment = comment.replace(' ','')
comment = clean(comment)
rec = comment.split(',')
# Convert into array for template to display
for article in rec:
if is_it_time(article):
path = loc + article
data = []
with open(path) as f:
except EnvironmentError:
print("No article @ " + path)
return result
def prepare_diary_entry(page, loc):
result = []
with open(loc + str(page)) as f:
text = []
text = article2list(str(page), loc)
result.append(retrieve_diary_entry_content(page, loc))
result.append(find_url(loc + str(page)))
return result
# Return article as list of lines of text
def article2list(article, loc):
text = []
with open(loc + article) as f:
text = f.readlines()
return text
# return list of diary entry tags, sorted by frequency
def fill_word_cloud(files):
tags = []
for f in files:
temp = find_tags(article2list(str(f), 'diary/entries/'))
for t in temp:
cloud = []
i = 0
while i < 24:
if len(tags) > 0:
top = max(set(tags), key = tags.count)
tags[:] = [x for x in tags if x != top]
i += 1
return cloud
def curate_files(files):
# remove folders
if 'hold' in files:
# remove
clean = []
for f in files:
if f == '':
if is_it_time(f):
return clean
# Sort diary - newest to oldest
def sort_files(files):
return files
# Return list of all diary entries (exclude raws + extras)
def gather_files(loc):
files = os.listdir(loc)
return files
def gather_and_sort(loc):
return sort_files(curate_files(gather_files(loc)))
def is_it_time(date):
if date == '':
return False
today =
today_string = today.strftime("%y") + today.strftime("%m") + today.strftime("%d")
3 years ago
return int(date) <= int(today_string)
def prepare_gdd_page(page, loc):
result = []
with open(loc + page) as f:
result = f.readlines()
content = ''.join(result)
return content
4 years ago
## Static ##
4 years ago
# Serve CSS
def serve_css(filename):
return static_file(filename, root='static/css')
2 years ago
# Serve fonts
def serve_font(filename):
return static_file(filename, root='static/font', mimetype='text/ttf')
4 years ago
# Serve images
def serve_img(filename):
return static_file(filename, root='static/img')
# Favico
@route('/favicon.ico', method='GET')
def get_favicon():
2 years ago
return static_file('favicon.ico', root='static/img')
# Serve XML
3 years ago
def serve_xml(filename):
return static_file(filename, root='static/xml', mimetype='text/xml')
# Downloads
def download(filename):
return static_file(filename, root='static/extra', download=filename)
# Robots
@route('/robots.txt', method='GET')
def get_robots():
return static_file('robots.txt', root='static')
4 years ago
## Routes ##
3 years ago
# Error Page
def error404(error):
return "unfortunately, a 404 error. the page you're searching for doesn't exist. (or is it just in hiding?) try another page! <a href=/>return to</a> "
3 years ago
def error500(error):
return "unfortunately, a 500 error. something is wrong with the page you're trying to find, if it exists at all. try another page! <a href=/>return to</a>"
3 years ago
def error502(error):
3 years ago
return "unfortunately, a 502 error. this was likely due to website maintenance. usually it'll be back up before you finish reading this, but otherwise, I'll notice something's wrong soon! <a href=>return to</a>"
3 years ago
# About Blessfrey Page
def about():
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'about blessfrey', 'year': find_year()}
return template('about.tpl', info)
3 years ago
# Art Gallery Page
def art():
info = {'css': 'art', 'title': 'blessfrey art gallery', 'year': find_year()}
3 years ago
return template('art.tpl', info)
# OC Page
@route('/characters') # redirect
def char3():
return char("Helia")
@route('/char/') # if no OC given
def char2():
return char("Helia")
3 years ago
def char(char_name):
"""character page"""
loc = 'char/'
2 years ago
info = {'css': 'char', 'title': 'blessfrey - characters | meet ' + char_name, 'year': find_year(), 'ocs': ["Helia", "Rune", "Angel", "Tessa", "Bless", "Abbey", "Calder", "Silke", "Bijoux", "CatMan", "Aristen", "Chimchooree", "Lune"], 'name': char_name, 'profile': prepare_profile(loc, char_name), 'gallery': find_gallery(char_name)}
3 years ago
abs_app_dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
abs_views_path = os.path.join(abs_app_dir_path, 'views')
TEMPLATE_PATH.insert(0, abs_views_path )
return template(os.path.join(abs_views_path,'char.tpl'), info)
# Blessfrey Credits Page
def credits():
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'blessfrey credits', 'year': find_year()}
return template('credits.tpl', info)
