@ -1,14 +1,39 @@
import datetime
from os import listdir
from bottle import route, run, template
# diary
def make_snippets():
def build_nav():
return "nav"
def list_snippets(articles):
# take articles between 0-4, 5-8, 9-13,...) based on current page
# for each one of those articles,
# snip_article(article)
limit = 4
total = len(files)
def snip_article(article):
# read text in article
# clean 250 first characters
# add to snippet
# add "read more" button that links to article to snippet
return "snippet"
def make_latest():
# for article in array (just 5 or something)
# link to webpage
return "latest"
def sort_files(files):
# sort array so articles are latest to earliest
return list(reversed(files))
def gather_files():
# directory to list
return os.listdir()
# Webpages