# Blessfrey Games Page
def games():
info = {'css': 'games', 'title': 'blessfrey games', 'year': find_year()}
return template('games.tpl', info)
# Diary Page
def home():
return diary(0)
@route('/diary') # Start on first Diary page if no page given
def diary2():
return diary(0)
@route('/diary/') # Slash is optional
def diary3():
return diary(0)
def diary(page):
3 years ago
loc = 'diary/entries/'
assert isinstance(page, int)
info = {'css': 'diary', 'title': 'chimchooree\'s diary', 'year': find_year(), 'snippets': list_snippets(gather_and_sort(loc)), 'latest': list_headlines(gather_and_sort(loc)[0:5]), 'tags': fill_word_cloud(curate_files(gather_files(loc))), 'total': len(curate_files(gather_files(loc))), 'limit': 8, 'cluster': 3, 'page': page}
3 years ago
return template('diary.tpl', info)
# Entry Page - Feature Template - for articles
def entry(page):
"""diary entry"""
if not is_it_time(page):
return error404(404)
loc = 'diary/entries/'
entry = prepare_diary_entry(page, loc)
info = {'css': 'entry', 'title': entry[0] + ' (blessfrey developer diary)', 'year': find_year(), 'entry': entry, 'recommends': list_rec(page), 'articles': "Articles", 'latest': list_headlines(gather_and_sort(loc)[0:5]), 'tags': fill_word_cloud(curate_files(gather_files(loc))), 'page': page}
abs_app_dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
abs_views_path = os.path.join(abs_app_dir_path, 'views')
TEMPLATE_PATH.insert(0, abs_views_path )
return template(os.path.join(abs_views_path,'entry.tpl'), info)
# Blessfrey Game Design Document Page - change the 5 for more or less columns
def gddbf():
"""Game Design Document"""
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'blessfrey gdd', 'year': find_year(), 'topics': get_gdd_topics(
2 years ago
["achievement", "ai", "armor-rating", "attack-loop", "attribute", "attribute-point", "cast", "character", "collision", "controls", "credits", "damage-type", "death-penalty", "design-philosophy", "dialogue", "docs", "environment-effect", "fog-of-war", "gear", "gig", "groups", "highlight", "ID", "inspect menu", "inventory", "item", "job", "keyword", "KnowledgeBase", "language", "life", "marketing", "mechanics", "MessageBus", "Mercur", "milestones", "miracles", "pathfinding", "perk", "pip", "projectile", "proxemics", "punishment", "setting", "skill", "smartphone", "spirit", "status-effect", "store", "story", "style guide", "terms", "ui", "vibe", "website", "xp", "xp-bar", "zone"],3
return template('bf-gdd.tpl', info)
def gdd():
return gddbf()
def page(page):
if page.lower() == "credits":
return credits()
if page.lower() == "cast":
return char2()
if page.lower() == "milestones":
return milestones()
if page.lower() == "setting":
return setting()
if page.lower() in ["style","style guide", "style%20guide"]:
return style()
if page.lower() in ["mechanics","game-mechanics","game_mechanics"]:
return mech()
# if page.lower() in ["job","keyword","skill"]:
# return mechpage(page)
loc = 'blessfrey-gdd/'
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'Blessfrey GDD - ' + page, 'year': find_year(), 'topic': page.lower(), 'writeup': prepare_gdd_page(page, loc)}
return template('page.tpl', info)
# Blessfrey Docs (Objects, Variables, & Methods)
def docs():
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'Blessfrey Documentation', 'year': find_year(), 'topic': 'docs', 'writeup': prepare_gdd_page('docs', 'blessfrey-gdd/docs/')}
return template('page.tpl', info)
def docpage(page):
loc = 'blessfrey-gdd/docs/'
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'Blessfrey GDD - ' + page, 'year': find_year(), 'topic': '<a href="/blessfrey-gdd/docs">docs</a> ~ ' + page.lower(), 'writeup': prepare_gdd_page(page, loc)}
return template('page.tpl', info)
# Blessfrey Mechanics
def mech():
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'game mechanics (blessfrey GDD)', 'year': find_year(), 'topic': 'game mechanics', 'writeup': prepare_gdd_page('mechanics', 'blessfrey-gdd/mechanics/')}
return template('page.tpl', info)
def mechpage(page):
loc = 'blessfrey-gdd/mechanics/'
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'blessfrey GDD - ' + page, 'year': find_year(), 'topic': '<a href="/blessfrey-gdd/mechanics">game mechanic</a> ~ ' + page.lower(), 'writeup': prepare_gdd_page(page, loc)}
return template('page.tpl', info)
# Blessfrey Style Guide Page
def style3():
return style()
def style2():
return style()
def style1():
return style()
def style():
"""style guide"""
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'blessfrey style guide', 'year': find_year()}
return template('style-guide.tpl', info)
# Location Page
@route('/location/') # if no location given
def loc3():
return setting()
@route('/loc/') # if no location given
def loc2():
return setting()
def loc(page):
"""location page"""
loc = 'loc/'
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'blessfrey GDD - setting - ' + page, 'year': find_year(), 'topic': page.lower(), 'writeup': prepare_gdd_page(page, loc)}
return template('page-setting.tpl', info)
# loc = 'location/'
# info = {'css': 'char', 'title': 'blessfrey - location | about ' + location_name, 'year': find_year(), 'name': location_name, 'profile': prepare_profile(loc, location_name), 'gallery': find_gallery(location_name)}
# abs_app_dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# abs_views_path = os.path.join(abs_app_dir_path, 'views')
# TEMPLATE_PATH.insert(0, abs_views_path )
# return template(os.path.join(abs_views_path,'char.tpl'), info)
# Me Page
def me():
info = {'css': 'me', 'title': 'meet me, chimchooree', 'year': find_year()}
return template('me.tpl', info)
# Feature Requirements
def milestones():
"""feature requirements"""
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'blessfrey milestones', 'year': find_year()}
return template('milestones.tpl', info)
# Blessfrey - Feature Requirements Page
def milestones():
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'blessfrey milestones', 'year': find_year()}
return template('milestones-bf.tpl', info)
# Lemonland - Feature Requirements Page
def milestones():
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'blessfrey milestones', 'year': find_year()}
return template('milestones-ll.tpl', info)
# Blue Planet - Feature Requirements Page
def milestones():
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'blessfrey milestones', 'year': find_year()}
return template('milestones-bp.tpl', info)
# LazyWiki - Feature Requirements Page
def milestones():
"""feature requirements"""
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'blessfrey milestones', 'year': find_year()}
return template('milestones-lw.tpl', info)
# Planner Page
def planner():
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'personal planner', 'year': find_year()}
return template('planner.tpl', info)
3 years ago
# Blessfrey Presskit Page
def presskit():
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'blessfrey presskit', 'year': find_year()}
3 years ago
return template('blessfrey-presskit.tpl', info)
# Sitemap
def sitemap():
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'blessfrey sitemap', 'year': find_year()}
return template('sitemap.tpl', info)
# Species Page
@route('/race/') # if no species given
def spec4():
return species("human")
def spec3(species_name):
return species(species_name)
@route('/species/') # if no species given
def spec2():
return species("human")
def spec(species_name):
"""species page"""
loc = 'species/'
info = {'css': 'char', 'title': 'blessfrey - species | meet ' + species_name, 'year': find_year(), 'ocs': ["human","giant","serpent"], 'name': species_name, 'profile': prepare_profile(loc, species_name), 'gallery': find_gallery(species_name)}
abs_app_dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
abs_views_path = os.path.join(abs_app_dir_path, 'views')
TEMPLATE_PATH.insert(0, abs_views_path )
return template(os.path.join(abs_views_path,'species.tpl'), info)
# Blessfrey - Setting Page
def setting2():
return setting()
def setting():
info = {'css': 'doc', 'title': 'blessfrey gdd - setting', 'year': find_year()}
return template('setting.tpl', info)
# Blessfrey Wiki Page
def study():
info = {'css': 'games', 'title': 'blessfrey wiki', 'year': find_year()}
return template('study.tpl', info)
# Search Diary by Tag
@route('/diary/tag/<tagin>') # Start on first Diary tag page if no page given
def tag2(tagin):
return tag(tagin, 0)
@route('/diary/tag/<tagin>/<page:int>') # Tag Page - Diary Tag Template - list all articles for tag
def tag(tagin, page):
"""tag page"""
loc = 'diary/entries/'
assert isinstance(tagin, str)
assert isinstance(page, int)
info = {'css': 'diary', 'title': 'blessfrey developer diary', 'year': find_year(), 'snippets': list_snippets(pull_tag(gather_and_sort(loc), tagin)), 'latest': list_headlines(gather_and_sort(loc)[0:5]), 'tags': fill_word_cloud(curate_files(gather_files(loc))), 'total': len(curate_files(gather_files(loc))), 'limit': 8, 'cluster': 3, 'page': page}
return template('diary.tpl', info)
3 years ago
4 years ago
## Main ##
if __name__ == '__main__':
3 years ago
run(host='', port=9001)